Administra Tu Pasion

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Passion & Purpose

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Provides an overview of the big issues in the business world today, with firsthand accounts from young leaders tasked with tackling these issues head on.

Across a Hundred Mountains

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Grande puts a human face on the epic story about those who make it across the border into America, those who never make it across, and those who are left behind.

The Jesus Model

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The JESUS Modelis a unique guide to church planting based upon the ways and teachings of Jesus. It is written for those who want both a biblical foundation and practical help in starting new churches. The JESUS Model is also a training manual for disciples at four levels: discipling, coaching, leading a ministry area and leading a church plant. The author's radical vision is for this sort of training to be a constantly self-replicating cycle in churches. Each member is discipling and being discipled to be most effective, according to his or her gifts, in the church's task of multiplication by planting new churches. The goal of all training is 'doing' - disciples demonstrate that they have learnt by 'putting it into practice'. Dietrich shows that this kind of discipleship is the fruit of a real and intimate relationship with Jesus, and that a trusting, mutually accountablesmall group helps us to maintain that relationship. He also shares from his own life how he has practised the principles that he encourages others to follow. Dietrich Schindler holds a DMin from Fuller Seminary in the USA. Born and raised in the US by German immigrant parents, he subsequently returned to Germany, where he has since planted and pastored five new churches. Since 2008 he heads up the Church Planting department of the Evangelical Free Church of Germany. He has taught church planting at four seminaries in Germany, and has been invited to speak about church planting at conferences in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. This book first appeared in German in 2010 under the titleDas Jesus-Modell: Gemenden grunden wie Jesus.Dietrich is married to Jan Carla and they have three grown-up children.

Child of the Morning

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Reared by her Pharoh father to assume his throne upon his death, Hatshepsut--a real historical figure--has to contend with her weak half-brother before she can realize her dream.

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Bachiller Teologico

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En respuesta a mis 25 años de docente a nivel medio superior y superior yo he querido hacer un regalo muy especial a todos aquellos jóvenes hombres y mujeres que tienen el fi rme compromiso de ser mejores ciudadanos por la via de las humanidades y que desconocen los fundamentos históricos de su fe. Bachiller. Del francés bachelier, joven que aspira a ser caballero. Digamos que es aquel que tiene los conocimientos pre-universitarios para continuar con su formación académica profesional en todos los sentidos, primeramente la religiosa, la del hermano, la del padre comprometido, la de la madre educadora de sus hijos, y cuantos roles más juega el hombre y la mujer en esta vida, muchos diría yo y muy variados, bueno para todos los jóvenes de buena voluntad que quieren aprender más de su fe, este libro es para ustedes. Guarden en sus corazones la palabra de Dios, en sus mentes la justicia y en su corazón la esperanza viva de ser mejores cada día, si lo logran habre considerado que este libro sencillo pero humilde de teología sea un tesoro en tus manos, al que se requiere acudir a él como un amigo sincero. Con profundo afecto dedico mi trabajo a tantos alumnos de bachillerato que continua dudando de la experiencia milenaria de la iglesia que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. A mis amigos los maestros que tienen las mismas inquietudes, y a mis amigos sinceros a quien dejo el siguiente mensaje. Recomienden lo bueno. A pesar de que este material es digerible, recomiendo dos diccionarios que fácilmente se pueden adquirir via electrónica. Diccionario digital católico. Net. Enciclopedia de teología "sacramentum mundi". A Todo maestro laico o religioso que recomiende este libro solo le puedo expresar mi profundo agradecimiento.

Federal Register

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Project Independence Blueprint

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