Agriculture–nutrition linkages in Tajikistan: Evidence from household survey data

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In Tajikistan, the poorest country in the Central Asia region and one of the poorest in the world, food consumption patterns remain inadequate for a significant share of the population. Undernutrition and child stunting, among other outcomes, remain prevalent. At the same time, overnutrition and obesity are becoming increasingly serious. Using pooled cross-section datasets collected in 2007 and 2015 from farm households in Khatlon province (the major agricultural area in Tajikistan), we investigate how key agricultural production practices (APPs) (household-level production diversification, land productivity, and production scale) are associated with household-level and individual-level nutritional outcomes, including dietary diversity and children’s and women’s anthropometric outcomes. We find that, in rural Khatlon, these APPs are positively associated with various nutritional outcomes at the household level. Furthermore, applying the methodologies of Lee (1979), Maddala (1983), and Björklund and Moffitt (1987), we find that a different set of factors affects the unobserved returns and costs of these APPs, which are heterogeneous across households, and that, importantly, adoption of these APPs is partly driven by the expected returns. However, despite the positive gross returns, diversifying farm production or raising land productivity is costly among small and resource-poor farms. Improving their access to land and agricultural capital, as well as improving overall land productivity, with particular support to women, may be critical for enhancing their nutritional outcomes by exploiting agriculture’s linkages to such outcomes.

Agriculture-nutrition linkages, cooking-time, intra-household equality among women and children: Evidence from Tajikistan

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Household-level agriculture-nutrition linkage (ANL) tends to be strong in a rural subsistence setting with limited access to the food market. In such a context, markets for food processing services also may be imperfect, and consequently a household’s time-investments in cooking may become important. Using the primary data in Tajikistan, we show that longer periods of time dedicated to cooking by women in the household often significantly enhance household-level ANL. Furthermore, an increase in the diversity, scale, and efficiency of household production, as well as longer cooking time, can also reduce intrahousehold inequality in nutritional outcomes among women and children. These effects are stronger in areas with lower nighttime light intensity and for households with lower values of cooking assets. In a context where household-level ANL is strong, ANL may also depend on households’ self-production of complementary inputs, including cooking services. This dependence reveals both unique opportunities for and vulnerabilities of ANL for the rural poor.

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture diversification and dietary diversity: Panel data evidence from Tajikistan

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Nutrition-sensitive agricultural diversification continues to receive interest among developing country stakeholders as a viable option for achieving dual goals of poverty reduction and food/nutrition security improvements. Assessing the effectiveness of this strategy is also essential in countries like Tajikistan. We attempt to enrich the evidence base in this regard. We assess the linkages between household-level agricultural diversification and dietary diversity (both household- and individual-levels) using unique panel samples of households and individual women of reproductive ages in the Khatlon province. Using difference-in-difference propensity-score methods and panel fixed-effects instrumental variable regressions, we show that higher agricultural diversification together with greater overall production per worker and land at the household level leads to higher dietary diversity, particularly in areas with poor food market access. Typology analyses and crop-specific analyses suggest that vegetables, fruits, legumes/nuts/seeds, dairy products and eggs are particularly important commodities for which a farmer’s own production contributes to dietary diversity improvement. Furthermore, decomposition exercises within the subsistence farming framework suggest that nutritional returns and costs of agricultural diversification vary across households, and expected nutritional returns may be partly driving the adoption of agricultural diversification. In other words, households’ decisions to diversify agriculture may be partly driven by potential nutritional benefits associated with enhanced direct on-farm access to diverse food items rather than farm income growth alone. Our findings underscore the importance of supporting household farm diversification in Tajikistan to support improved nutrition intake, especially among those living in remote areas. In a low-income setting with limited local employment opportunities that is vulnerable to a wide range of external shocks, this will likely continue to be one of the most straightforward and realistic paths to improving household’s nutrition resilience.

Agricultural production in Tajikistan: Evidence from twelve districts in Khatlon Province, 2015 - 2023

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This report presents findings related to changes in household agricultural production between 2015 and 2023 in the twelve districts of Khatlon Province that constitute USAID’s Zone of Influence (ZOI). The analysis relies on household survey data from 2000 households interviewed in February-March 2023, and similar household survey data from 2000 households interviewed in February-March 2015.

Income aspirations, migration, and investments on and off the farm: Evidence from rural Tajikistan

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In places with few casual or salaried employment opportunities, investments in farm or non-farm assets may offer the main pathway to increased incomes locally, whereas others may seek alternative investment options elsewhere—as migrants. What factors, then, explain these investment choices? One theory suggests that aspirations that are ahead, but not too far ahead, of current levels provide the best incentive for promoting investment. If this theory holds, then estimates of the relationship between the aspirations gap and investment choices should take the form of a non-monotonic inverted U-shape. We test for such a relationship between the income aspirations gap and investments in migration, farm assets, and non-farm assets using data from a household survey in rural Tajikistan. We find evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between the income aspirations gap and measures of migration, with the strongest relationship found with international migration. Strikingly, we do not observe any association between the income aspirations gap and measures of investment in farm or non-farm assets. Exploring heterogeneity, we find that these results can vary by household poverty status and by the respondent’s gender. Investigating a possible mechanism, we find that the relationship between the income aspirations gap and migration seems to be driven by remittances, which outweigh migration costs and increase household income.

