The Southern African Development Community

Book Description

This book, published in July 2006, significantly complements the burgeoning literature on regional integration in Africa. It is the most up-to-date guide to SADC's history and institutions, its policies and programmes, legal underpinnings and position in unfolding continental and global affairs. It offers a frank analysis of SADC's shortcomings, achievements and prospects and reviews its extensive restructuring.

The Southern African Development Community and Law

Book Description

This book analyses whether the design of the institutions of Southern African Development Community (SADC) reflects the community’s treaty objectives and principles of democracy and the rule of law. The author provides a detailed analysis of the policy making and oversight institutions of SADC. Additionally, the project looks at institutional and legal frameworks of similar organisations (the East African Community, the Economic Community of West African States and the European Union) for comparative purposes. This work is written largely from a legal perspective, specifically international institutional law; however, it carries cross-disciplinary themes, including governance, and especially the subject of public policy making at the international level.

Compendium of documents relating to regional and sub-regional peace and security in Africa (second edition) (2021)

Book Description

About the publication This Compendium of documents relating to regional and sub-regional peace and security in Africa is the second edition to the 2006 Compendium of key documents related to peace and security in Africa (edited by Dr Monica Juma). It is both an updated and expanded attempt at consolidating the vast legal instruments broadly relating to peace and security on the African continent. More specifically, the Compendium aims to consolidate, both on the regional and sub-regional level, treaties and decisions of regional organisations pertaining to conflict prevention, management and resolution in the African regional and sub-regional context. It ultimately aims to serve as a useful research guide to those involved with matters of peace and security in Africa. Documents and legal instruments included in this Compendium focus on the Organisation of African Unity, the African Union, and its eight Regional Economic Communities: the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD), the East African Community (EAC), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). This edition also includes additional documents from sub-regional organisations, including documents from the Great Lakes Region and Horn of Africa Conference on the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons, the Gulf of Guinea Commission, the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, the Eastern Africa Standby Force, the G5 Sahel, the Indian Ocean Commission, and the Mano River Union. Additionally, each chapter outlines the organisation in question, its principal institutions relating to peace and security, relevant documents and legal instruments, and listed topical decisions, declarations and communiqués by that organisation and its institutions. It also briefly puts forward the details of any military interventions or peacekeeping missions undertaken by each organisation. Finally, the Compendium’s indexes include a list of peace and ceasefire agreements (listed by country), chart of ratifications, a list of useful websites and a selected bibliography.

Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources

Book Description

Fifty years after the adoption of the Declaration on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1962, this volume assesses the evolution of the principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources into a principle of customary international law as well as related developments. International environmental and human rights law leave unresolved questions regarding the limitations of this principle, e.g. extraterritorial and international influences such as the applicable criminal and tort law, as well as the extraterritorial and international promotion of good governance, including transparency obligations.

Paradigm Shift in International Economic Law Rule-Making

Book Description

The TPP was negotiated among 12 economically diverse countries, including some most highly developed and rich countries (i.e., the United States, Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore), some newly industrialized countries (i.e., Mexico and Malaysia), and some less-developed countries (i.e., Peru, Chile, and Vietnam). A new paradigm created in this context is that countries with vastly different economic developments can actually agree on a set of very high standards to regulate their economic activities, to liberalize their trade, and to protect intellectual property and foreign investment. The contents of the TPP also reflect its status of being a “new paradigm” as the “21st-Century Trade Agreement” and being a pioneer in rule making in many key regulatory areas. These include not only the improved and enhanced rules on traditional issues already covered by the WTO , such as goods, services, and IP rights, but also the carefully designed rules in areas that have never been addressed in the WTO or comprehensively covered in other FTAs , such as state-owned enterprises, electronic commerce, and labor and environmental issues. Although the United States has withdrawn from the TPP, the remaining countries are still putting efforts into establishing a TPP without the United States or a TPP with China. Economically speaking, the current 11 parties account for about 20 % of the global economy. If such agreement is put into force, there will be significant implications for the region, for the multilateral system, and even for other FTAs. The book addresses the potential of the TPP to change the ways trade and investments are conducted and argues for its potential to be the start of an international trade/economic law revolution. The book elaborates the relationship between the TPP and other existing trade agreements such as the WTO and other FTAs and explains how the TPP is to deal with traditional and new issues. Taken together, the authors argue that the implications of the TPP go beyond its current membership. It is hoped that the book will make an important contribution to the field of international economic law.

Sustainable Investment Policy Perspectives in the Southern African Development Community

Book Description

The report explores the national regulatory framework encapsulated in national investment laws and how this compares with initiatives at a regional level, investment promotion and facilitation in SADC, investment incentives, investment for green growth and responsible business conduct.