After the Third Way

Book Description

The social democratic parties were once the strongest political forces in Europe. Today, however, they appear disorientated and rudderless, crucially lacking the ideological, intellectual and organisational vitality which underpinned their strength in the post-war political landscape. Electorally marginalised, seemingly ideologically exhausted and often out-of-step with the contemporary zeitgeist, European social democracy is currently in profound need of revision and renewal - potentially its very existence as a political force is under threat. This book marks a serious attempt to forge the intellectual backbone of a renewed social democracy fit for the twenty-first century. Bringing together leading academics, political thinkers and policy experts, it offers a new and original perspective on ideological and policy innovation and will be invaluable reading for anyone interested in the future of social democracy.

Deep Church

Book Description

If you feel caught between the traditional church and the emerging church, read Jim Belcher. He paints a picture of an alternate, "deep" church--a missional church committed to both tradition and contemporary culture, valuing innovation in worship, arts and community but also adhering to creeds and confessions.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.


Book Description

Monthly current affairs magazine from a Christian perspective with a focus on politics, society, economics and culture.