Advanced Diesel Engines and Liquid Alternative Fuels

Book Description

"June 2003."/"SAE International Future Transportation Technology Conference, Costa Mesa, California, June 23-25, 2003"--Page [4] of cover./Includes bibliographical references

Optimizing the Performance and Emissions of an Advanced Diesel Engine for Dual Fuel Operation

Book Description

Energy is widely regarded as one of the key contributors to economic development and personal comfort. Economic expansion and energy use are closely related to one another. The availability of affordable, environmentally acceptable energy sources is necessary for the growth of an economy and for it to remain competitive on a global scale. Conversely, the level of economic development is considered to be affected by energy consumption. Due to rising population and economic development, consumption has recently increased. We are fortunate to have both moderate and renewable energy resources. We lack resources with a high energy density, such as nuclear power plants and fossil fuels. Diesel engines have slowly become more popular over the past century as a fuel-efficient and dependable form of transportation for commodities and the general public, as well as for other essential social needs, including small-scale power generation and other similar activities. They often have advantages over spark-ignition engines due to their reduced regulated emissions of CO, unburned HC & carbon dioxide (CO2) and better thermal efficiency. Diesel engines also have the advantage of using low-energy alternative fuels like biogas since they can run at a higher compression ratio. On the other hand, diesel engines generate dangerous pollutants, including PM and NOx. Because of their potential health hazards and effect on visibility, these emissions are a hazard. When exposed, particulate emissions have the potential to cause occupational cancer and have a number of other negative health effects. Diesel engines, when used as part of a transportation system, are widely acknowledged as a significant source of ambient particulate matter. Natural gas, a widely recognized gaseous alternative fuel, consists of various gas species and is derived from fossil sources. It is possible to find fossil natural gas either by itself or in conjunction with other fossil fuels (eg, coal in coal beds and crude oil in oil fields). Natural gas's properties are fundamentally identical to those of methane (CH4) which is its principal composition.

Naval Diesel Engineering

Book Description

Naval Diesel Engineering, The Fundamentals of Operation, Performance and Efficiency offers general operation principles concerning diesel engines, fuel and oil purifiers, speed controlling devices and common problems that limit engine efficiency. The reader will be able to explain the Navy Diesel Engineer’s function of speed limiting devices, the operation of the fuel oil system, factors that influence engine casualties and why engine efficiency is important. The prime concern for any Navy Diesel Engineer is to keep the machinery for which responsible, operating in the most efficient manner. Knowledge of the internal combustion engine process, engine operating conditions, fuel characteristics, fuel injection and other factors provide the reader with a better understanding of engine performance. This book unpacks factors related engine combustion and how it affect diesel engines, how the importance of clean fuel can never be overstressed, and how to recognize the fundamental starting, operating, and stopping procedures used for a diesel engine under normal operating, emergency, and casualty prevention conditions. This book provides information necessary for a better understanding of how diesel engines perform with efficiency and the many factors affect it. Only practical experience will truly teach the specific details involved in maintaining any one installation. The necessity of practical experience cannot be overemphasized when learning to recognize the symptoms of troubles. You will learn basic information regarding the troubles encountered when an engine does not perform properly, and to interpret the symptoms and warnings of impending trouble. You will be able to identify the causes of excessive consumption or contamination of lube oil, fuel, or water. Knowing these symptoms and being constantly on the alert for any troubles, enables mitigation of that which causes contamination. You will be introduced to a complete understanding of fuel injection and engine control, which is necessary for Navy Diesel Engineers to operate a diesel engine in a safe and effective manner. Additionally, an emphasis has been placed on helping the reader to gain a foundational understanding for diesel engine principles and related information. This is a remarkably wise guide for those desiring to learn how Navy Diesel Engineers operate diesel engines on board United States naval vessels.

