Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics

Book Description

As any human activity needs goals, mathematical research needs problems -David Hilbert Mechanics is the paradise of mathematical sciences -Leonardo da Vinci Mechanics and mathematics have been complementary partners since Newton's time and the history of science shows much evidence of the ben eficial influence of these disciplines on each other. Driven by increasingly elaborate modern technological applications the symbiotic relationship between mathematics and mechanics is continually growing. However, the increasingly large number of specialist journals has generated a du ality gap between the two partners, and this gap is growing wider. Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics (AMMA) is intended to bridge the gap by providing multi-disciplinary publications which fall into the two following complementary categories: 1. An annual book dedicated to the latest developments in mechanics and mathematics; 2. Monographs, advanced textbooks, handbooks, edited vol umes and selected conference proceedings. The AMMA annual book publishes invited and contributed compre hensive reviews, research and survey articles within the broad area of modern mechanics and applied mathematics. Mechanics is understood here in the most general sense of the word, and is taken to embrace relevant physical and biological phenomena involving electromagnetic, thermal and quantum effects and biomechanics, as well as general dy namical systems. Especially encouraged are articles on mathematical and computational models and methods based on mechanics and their interactions with other fields. All contributions will be reviewed so as to guarantee the highest possible scientific standards.

Advances in Applied Mathematics and Global Optimization

Book Description

The articles that comprise this distinguished annual volume for the Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics series have been written in honor of Gilbert Strang, a world renowned mathematician and exceptional person. Written by leading experts in complementarity, duality, global optimization, and quantum computations, this collection reveals the beauty of these mathematical disciplines and investigates recent developments in global optimization, nonconvex and nonsmooth analysis, nonlinear programming, theoretical and engineering mechanics, large scale computation, quantum algorithms and computation, and information theory.

Plasticity and Geotechnics

Book Description

Plasticity and Geotechnics is the first attempt to summarize and present in a single volume the major achievements in the field of plasticity theory for geotechnical materials and its applications to geotechnical analysis and design. The book emerges from the author’s belief that there is an urgent need for the geotechnical and solid mechanics community to have a unified presentation of plasticity theory and its application to geotechnical engineering.

Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB

Book Description

Since its introduction in 1984, MATLAB's ever-growing popularity and functionality have secured its position as an industry-standard software package. The user-friendly, interactive environment of MATLAB 6.x, which includes a high-level programming language, versatile graphics capabilities, and abundance of intrinsic functions, helps users focus on

An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials

Book Description

This fascinating book is a treatise on real space-age materials. It is a mathematical treatment of a novel concept in material science that characterizes the properties of dynamic materials—that is, material substances whose properties are variable in space and time. Unlike conventional composites that are often found in nature, dynamic materials are mostly the products of modern technology developed to maintain the most effective control over dynamic processes.

Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics

Book Description

This book constructs the mathematical apparatus of classical mechanics from the beginning, examining basic problems in dynamics like the theory of oscillations and the Hamiltonian formalism. The author emphasizes geometrical considerations and includes phase spaces and flows, vector fields, and Lie groups. Discussion includes qualitative methods of the theory of dynamical systems and of asymptotic methods like averaging and adiabatic invariance.

Lectures on Quantum Mechanics for Mathematics Students

Book Description

Describes the relation between classical and quantum mechanics. This book contains a discussion of problems related to group representation theory and to scattering theory. It intends to give a mathematically oriented student the opportunity to grasp the main points of quantum theory in a mathematical framework.

Theoretical Mechanics

Book Description

Mathematics and Mechanics - The Interplay

Book Description

Mathematics plays an important role in mechanics and other human endeavours. Validating examples in this first volume include, for instance: the connection between the golden ratio (the “divine proportion" used by Phidias and many other artists and enshrined in Leonardo's Vitruvian Man, shown on the front cover), and the Fibonacci spiral (observable in botany, e.g., in the placement of sunflower seeds); is the coast of Tuscany infinitely long?; the equal-time free fall of a feather and a lead ball in a vacuum; a simple diagnostic for changing your car's shocks; the Kepler laws of the planets; the dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Moon system; the tides' mechanism; the laws of friction and a wheel rolling down a partially icy slope; and many more. The style is colloquial. The emphasis is on intuition - lengthy but intuitive proofs are preferred to simple non-intuitive ones. The mathematical/mechanical sophistication gradually increases, making the volume widely accessible. Intuition is not at the expense of rigor. Except for grammar-school material, every statement that is later used is rigorously proven. Guidelines that facilitate the reading of the book are presented. The interplay between mathematics and mechanics is presented within a historical context, to show that often mechanics stimulated mathematical developments - Newton comes to mind. Sometimes mathematics was introduced independently of its mechanics applications, such as the absolute calculus for Einstein's general theory of relativity. Bio-sketches of all the scientists encountered are included and show that many of them dealt with both mathematics and mechanics.