Using Social Benefits to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion

Book Description

This volume explores the nature and scope of the problem of poverty, examines the political responses to poverty (examples of different countries); and investigates the existence and use of various definitions and thresholds applied to poverty in policy making . It also examines the variations within income transfers, i.e. social benefits designed to prevent or alleviate poverty and material hardship and explores the effectiveness of benefit schemes in reducing poverty.--Publisher's description.

Learning mobility, social inclusion and non-formal education

Book Description

How do we involve less advantaged young people in mobility projects, and how do we engineer and implement these projects to make participation a realistic option for all? This book presents the state of the art of learning mobility in the very complex and heterogeneous European youth field, bringing together contributions from all over the continent. The authors present empirical research findings that explore and analyse the experience of participants from a range of different backgrounds, in varied learning mobility settings – exchanges, volunteer service, camps – and in diverse regions of Europe. This volume addresses two interrelated questions: first, how learning mobility can be used as a tool for inclusion, providing disadvantaged and excluded people with opportunities and assets; and second, how focusing on inclusion can become a more intrinsic part of learning mobility projects and initiatives. The book is divided into three parts, spanning the range of stages and dimensions of the learning mobility process: access, reach and target; processes, strategies and practices; and effects, outcomes and follow-ups. Relevant for those with experience but also directed to newcomers to the field, this work provides an explanation of the main concepts and issues in the light of current developments in youth policy and practice in Europe.

European Citizenship and Social Integration in the European Union

Book Description

Since 2008, the European Union has been affected by one of the most severe crises in the history of Europe. This book builds on the work of Jürgen Habermas to answer the key question: is Europe strong enough to overcome the recent crisis? Arguing that recovery can only take place if the citizens of Europe regard themselves as members of a socially integrated European society, this volume sets out three conditions for successful European social integration: European citizens mutually respect each other as equals, accepting that all EU citizens should have equal economic, political and social rights. Those citizens objecting to the idea of European equality should not constitute a minority with potential for mobilisation that could impede the ongoing process of European social integration. Europeans act upon their equality beliefs in everyday practice – without differentiating between nationals and EU migrants. Based on a survey carried out in Germany, Spain, Poland and Turkey, the authors argue that the requirements for a socially integrated Europe are largely in place already. Their findings allow for optimism regarding the future of the EU, as the cultural foundations for a democratisation of Europe are laid. This volume develops a theoretical framework of a socially integrated European community, and will be useful for students and scholars of sociology, citizenship studies, social policy, political science and European studies.

Book Description

Social Assistance Dynamics in Europe

Book Description

Describing social assistance 'careers' in different national and urban contexts, this innovative book documents the strong interplay between personal biographies and policy patterns - a particularly useful perspective which complements the more structural, top-down approach of much international work in social policy.

Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State

Book Description

The topic of social assistance for migrant newcomers often sparks heated public debate and remains a prominent concern on the policy agenda. Society has experienced a growing level of diversity. This reality gives rise to new demands and changing profiles of individuals who benefit from welfare services. Welfare institutions, which are responsible for providing social assistance, play a crucial role in granting access to social benefits for newcomers. Moreover, the provision of social assistance can significantly influence the settlement and integration processes of migrants. This book provides empirical insights into the alignment between the needs of newcomers and the service provided to them. It examines the accessibility of social assistance for newcomers from a comprehensive perspective, encompassing aspects such as gaining access (including equal access for all) and service availability. By focusing on the Belgian Public Centres for Social Welfare as a case study, the authors explore the policies and practices related to social assistance and labour market activation for newcomers and the factors that influence individuals’ access to their rights. By incorporating the perspectives of all the relevant stakeholders involved, drawing on the insights of social workers and managers as well as the experiences of newcomers themselves, this book offers a unique understanding of the interactions between immigrants, the welfare state, and street-level bureaucrats. It provides valuable insights for enhancing service provision, striving for a more inclusive approach.

