Administración de sistemas informáticos

Book Description

Forma en la manera de administrar y gestionar óptimamente los recursos informáticos, detectando y corrigiendo los problemas que puedan surgir.

Finanzas municipales

Book Description

Desde Detroit hasta Lahore, la mayoría de las ciudades del mundo enfrentan problemas financieros, y aun así se espera que lleven a cabo sus funciones cada vez más complejas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales toma partido. Se pone del lado de los alcaldes y de los responsables de los asuntos municipales. Son escasas las publicaciones sobre este tema dirigidas tan directa y pragmáticamente a las autoridades decisorias y al personal financiero a nivel local. El contenido y los mensajes principales procuran responder a las inquietudes y a las cuestiones que enfrentan diariamente las ciudades y los municipios en la administración de sus finanzas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales asume una posición. En ocho capítulos, en esta obra se pasa revista a las lecciones aprendidas sobre relaciones intergubernamentales; finanzas de las áreas metropolitanas; gestión financiera, de los ingresos, de los gastos y de los activos públicos; financiamiento externo, y medición del desempeño de las finanzas municipales. Abarca temas tales como la descentralización, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, y aborda temas menos explorados como la gestión de activos, la capacidad crediticia, la respuesta frente a crisis financieras y los mecanismos de presentación de informes a los diversos niveles de gobierno y a la ciudadanía. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales hace un llamado a la acción. No solo aporta conocimientos de avanzada en muchas cuestiones técnicas, sino que también guía a los gobiernos locales en el laberinto de los instrumentos existentes. En particular, la autoevaluación de las finanzas municipales que se propone en el capítulo 8 debería ayudar a los municipios a evaluar su propia situación y a avanzar en la senda de las reformas.

Management Information Systems

Book Description

Management Information Systems provides comprehensive and integrative coverage of essential new technologies, information system applications, and their impact on business models and managerial decision-making in an exciting and interactive manner. The twelfth edition focuses on the major changes that have been made in information technology over the past two years, and includes new opening, closing, and Interactive Session cases.

Law, Reason and Emotion

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Volume II: Special Workshops Initia Via Editora

Computer Science – CACIC 2021

Book Description

This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 27th Argentine Congress on Computer Science, CACIC 2021, held in Salta, Argentina in October 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held in a virtual mode. The 18 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 130 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: intelligent agents and systems; distributed and parallel processing; computer technology applied to education; graphic computation, images and visualization; software engineering; databases and data mining; hardware architectures, networks, and operating systems; innovation in software systems; signal processing and real-time systems; computer security; and digital governance and smart cities.

Encyclopedia of Digital Government

Book Description

Containing more than 250 articles, this three-volume set provides a broad basis for understanding issues, theories, and applications faced by public administrations and public organizations, as they strive for more effective government through the use of emerging technologies. This publication is an essential reference tool for academic, public, and private libraries.

Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

Book Description

Provides research on e-government and its implications within the global context. Covers topics such as digital government, electronic justice, government-to-government, information policy, and cyber-infrastructure research and methodologies.

Latina Magazine

Book Description

Entec Directory Of Environmental Technology European Edition

Book Description

The Entec Directory of Environmental Technology, European Edition is the only comprehensive reference to cover producers and users of goods and services in these areas of environmental concern: Water Air Solid waste Hazardous waste Noise vibration Energy Information, including up-to-date names and addresses, is featured for more than 20,000 companies from the 20 countries of Western Europe. Thousands of products, processes, and services have been categorized under 865 specific products and service groups. Never before has such a massive reference to European environmental goods and services been compiled. The book will be invaluable to anyone in government, industry, science and education, or the professional arena who would like to utilize European environmental technology.

Global Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

Book Description

"This collection compiles research in all areas of the global information domain. It examines culture in information systems, IT in developing countries, global e-business, and the worldwide information society, providing critical knowledge to fuel the future work of researchers, academicians and practitioners in fields such as information science, political science, international relations, sociology, and many more"--Provided by publisher.