Africa and Asia in Comparative Economic Perspective

Book Description

This invaluable collection compares the relatively unsuccessful economic development of Subsaharan Africa with that of the successful Asian economies, especially the Asian 'tigers'. It covers three main areas of comparison: the lessons for Africa from the Asian experience; secondly, the comparisons of various aspects of economic development in Africa and Asia; and finally, convergence: how far the laggard economies are catching up with, or diverging away from, each other.

Comparative Development Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia

Book Description

Title first publishedin 2003. This comprehensive book focuses on the prevailing conditions in Asia and Africa under various macroeconomic and sectoral themes in order to provide in depth explanations for the divergent development experiences of the two regions. Seeking to go further than the simple comparison of policies, the book carefully examines the institutional context for policy implementation within which growth and development have proceeded in the regions.

The Comparative Political Economy of Development

Book Description

This book illustrates the enduring relevance and vitality of the comparative political economy of development approach promoted among others by a group of social scientists in Oxford in the 1980s and 1990s. Contributors demonstrate the viability of this approach as researchers and academics become more convinced of the inadequacies of orthodox approaches to the understanding of development. Detailed case material obtained from comparative field research in Africa and South Asia informs analyses of exploitation in agriculture; the dynamics of rural poverty; seasonality; the non farm economy; class formation; labour and unfreedom; the gendering of the labour force; small scale production and contract farming; social networks in industrial clusters; stigma and discrimination in the rural and urban economy and its politics. Reasoned policy suggestions are made and an analysis of the comparative political economy of development approach is applied to the situation of Africa and South Asia. Aptly presenting the relation between theory and empirical material in a dynamic and interactive way, the book offers meaningful and powerful explanations of what is happening in the continent of Africa and the sub-continent of South Asia today. It will be of interest to researchers in the fields of development studies, rural sociology, political economy, policy and practice of development and Indian and African studies.

Comparative Approach on Development and Socioeconomics of Africa

Book Description

In Africa, the persistent cycle of socio-economic stagnation remains a formidable challenge, with myriad factors contributing to its endurance. From political instability to systemic corruption, this continent grapples with obstacles that hinder progress and perpetuate hardship for its people. The comprehensive book, Comparative Approach on Development and Socioeconomics of Africa, offers a fresh perspective on Africa's dilemma, illuminating the critical role of individual agency and cultural context in shaping its destiny. This book delves deep into the lived experiences of individuals across Africa, uncovering the intricate interplay between choice and culture. Through compelling narratives and rigorous research, it reveals how these factors influence socio-economic development and perpetuate the status quo. By addressing the root causes of Africa's challenges, this book provides a roadmap for change that empowers individuals and fosters a cultural environment conducive to growth and innovation.

Asia and Africa in the Global Economy

Book Description

This publication considers the different economic experiences of countries in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, in terms of policy, institutional and structural aspects, divergence in economic growth and performance levels, and the extent of their integration into the global economy. Chapters discuss a variety of issues including the dynamics of globalisation, local entrepreneurship, exports, foreign direct investment, management of financial flows, foreign aid, debt and development.

Industrialization and Economic Diversification

Book Description

Economic diversification entails a shift away from a single income source toward multiple income sources from an increasing spectrum of sectors and markets. A persistent concern for some Asian and African economies is their reliance on commodity exports and how they are exposed to the risk of export volatility and income instability. The Covid-19 pandemic and previous oil crashes have demonstrated the adverse impact on such economies. This book provides a systemic analysis of sustainable economic development through economic diversification. The book analyzes diversification and development experiences from comparative perspectives of Asia and Africa. It also investigates determinants of export diversification differentiated by commodities-dependence versus manufactured products and looks at the roles of various institutions and governance of institutions in export diversification. This book will provide policy insights into how different degrees of specialisation in exports across countries have affected outcomes in terms of living standards, economic growth and employment.

Contemporary Perspectives on African Moral Economy

Book Description

The topic of African moral economy was first raised by Goran Hyden in 1980 as one of the main obstacles to economic transformation of the African peasantry. The suggestion caused serious academic debates between the proposer and other scholars on African societies, especially those using political economy as the framework of their analysis. But Hyden continued to defend his thesis until interest in the debate faded out. More recently Japanese scholars have taken up the topic as it appears to have new relevance in comparison with the fast transformations which have taken place in Southeast Asian rural communities. The focus of this book is to give a detailed comparison between African rural communities and those of Southeastern Asia. Attention is focused on the two main aspects of African peasantry life: the right to subsistence and the norm of reciprocity. A wide interdisciplinary approach is employed to demonstrate the dynamism displayed by these societies.