Impact of Migration on Agricultural Gender Labor Division and Food Security in Tajikistan

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"In recent decades millions living in low-income countries like Tajikistan, have migrated to support their livelihoods. In 2019 alone, over 530,800 Tajik citizens left the country seeking better employment opportunities. This massive, predominantly male, out-migration has transformed the agricultural sector and food security in Tajikistan. On the one hand, non-migrating household members, usually female and children, must replace the migrant member's previous tasks, leading to the feminization of agriculture. On the other hand, remittances could increase income of the migrant household leading to reduction in their work and increase in their food security as their purchasing power strengthens. We want to explore this linkage between migration, gender labor division and food security by comparing migrant and non-migrant households. However, estimators comparing migrant and non-migrant households will be biased because migration depends on unobserved factors that affect both the decision to migrate and our outcome variables of interest. To mitigate such bias, we use Propensity Score Matching (PSM), which enables the measurement of an average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) by matching migrant and non-migrant households in accordance with observable characteristics. The data we use in this paper was collected by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in 2016. It is a nationally representative dataset with a total of 1920 households. Since this study focuses on migrant and non-migrant households, amongst the 1,920 households surveyed, 904 households had one or more member(s) who migrated in 2015. These households are categorized as migrant households. Our results show in households that own kitchen plots, non-migrant households face more months of food shortage and take more measures to mitigate food shortage, statistically significant at the 1 percent level. However, these results are not consistent when comparing households that own president plots and Dehkan farms. In terms of gender labor division, women in migrant households are more involved in cleaning irrigation canal, setting up irrigation system, guiding irrigation water flow, deciding amount of irrigation water to use and when to apply irrigation water, all statistically significant at the one percent level among kitchen plot owners. However, again, these results are not consistent for presidential plot and Dehkan farm owners. On presidential plots, women from migrant households are more likely to speak with the irrigation service provider, statistically significant at 5 percent level. Women from migrant households that own Dehkan farm were more likely to purchase agricultural inputs, statistically significant at one percent level. Overall, the results provide evidence of the feminization of agriculture in Tajkistan. This paper contributes to the ongoing migration literature in three ways. First, while previous studies have examined the link between migration and household labor allocation, this study focuses on labor tasks surrounding water management in Tajikistan. Second, this study adds to existing research on food security and remittances by analyzing food security conditions in migrant and non-migrant households through experience-based household food insecurity. Third, this is the first study we are familiar with that analyzes gender labor division and food security within the same household as combining these two concepts together can offer a comprehensive and broader understanding of migration on food security conditions in rural households. Furthermore, we analyze all of these interactions and linkages in three types of land or production system in Tajikistan -kitchen plot, presidential plot and Dehkan farm"--

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018

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New evidence this year corroborates the rise in world hunger observed in this report last year, sending a warning that more action is needed if we aspire to end world hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. Updated estimates show the number of people who suffer from hunger has been growing over the past three years, returning to prevailing levels from almost a decade ago. Although progress continues to be made in reducing child stunting, over 22 percent of children under five years of age are still affected. Other forms of malnutrition are also growing: adult obesity continues to increase in countries irrespective of their income levels, and many countries are coping with multiple forms of malnutrition at the same time – overweight and obesity, as well as anaemia in women, and child stunting and wasting.

2020 Global food policy report: Building inclusive food systems

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Food systems are at a critical juncture—they are evolving quickly to meet growing and changing demand but are not serving everyone’s needs. Building more inclusive food systems can bring a wide range of economic and development benefits to all people, especially the poor and disadvantaged. IFPRI’s 2020 Global Food Policy Report examines the policies and investments and the growing range of tools and technologies that can promote inclusion. Chapters examine the imperative of inclusion, challenges faced by smallholders, youth, women, and conflict-affected people, and the opportunities offered by expanding agrifood value chains and national food system transformations. Critical questions addressed include: How can inclusive food systems help break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and malnutrition? \What can be done to strengthen the midstream of food value chains to improve rural access to jobs, markets, and services? Will Africa’s food systems generate sufficient jobs for the growing youth population? How can women be empowered within food system processes, from household decisions to policymaking? Can refugees and other conflict-affected people be integrated into food systems to help them rebuild their lives? How can national food system transformations contribute to greater dietary diversity, food safety, and food quality for all? Regional sections look at how inclusion can be improved around the world in 2020 and beyond. The report also presents interesting trends revealed by IFPRI’s food policy indicators and datasets.