African Pyramids of Knowledge

Book Description

The Afrocentric method seeks to transform human reality by ushering in a human openness to cultural pluralism that cannot exist without the unlocking of our minds for acceptance of an expansion of consciousness. I seek to overthrow parochialism, provincialism, and narrow Wotanic visions of the world by demonstrating the usefulness of an Afrocentric approach, based on beginning with ancient Kemet, to questions of knowledge. Without a plausible ideology we can never march in the same direction; Afrocentricity is essential for the collective vision. I must alert you to the overpowering value of realizing an Africa truth that has been staring us in the face for thousands of years: the permanence of the pyramids.There is nothing profound in such a pronouncement, there have been similar pronouncements by various other writers, but what is different, I hope, is the identification of the principal cause of the failure in those other formulations. In the West there have been theories and critiques that are fraught with problems whether you call them by the names of existentialism, phenomenology, structuralism, post-colonialism, or deconstruction. What we have come to know is that the proponents of these views have hedged their bets in a European worldview that is moribund when it comes to looking at the outside world. They cannot truly grasp the significance of a revolutionary idea that would challenge the Eurocentric projection of its method as universal. However, the time has come for a total re-evaluation of both intellectual privilege and the assertion of European dominance in knowledge.

Developing Africa?

Book Description

Developing Africa? New Horizons with Afrocentricity aims to contest the Eurocentric narrative of an African development discourse. This book deploys the theory of Afrocentricity as an intellectual standpoint from which African thinkers should interrogate and reconceptualize the discourse of development in Africa. Particularly, the book argues in favour of the Afrocentric re-interpretation of African history, African culture and assertion of African agency as the core building wedge in the reconceptualization of the ideal African development trajectory.

Using African Epistemologies in Shaping Inclusive Education Knowledge

Book Description

This book thus explores the role of African epistemologies in addressing the myriad challenges posed by the inclusive education system in Africa and other contexts. In recent years, the shift from special education to inclusive education has had a significant impact on the provision of education and the education system as a whole in Africa. The impact has been felt in all institutions of learning from low to high, public and private, government, and across departments of education. Inclusive education, if shaped correctly by using African epistemologies, would empower learners to attain the relevant skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes for their own intellectual growth and personal development.

We Will Tell Our Own Story

Book Description

This superb book will be a landmark in African studies because the scholars who have undertaken the task of telling their own social sciences, humanities, and literary narratives have displayed a sharp and penetrating engagement with history, politics and culture in such a powerful manner that one cannot read these chapters without claiming them to be the gold standard in contemporary thinking.AARON SMITH, TEMPLE UNIVERSITYWe Will Tell Our Own Story is instructive to scholars and general readers as a method of confronting the manifold problems of misinterpretation and false presentations about African people. I find this work to be extraordinary in conception and execution.SWAHILI SMT, FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF BAHIA, BRAZILWe Will Tell Our Own Story joins a growing number of Afrocentric books that are already revolutionizing the way Africans view themselves and their academies. The creation of a cadre of scholars devoted to truth, rigor, ancestrality, and values is a mark of a mature civilization; these authors are the necessary foundation for further growth.

The Palgrave Handbook of African Philosophy

Book Description

This handbook investigates the current state and future possibilities of African Philosophy, as a discipline and as a practice, vis-à-vis the challenge of African development and Africa’s place in a globalized, neoliberal capitalist economy. The volume offers a comprehensive survey of the philosophical enterprise in Africa, especially with reference to current discourses, arguments and new issues—feminism and gender, terrorism and fundamentalism, sexuality, development, identity, pedagogy and multidisciplinarity, etc.—that are significant for understanding how Africa can resume its arrested march towards decolonization and liberation.

Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids

Book Description

The solution of the mystery of the pyramids of Egypt has been a problem which has not only puzzled mankind in general during the ages of the past, but which has as well mystified the minds of scholars and thinkers even to this our present day. In Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids, which was first published in 1923, author Conor MacDari begins with the origin of the Great Pyramid and continues to explain the reasons for its existence, its message and significance. He then traces history from the time of the ancient Phoenicians through the Roman era, illustrating the part the Irish race took in these important times.


