Aging Population and Canadian Public Pension Plans

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Canadian public pension plans are run on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. As the baby boom ages, contribution rates for the two main plans are projected to rise significantly, from their current level of around 5 percent of eligible earnings to over 13 percent by 2030. An alternative is to set contribution rates at their underlying long-term levels. Such a policy would imply a significant rise in current contribution rates, to 10-101⁄2 percent of eligible earnings, but would allow the system to cope with the retirement of the baby boom generation without recourse to borrowing or significant increases in contribution rates.

Pensions Under Attack

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Canada's aging population has raised cries of alarm from some quarters. Critics warn of a demographic time bomb waiting to explode and an age war over pensions as the baby boom generation starts to retire in the next decade. They say the answer is to get rid of public pension programs like the Canada Pension Plan and force people to contribute to their own personal savings plans instead. Will this spell disaster for the elderly, or is it a bold new idea for coping with rising costs? Monica Townson, a prominent independent economist, discusses the forces behind the push to privatize public pensions and looks at the likely impact of privatization on the financial security of futre seniors. She describes how Chile, under the Pinochet dictatorship, replaced its public pension plan with a forced savings scheme and became the darling of right-wing governments around the world, and how Britain, under Margaret Thatcher, introduced opting out of public pensions and triggered a major scandal involving some of the big names in the insurance industry. As the debate about pivatization heats up the new millennium, Pensions Under Attack provides the information needed to question the hidded agenda behind the current push to privatize public pensions. It will be a timely contribution to a discussion whose outcome affects the personal financial security of every Canadian.

Aging Populations and Public Pension Schemes

Book Description

This paper discusses a study analyzing aging populations and public pension schemes. An aging society is characterized by a growing proportion of the retired to the active working population. The study examines the pension-related aging problem primarily from a fiscal perspective. It analyzes how prospective demographic developments that affect the proportion of the pensionable elderly affect pension outlays. It confirms that very serious fiscal stresses are in prospect for most industrial economies. Addressing such problems satisfactorily will require major actions early, given the long lead times involved in reforming a pension fund's financial position.

Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World

Book Description

"This ninth volume of the International Social Security series, which studies the social security and retirement experiences of 12 developed countries, examines the effects of pension reform on employment at older ages. In the two decades since the project began, a dramatic decline in men's labor force participation has been replaced by sharply rising participation rates. Older women's participation has increased dramatically as well. While better health, more education, and changes in labor supply behavior of married couples may have affected this trend, these factors alone cannot explain the magnitude of the employment increase and its large variation across countries. Concurrently with rising participation rates, countries have undertaken numerous reforms of their social security programs, disability programs, and other public benefit programs for older workers. Using a common template for analysis across the 12 countries so that results are easily compared, the studies in this volume explore how financial incentives to work at older ages have evolved from 1980 to the present as a result of public pension reforms, and how much of the changes in employment over this period can be explained by these changing incentives. Overall, the findings support the hypothesis that social security reforms have strengthened the incentives for work at older ages, and that these enhanced financial incentives contributed to the rise in employment at older ages during this period"--

Canadian Governmental Report on Aging

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Aging & Society

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Aging and Society

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