Diesel Engine Technology

Book Description

The Workbook for Diesel Engine Technology provides a thorough guide to accompany the Diesel Engine Technology textbook. It highlights information, improves understanding, and simplifies the contents of the text. Answering the workbook questions will help you remember important ideas and concepts covered in the Diesel Engine Technology textbook. The workbook contains questions that serve as an additional study guide to Diesel Engine Technology. The workbook units correlate with those in the textbook. The order of the questions follows the sequence of the textbook material. This will make it easier for you to find information in the text and also to check your answers. By studying the Diesel Engine Technology textbook and finishing the workbook, you will develop a solid background in diesel engines. Additional knowledge and experience can be gained by hands-on experience. You should take every opportunity to learn all you can about diesel engines.

Handbook of Diesel Engines

Book Description

This machine is destined to completely revolutionize cylinder diesel engine up through large low speed t- engine engineering and replace everything that exists. stroke diesel engines. An appendix lists the most (From Rudolf Diesel’s letter of October 2, 1892 to the important standards and regulations for diesel engines. publisher Julius Springer. ) Further development of diesel engines as economiz- Although Diesel’s stated goal has never been fully ing, clean, powerful and convenient drives for road and achievable of course, the diesel engine indeed revolu- nonroad use has proceeded quite dynamically in the tionized drive systems. This handbook documents the last twenty years in particular. In light of limited oil current state of diesel engine engineering and technol- reserves and the discussion of predicted climate ogy. The impetus to publish a Handbook of Diesel change, development work continues to concentrate Engines grew out of ruminations on Rudolf Diesel’s on reducing fuel consumption and utilizing alternative transformation of his idea for a rational heat engine fuels while keeping exhaust as clean as possible as well into reality more than 100 years ago. Once the patent as further increasing diesel engine power density and was filed in 1892 and work on his engine commenced enhancing operating performance.

Diesel Engine Transient Operation

Book Description

Traditionally, the study of internal combustion engines operation has focused on the steady-state performance. However, the daily driving schedule of automotive and truck engines is inherently related to unsteady conditions. In fact, only a very small portion of a vehicle’s operating pattern is true steady-state, e. g. , when cruising on a motorway. Moreover, the most critical conditions encountered by industrial or marine engines are met during transients too. Unfortunately, the transient operation of turbocharged diesel engines has been associated with slow acceleration rate, hence poor driveability, and overshoot in particulate, gaseous and noise emissions. Despite the relatively large number of published papers, this very important subject has been treated in the past scarcely and only segmentally as regards reference books. Merely two chapters, one in the book Turbocharging the Internal Combustion Engine by N. Watson and M. S. Janota (McMillan Press, 1982) and another one written by D. E. Winterbone in the book The Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics of Internal Combustion Engines, Vol. II edited by J. H. Horlock and D. E. Winterbone (Clarendon Press, 1986) are dedicated to transient operation. Both books, now out of print, were published a long time ago. Then, it seems reasonable to try to expand on these pioneering works, taking into account the recent technological advances and particularly the global concern about environmental pollution, which has intensified the research on transient (diesel) engine operation, typically through the Transient Cycles certification of new vehicles.

The Vehicle Diesel Engine Start-up Process

Book Description

The start-up process constitutes one of the most important states of vehicle internal combustion engine operation. It enables the internal combustion engine to run autonomously in neutral gear. Increased emission of toxic components of exhaust gases, significant wear intensity of friction pairs of the engine, and occurrence of sudden overloads in the vehicle electrical start-up system can be observed during the start-up process. The Vehicle Diesel Engine Start-up Process: Operational and Environmental Aspects offers insight into the start-up process of a vehicle's diesel engine and is the result of the author’s academic research carried out for more than 25 years. The book discusses the impact of road transport on the natural environment of humans, with special attention to toxic emissions from diesel engines in particular. The multi-stage start-up process of an internal combustion engine is analyzed in terms of actual operation of vehicles in a selected transport system. Attention is also paid to the main factors that influence the start-up parameters of a diesel engine. The book is aimed at professionals and academics in mechanical engineering with an interest in environmental and operational aspects of internal combustion engines.