Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

A lucid introduction for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and an authoritative overview for researchers and professional scientists.

Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

Book Description

This book deals with stars during a short episode before they undergo a ma jor, and fatal, transition. Soon the star will stop releasing nudear energy, it will become a planetary nebula for abrief but poetic moment, and then it will turn into a white dwarf and slowly fade out of sight. Just before this dramatic change begins the star has reached the highest luminosity and the largest diameter in its existence, and while it is a star detectable in galaxies beyond the Local Group, its structure contains already the inconspicuous white dwarf it will become. It is called an "asymptotic giant branch star" or "AGB star". Over the last 30 odd years AGB stars have become a topic of their own although individual members of this dass had already been studied for cen turies without realizing what they were. In the early evolution, so called "E-AGB"-phase, the stars are a bit bluer than, but otherwise very similar to, what are now called red giant branch stars (RGB stars). It is only in the sec ond half of their anyhow brief existence that AGB stars differ fundamentally from RGB stars.

The Ninth Torino Workshop on Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars and The Second Perugia Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics

Book Description

All papers have been peer-reviewed. This book contains the lectures given at the joint meeting “Ninth Torino Workshop on Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars” and “Second Perugia Workshop in Nuclear Astrophysics”, held together in Perugia (Italy) from October 21 to October 26, 2007. In the present book, the fields covered by the lecturers are quite wide: the joining of the “Torino Workshops” strictly focused on AGB stars, and of the “Perugia Workshops” dedicated to a broader view of Nuclear Astrophysics, resulted in a coordinated, but widely interdisciplinary discussion, where AGB nucleosynthesis could be integrated by complementary issues concerning nuclear processes in massive stars, while the observational sessions usually dominated by spectroscopic results on stellar atmospheres and laboratory measurements on solar and pre-solar system materials could be complemented by the rich information now coming from space-borne infrared photometry.

Evolution, Nucleosynthesis and Final Fates of Super- and Massive Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

Book Description

In this thesis we explore the evolution, nucleosynthesis and final fates of super- and massive asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars.Super-AGB stars bridge the divide between low and high mass stars and are characterised by carbon burning within their cores prior to the thermally pulsing phase. We test our implementation of a single composite carbon burning reaction within our stellar evolutionary code by running a series of models, with standardized input physics to compare to previous studies in the literature. In this benchmarking work, which includes phases of evolution up to the cessation of carbon burning, we find excellent agreement between different code results over a large range of metallicities. Due to the fine initial mass resolution grid used to probe the lowest mass models which ignite carbon, a new type of white dwarf is reported, a hybrid CO(Ne) white dwarf, comprising of a CO core surrounded by an ONe shell. Super-AGB stars have long been the ``missing'' mass range in galactic chemical evolution studies due to the lack of stellar yield calculations. To remedy this problem, and assess the impact of the super-AGB star contribution to the galactic chemical inventory of nuclides, an extensive grid of nucleosynthetic yields has been produced for elements up to iron. Since the evolution and element production within stars are strongly dependent on their initial metallicity, we have performed calculations over a wide range of metallicities from Z=0.02 to 0.0001 ([Fe/H]~ 0 to -2.3). We examine the role that the nucleosynthetic processes of first, second, and third dredge-up, as well as hot bottom burning have on the surface composition within super-AGB stars. Stellar yield calculations are subject to a wide range of uncertainties, in particular the wind mass-loss rate, nuclear reaction rate uncertainties, the theory of convective mixing, and efficiency of third dredge-up. We investigate the impact that these uncertainties have on yield predictions. Our results are compared to other studies in the literature, with the major difference being the occurrence of third dredge-up in our calculations. We apply our nucleosynthetic yield predictions of metallicity Z=0.001 to examine the possible role of super-AGB stars as the polluters of the anomalous stars in the globular cluster NGC 2808. Lastly, we examine the final fates of super-AGB and massive-AGB stars in the mass range 5 to 10 Msun. We produce an extensive grid of detailed evolution calculations along the majority of the thermally pulsing AGB phase. These models are computationally demanding due to the necessity of following a vast number of thermal pulses with very fine temporal and spacial resolution. We provide a theoretical initial to final mass relation for massive and ultra-massive white dwarfs.

Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

A lucid, wide-ranging graduate textbook on the topical subject of galactic chemical evolution - by a pioneer of the field.

The Evolution of The Milky Way

Book Description

This review of the most up-to-date observational and theoretical information concerning the chemical evolution of the Milky Way compares the abundances derived from field stars and clusters, giving information on the abundances and dynamics of gas.

Nucleosynthesis in Stellar Models Across Initial Masses and Metallicities and Implications for Chemical Evolution

Book Description

Tracing the element enrichment in the Universe requires to understand the element production in stellar models which is not well understood, in particular at low metallicity. In this thesis a variety of nucleosynthesis processes in stellar models across initial masses and metallicities is investigated and their relevance for chemical evolution explored.Stellar nucleosynthesis is investigated in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) models and massive star models with initial masses between 1 M⊙ and 25 M⊙ for metal fractions of Z = 0.02, 0.01, 0.006, 0.001, 0.0001. A yield grid with elements from H to Bi is calculated. It serves as an input for chemical evolution simulations. AGB models are computed towards the end of the AGB phase and massive star models are calculated until core collapse followed by explosive core-collapse nucleosynthesis. The simulations include convective boundary mixing in all AGB star models and feature efficient hot-bottom burning and hot dredge-up in AGB models as well the predictions of both heavy elements and CNO species under hot-bottom burning conditions. H-ingestion events in the low-mass low-Z AGB model with initial mass of 1M⊙ at Z = 0.0001 result in the production of large amounts of heavy elements. In super-AGB models H ingestion could potentially lead to the intermediate neutron-capture process. To model the chemical enrichment and feedback of simple stellar populations in hydrodynamic simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation the SYGMA module is created and its functionality is verified through a comparison with a widely adopted code. A comparison of ejecta of simple stellar populations based on yields of this work with a commonly adopted yield set shows up to a factor of 3.5 and 4.8 less C and N enrichment from AGB stars at low metallicity which is attributed to complete stellar models, the modeling of the AGB stage and hot-bottom burning in super- AGB stars. Analysis of two different core-collapse supernova fallback prescriptions show that the total amount of Fe enrichment by massive stars differs by up to two at Z = 0.02.Insights into the chemical evolution at very low metallicity as motivated by the observations of extremely metal poor stars require to understand the H-ingestion events common in stellar models of low metallicity. The occurrence of H ingestion events in super-AGB stars is investigated and identified as a possible site for the production of heavy elements through the intermediate neutron capture process. The peculiar abundance of some C-Enhanced Metal Poor stars are explained with simple models of the intermediate neutron capture process. Initial efforts to model this heavy element production in 3D hydrodynamic simulations are presented.For the first time the nucleosynthesis of interacting convective O and C shells in massive star models is investigated in detail. 1D calculations based on input from 3D hydrodynamic simulations of the O shell show that such interactions can boost the production of odd-Z elements P, Cl, K and Sc if large entrainment rates associated with O-C shell merger are assumed. Such shell merger lead in stellar evolution models to overproduction factors beyond 1 dex and p-process overproduction factors above 1 dex for 130,132Ba and heavier isotopes. Chemical evolution models are able to reproduce the Galactic abundance trends of these odd-Z elements if O-C shell merger occur in more than 50% of all massive stars.