AFRITACs - Independent Midterm Evaluation - Volume 1-Final Report

Book Description

The evaluation focus was on three main objectives: Assessing whether the AFRITACs have provided value added to beneficiary countries; Assessing the extent to which the AFRITACs’ objectives have been achieved; and Assessing whether the AFRITACs have enhanced cooperation between stakeholders in their respective regions.

Technical Assistance Evaluation Program - Findings of Evaluations and Updated Program

Book Description

The Kyrgyz Republic -- Joint Economic Assessment: Reconciliation, Recovery and Reconstruction; Prepared by the Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and The World Bank; With the participation of Eurasian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Commission, International Finance Corporation, and The United Nations

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2021

Book Description

A recovery is underway, but the economic fallout from the global pandemic could be with us for years to come. With the crisis exacerbating prepandemic vulnerabilities, country prospects are diverging. Nearly half of emerging market and developing economies and some middle-income countries are now at risk of falling further behind, undoing much of the progress made toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2019 Financial Statements

Book Description

The audited consolidated financial statements of the International Monetary Fund as of April 30, 2019 and 2018

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Book Description

This Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper on the Democratic Republic of Congo discusses economic policies and development. The macroeconomic and budget framework has been developed to take into account the effects of sectoral policies to maintain macroeconomic stability, a necessary condition for laying the foundation of economic growth and poverty reduction. It is based on the profile of public spending, the assessment of costs for achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2020, and the sector-based economic growth theories taking into account the uncertainties of the international environment and the real potential of the Congolese economy. It is found that it allows for a realistic programming of public spending while highlighting the main budgetary choices proposed by the government.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2012

Book Description

The IMF's 2012 Annual Report chronicles the response of the Fund's Executive Board and staff to the global financial crisis and other events during financial year 2012, which covers the period from May 1, 2011, through April 30, 2012. The print version of the Report is available in eight languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish), along with a CD-ROM (available in English only) that includes the Report text and ancillary materials, including the Fund's Financial Statements for FY2012.

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2017

Book Description

During the past financial year, the IMF’s 189 member countries faced a number of pressing challenges. IMF work on these challenges - slower trade, declining productivity, gender inequality, inclusive growth, and debt management - is a central focus of this 2017 Annual Report.

Building State Capability

Book Description

Governments play a major role in the development process, and constantly introduce reforms and policies to achieve developmental objectives. Many of these interventions have limited impact, however; schools get built but children don't learn, IT systems are introduced but not used, plans are written but not implemented. These achievement deficiencies reveal gaps in capabilities, and weaknesses in the process of building state capability. This book addresses these weaknesses and gaps. It starts by providing evidence of the capability shortfalls that currently exist in many countries, showing that many governments lack basic capacities even after decades of reforms and capacity building efforts. The book then analyses this evidence, identifying capability traps that hold many governments back - particularly related to isomorphic mimicry (where governments copy best practice solutions from other countries that make them look more capable even if they are not more capable) and premature load bearing (where governments adopt new mechanisms that they cannot actually make work, given weak extant capacities). The book then describes a process that governments can use to escape these capability traps. Called PDIA (problem driven iterative adaptation), this process empowers people working in governments to find and fit solutions to the problems they face. The discussion about this process is structured in a practical manner so that readers can actually apply tools and ideas to the capability challenges they face in their own contexts. These applications will help readers devise policies and reforms that have more impact than those of the past.

Indias Relations With The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Book Description

From one of India's senior Civil Servants, a brilliant analysis of the critical moments in India's economic history and the future of multilateralism in the International Monetary Fund that could decide the future of global crisis resolution. V. Srinivas – distinguished Additional Secretary to Government of India, former Advisor to the Executive Director International Monetary Fund and Private Secretary to Finance Minister of India, a widely acclaimed administrator and academician – provides a comprehensive analysis of several big events that stand out in India's relations with the International Monetary Fund based on 17 months of research and interviews. India's Relations with the International Monetary Fund 1991-2016 provides insights into India's role as a Founding Member of the IMF, India's IMF programs of 1966, 1981 and 1991, India's gold purchases from the IMF in 2010, the rise of G20 and India's emergence as the fastest growing major economy in the world. V. Srinivas highlights the role of the IMF as the lender of last resort, the IMF as an institution of asymmetric power in dealing with member countries, the enhanced role of the IMF post-2008 Global Financial Crisis and the Rise of China in the International Monetary System. “India's relations with International Monetary Fund 1991-2016: 25 years in perspective” is the first comprehensive study on the subject that offers deep insights into an Institution that has influenced the global economy in a significant way.