Book Description

Africa: An Introduction invites you into Africa: a continent rich with culture and history, with diverse populations stretching from the dense tropical rain forest of the Congo basin, right up to the Sahara Desert in the north, and down to the Mediterranean climates of the far south. Containing fifty-five countries, and covering over 20 percent of the world’s landmass, Africa is the birthplace of humanity, yet the image of Africa in the West is often negative, that of a continent riddled with endemic problems. This accessible and engaging guide to the African continent guides the reader through the history, geography, and politics of Africa. It ranges from the impact of slavery and imperialism through to the rise of African nationalism and the achievement of independence, and up to the present moment. Key topics covered include literature, art, technology, religion, the condition of African women, health, education, and the mounting environmental concerns faced by African people. As Africa moves beyond the painful legacies of slavery and imperialism, this book provides an engaging, uplifting, and accessible introduction to a rapidly modernizing and diverse continent. Suitable for high school and undergraduate students studying Africa, this book will also serve as the perfect introduction for anyone looking to understand the history of Africa and the Africa of today.

The African Journey from the Great Pyramids to Great Zimbabwe

Book Description

This study is a summary of available knowledge and is based on published sources listed in the appendix and bibliography.0The African Journey from the Great Pyramids to Great Zimbabwe is given a conceptual analysis not just to identify events and actions but to bring out clearly the ideas associated with and behind the events and actions. It is also a story of achievements and challenges addressed by African people and a surgical analysis of African performance. The observation throughout is that Africans did not look outside Africa for solutions although they might have done so for assistance.0This book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter identifies Kemet/ Ancient Egypt as the source of African knowledge and the foundation upon which African culture developed. The second chapter examines foreign intervention in African Affairs focusing on the slave trade and European colonisation clearly identifying the strong criminal element in the cultures of the slave traders and colonialists. The third chapter examines the crystallization of African philosophy in the form of Pan Africanism and Nationalism and how these ideas provided direction toward the restoration of African sovereignty. The fourth and final chapter examines relations between independent Africa and the former colonial powers by focusing on the mentality that divides Africa and the West.0What emerges from this study is that what Africans have achieved for the most part has been as a result of an application of the mind to the utilisation of local resources and this should be seen as a basis for addressing challenges inherited from foreign interventions in African Affairs.

The Liberation of the African Mind

Book Description

The Liberation to the African Mind: The Key to Black Salvation is a strong book written to the millions of African Americans who have had their history distorted by the Church and public schools. Because of these distortions Black people are estranged and alienated from their culture and the wisdom of their ancestors. The book challenges African Americans to begin to think for themselves especially in the realm of religion. It is a prophetic book with a revolutionary perspective. It is prophetic in that it points to the direction the Black Church must take to effectively address the spiritual needs of the Black community. It is revolutionary because it challenges the Church and believers to establish a new paradigm, an African Spiritual frame of reference. The Black Church must transform itself and take on a new view of the scriptures, doctrines and dogmas of Christendom. This book documents the fact that what Blacks have been given as Christianity is in reality stolen African mythology, cosmology and history that has been corrupted by Roman and Greek priest, philosophers and emperors. It is one of the most powerful challenges to Orthodox Christianity to date. The Truth will liberate you from their strong delusions. While there is indeed some positive and beneficial aspects to Church membership it is time for the Black Church to make its exodus from the Western religious way of faith in God to the African spiritual way of knowledge of God. Black Pastors and religious leaders must begin to teach that which will bring about the manifestation of the fullness of Christ. This is the charge given to all church leadership by the Bible they teach from. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelist, some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to be a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13. There are far too many Babes in Christ in the Church. It is not the fault of the believers but a reflection of corrupted doctrines and false dogmas. In addition the unity of the Black Church must become a priority. Not one church or believer can say they have no need of the rest of the Body of Christ in good conscience. Yet unity in the Black Church is more a rhetorical than an actual reality. Imagine what could be done if the wealth of the Church was combined to establish a super fund. Unity must be at the top of the agenda for the Black Church and for the Black community. Lastly, though we have the proverbial church on every corner there is an undeniable spiritual crisis in the Black community. The Liberation of the African Mind: The Key to Black Salvation makes the Spiritual Resurrection of the Black man a valid goal and priority. It will challenge many long held beliefs and dogmas, however Christendom must be examined and that which is not of God must be abandoned. Not since Marcus Garvey, Fredrick Douglas and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have Blacks questioned the validity or efficacy of Christianity. Mr. Muhammad made an attempt to make Blacks aware that Christianity was the religion of the people who had enslaved them. Every race worships God in a way that is peculiar to their culture. Since the days of captivity Blacks have worshiped the god of their conquerors and oppressors. Worshipping a White man as God is not only a form of idolatry but extremely detrimental to the Black Psyche.

African Voices in Education

Book Description

The Africanisation of education is a highly topical issue. The potentials and pitfalls of Africanisation have drawn a great deal of critical debate, both in Africa and abroad. After the political changes of 1994 in South Africa, there has been renewed interest in the question of a distinctively African philosophy. This publication provides a systematic and clear exposition of an African voice in education, drawing on distinguished authors across Africa.