Administration of the Contract Closeout Process at the Defense Contract Management District West

Book Description

Defense Contract Management District West (DCMDW), is one of five Defense Contract Management Districts (formerly Defense Contract Administration Services Regions) within the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) that provides contract administration services to DoD and other departments and agencies of the Federal Government. As of December 31, 1988, DCMDW was administering 94,833 contracts with unliquidated obligations of $20.3 billion. DCMDW uses an automated system,

Administration of the Contract Closeout Process at the Defense Contract Management District Mid Atlantic

Book Description

The Defense Contract Management District Mid Atlantic (DCMDM) is one of five Defense Contract Management Districts (formerly nine Defense Contract Administration Services Regions) within the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) that provide contract administration services to DoD and other departments and agencies of the Federal Government. As of May 31, 1989, DCMDM was administering 85,010 contracts with unliquidated obligations of $13.8 billion. DCMDM uses an automated system, "Mechanization of Contract Administration Services," (MOCAS) to maintain control over the administration of contracts, including the contract closeout process. The system is designed to allow DCMDM employees to enter various types of basic contract data and actions into the data base for every contract the region administers. Data items and actions include contract numbers, obligation amounts, scheduled delivery dates, contract administration services required by the contract, modifications and changes to the basic contract, actual delivery quantities and dates, and payments. This information permits administrative contracting officers (ACO's) to monitor the status of the contracts, including the status of funds, deliveries, and other administrative actions.

Final Report on the Audit of the Administration of the Contract Closeout Process at the Defense Contract Management Region, Dallas

Book Description

This is our final report on the Audit of the Administration of the Contract Closeout Process at the Defense Contract Management Region, Dallas (DCMR, Dallas), for your information and use. The work covered by this report is part of our larger audit of the Defense Logistics Agency's contract closeout process. That audit is, in turn, a part of a related Government-wide audit sponsored by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. The audit was made from January to October 1989. The objectives of the audit were to determine the timeliness of the contract closeout process, the validity of unliquidated obligations on contracts awaiting closeout, and the timeliness of collection of overpayments on incentive contacts with cost underruns. As part of the audit, we also evaluated internal controls over the contract closeout process. As of December 31, 1988, the Contract Administration Report at DCMR, Dallas, showed that administrative contracting officers (ACO's) were administering 34,696 contracts and that 5,345 of those contracts were complete and awaiting contract closeout. The contracts that were awaiting closeout had $117.6 million of unliquidated obligations. The audit showed that, overall, the Defense Contract Management Region, Dallas, administered the contract closeout process effectively. The Defense Contract Management Region took actions during the audit to advise contracting officers of opportunities to deobligate funds and to take steps to recoup one overpayment. This report contains no recommendations.

Streamlining the Contract Closeout Process

Book Description

The primary purpose of this thesis is to review the management of the contract closeout process (primarily within the Defense Contract Management Command and selective Department of the Navy contracting activities) and determine if it is performed in an effective and efficient manner. The frequency of occurrence and level of difficulty of the fifteen contract closeout steps listed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) were assessed and analyzed. Secondary objectives include identifying the areas that impede the process and/ or are neglected throughout the process and the ramifications thereof. Finally, recommendations are presented for a "streamlined" approach to the contract closeout process that can be applied throughout the entire contract administration cycle.

Defense Contract Management

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Transformation of Department of Defense Contract Closeout

Book Description

The Department of Defense (DoD) has tens of thousands of contracts physically completed but not formally closed-out. At issue are potentially millions of dollars that are obligated on those contracts which could be deobligated, thus making them available for use by DoD. At the request of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition (ASN(RD&A) Acquisition Management)), our team was forced to chart the current contract closeout process and to recommend ways to improve and transform the process while reducing the current backlog of physically completed contracts. This report identifies the steps necessary to affect contract closeout once a contract becomes physically complete Utilizing data from available DoD and non- DoD sources and interviews from personnel managing and working within the contract closeout process, our team (1) identifies the major causes preventing contracts from closing in a timely manner, (2) provides recommended actions to reduce the size of the overaged inventory of physically completed contracts, and (3) recommends modification to the existing closeout process to include pre- award and administration period actions in order to reduce the number of contracts that become overaged.