Adlard Coles' Heavy Weather Sailing, Sixth Edition

Book Description

The seamanship classic you should have on-board when sailing in rough weather Adlard Coles' Heavy Weather Sailing provides you with expert advice for when you venture out of sight of land, whether for racing or cruising. It gives a clear message of seamanlike design features, preparations, and tactics that you should consider against the time when it comes on to blow. It includes new how-to chapters on storm sails, taking shelter, and managing multihulls in storms, plus thrilling new accounts of actual storm encounters.

Heavy Weather Sailing 8th edition

Book Description

For over 50 years Heavy Weather Sailing has been regarded as the ultimate international authority on surviving storms at sea aboard sailing and motor vessels. In this book, former Commodore of the Ocean Cruising Club Martin Thomas brings together a wealth of expert advice from many of the great sailors of the present, including fresh accounts of yachts overtaken by extreme weather, from Ewan Southby-Tailyour, Alex Whitworth and Dag Pike to Larry and Lin Pardey, Matt Sheahan and Andrew Claughton. The expert advice section has been updated in line with current thinking, with major new additions tackling preventing or coping with lightning strikes, navigating in heavy weather with both paper and electronic charts, the choice and use of tenders in severe weather, and special problems faced by the new generation of foiled cruising boats. For the first time the book also covers the unique challenges presented by weather in high latitudes, with more yachts crossing the Drake Passage and attempting the North West Passage. These revisions ensure that Heavy Weather Sailing is as relevant, useful and instructive for today's sailor venturing offshore as it ever was. This is the definitive book for crews of any size contemplating voyages out of sight of land anywhere in the world, whether racing or cruising. It gives a clear message regarding the preparations required, and the tactics to consider when it comes on to blow.

Heavy Weather Sailing 7th edition

Book Description

For 50 years Heavy Weather Sailing has been regarded as the ultimate international authority on surviving storms at sea aboard sailing and motor vessels. The first edition was compiled by Kaines Adlard Coles himself in 1967. Since then technology may have improved, but the weather certainly hasn't. This is the seventh updated edition, edited by racing yachtsman Peter Bruce, ensuring that in its 50th year the book remains as relevant and as essential as it has been for the previous five decades. The book brings together a wealth of expert advice from many of the great sailors of the present, including fresh accounts of yachts overtaken by extreme weather, from Ewan Southby-Tailyour, Alex Whitworth and Peter Cook to Larry and Lin Pardey. It also includes a new Foreword by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Britain's most high profile yachtsman of the past 50 years. The expert advice section has been updated in line with current thinking, and there has been a major update to the chapter focusing on the use of storm sails as well as to the use of drag devices. The technique of taking refuge has been reviewed and updated, and the chapters dealing with preparations for heavy weather and its effect on yacht design have been overhauled. These revisions ensure that Heavy Weather Sailing is as relevant, useful and instructive for today's sailor venturing offshore as it ever was – perhaps more so in the light of tragic disasters like the loss of the Cheeky Raffiki mid-Atlantic on a delivery trip after her season racing in the Caribbean. This is the definitive book for crews of any size contemplating voyages out of sight of land anywhere in the world, whether racing or cruising. It gives a clear message regarding the preparations required, and the tactics to consider when it comes on to blow.

Heavy Weather Powerboating

Book Description

This book will be the equivalent on powerboating to our classic, bestselling sailing reference Heavy Weather Sailing and will be the powerboating standard reference for heavy weather operation.

Heavy Weather Sailing

Book Description

Since this book was written over 30 years ago by the great British sailor K. Adlard Coles, it has become the standard work on seamanship under gale conditions. More than 100,000 English-language copies have been printed, and there are editions in French, German, Dutch, Italian, Swedish, and Spanish. The thirtieth-anniversary edition of this classic includes sections on parachute sea anchors and drogues, crew fitness, and management advice, and new material on meteorology and on seasick remedies. Ample advice from great sailors such as Oiln Stephens, Robin Knox-Johnston, and Val Haigh is augmented by new material by Dag Pike and Mike Golding. Also new in this edition is a section on multihulls in heavy weather. Part 1 provides expert advice for crews of any vessel that ventures out of sight of land, whether for racing or cruising. It gives a clear message of seamanlike design features, preparations, and tactics that should be considered against the time when it comes on to blow. Part 2 offers hair-raising accounts of sail and power yachts overtaken by heavy weather. New in this edition are accounts of the 1998 Sydney - Hobart disaster, the 1994 Queen's Birthday storm off New Zealand, as well as other storm stories from the world's oceans. No one who goes to sea in his or her own craft can afford to ignore the advice in Adlard Coles' Heavy Weather Sailing. Dramatic black-and-white photos of storm seas combine with 60 new color shots throughout the book.

The Annapolis Book of Seamanship

Book Description

Completely revised and updated to address changes in technology and safety standards, this new edition is the definitive guide to the art and science of sailing. Since the publication of the first edition in 1983, The Annapolis Book of Seamanship has set the standard by which other books on sailing are measured.

Storm Tactics Handbook

Book Description

Since writing the previous edition of Storm Tactics Handbook, Lin and Larry have voyaged an additional 55,000 miles. This has taken them as far north as Norway, twice across the Atlantic, south to Argentina and into the Pacific, around Cape Horn contrary to the prevailing winds then on a North Pacfic circuit. With insights gained from these recent voyages, they have fully revised and expanded this text by more than 40% including seven completely new chapters – among them;

Lessons from Cape Horn,

An interview on storm survival and heaving to with the late Sir Peter Blake,

Heaving-to using a Gale Rider on 55 foot Morgan’s Cloud,

Adding Rudder Protection Stops.

Discussions on avoiding chafe, building and using storm staysails, choosing storm gear, when to deploy para-anchors, tactics for avoiding the worst areas of cyclonic storms and many more have been expanded to answer questions posed by readers and seminar attendees.

Surviving the Storm

Book Description

Stress-Free Sailing

Book Description

The vast majority of sailing yacht scenarios comprise a couple sailing the boat together, and needing to carry out all manoeuvres and activities themselves with no help from a back-up crew. Their boat handling, navigation, sail handling, anchoring and mooring skills all have to be carried out both efficiently and effectively, preferably with the minimum of physical effort (to conserve energy). But most sailing technique books assume a crew of 3 or 4, all willing to lend a hand. This book is therefore a first, addressing the most common sailing scenarios that anyone cruising will have to deal with, and providing clever, original, highly effective (and most importantly successfully tried and tested by the author) techniques and solutions for dealing with the huge variety of essential operations on a boat – from sail setting and reefing, to picking up mooring buoys in a variety of wind and tide situations, anchoring, berthing and leaving a pontoon shorthanded, picking up a man overboard, sailing in fog and heavy weather – and even going up the mast. This book will be a godsend to anyone sailing single or shorthanded – including couples with young children who need to be supervised by one parent whilst the other runs the boat. Organised into techniques for different cruising scenarios, the book features step by step sequential photos showing exactly how to approach each situation and carry out the task in hand.

Heavy Weather Sailing

Book Description