The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law

Book Description

This open-access book brings together international experts who shed new light on the status of social enterprises, benefit corporations and other purpose-driven companies. The respective chapters take a multidisciplinary approach (combining law, philosophy, history, sociology and economics) and provide valuable insights on fostering social entrepreneurship and advancing the common good. In recent years, we have witnessed a significant shift of how business activities are conducted, mainly through the rise of social enterprises. In an effort to target social problems at their roots, social entrepreneurs create organizations that bring transformative social changes by considering, among others, ethical, social, and environmental factors. A variety of social enterprise models are emerging internationally and are proving their vitality and importance. But what does the term “social enterprise” mean? What are its roots? And how does it work in practice within the legal framework of any country? This handbook attempts to answer these questions from a theoretical, historical, and comparative perspective, bringing together 44 contributions written by 71 expert researchers and practitioners in this field. The first part provides an overview of the social enterprise movement, its evolution, and the different forms entities can take to meet global challenges, overcoming the limits of what governments and states can do. The second part focuses on the emergence of benefit corporations and the growing importance of sustainability and societal values, while also analyzing their different legal forms and adaptation to their regulatory environment. In turn, the last part presents the status quo of purpose-driven companies in 36 developed and emerging economies worldwide. This handbook offers food for thought and guidance for everyone interested in this field. It will benefit practitioners and decision-makers involved in social and community organizations, as well as in international development and, more generally speaking, social sciences and economics.

Les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale

Book Description

Le Manuel de référence sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale synthétise les expériences et les leçons apprises des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale à travers le monde. Il adopte un concept de la protection sociale large, qui couvre différentes populations telles que les familles pauvres ou à faible revenu, les chômeurs, les personnes handicapées et les personnes confrontées à des risques sociaux. Il analyse différents types d’interventions des gouvernements pour la protection des individus, des familles ou des ménages, au travers de programmes spécifiques allant de programmes ciblant la pauvreté, aux prestations et services en faveur de l’emploi, et aux prestations et services au bénéfice des personnes handicapées et d’autres services sociaux. Ce Manuel de référence cherche à répondre à différentes questions pratiques soulevées au cours de la mise en œuvre, en particulier : • Comment les pays mettent-ils en œuvre les prestations et services de protection sociale ? • Comment le font-ils avec l’efficacité et l’efficience voulues ? • Comment assurent-ils une inclusion dynamique, en particulier celle des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus défavorisées ? • Comment favorisent-ils une meilleure coordination et intégration non seulement entre les différents programmes de protection sociale mais aussi avec les programmes mis en œuvre par d’autres acteurs gouvernementaux ? • Comment peuvent-ils répondre aux besoins des populations ciblées et assurer une meilleure expérience client ? Le cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale précise les principaux éléments de cet environnement opérationnel. Il se décline en différentes phases qui s’échelonnent tout au long de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre. Ces phases sont les lieux d’interactions entre différents acteurs, parmi lesquels des personnes et des institutions. La communication, les systèmes d’information et la technologie facilitent ces interactions. Ce cadre peut s’appliquer à la mise en œuvre d’un ou plusieurs programmes ainsi qu’à la mise en place d’une protection sociale adaptative. Le Manuel de référence des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale s’articule autour de huit principes clés qui constituent le code de conduite de la mise en œuvre : 1. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre ne suivent pas un modèle unique, mais tous les modèles partagent des points communs qui forment le coeur du cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale. 2. La qualité de la mise en œuvre a une grande importance et la faiblesse de l’un des éléments constitutifs de la chaîne de mise en œuvre affectera négativement l’ensemble de celle-ci et réduira les impacts du ou des programmes qui lui sont associés. 3. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre évoluent dans le temps, de manière non linéaire et leur point de départ est important. 4. Dès le début de la mise en œuvre, des efforts devront être déployés pour « garder les choses simples » et pour « bien faire les choses simples ». 5. Le premier segment de la chaîne, à savoir l’interface entre les futurs bénéficiaires et l’administration, est souvent son maillon le plus faible. Son amélioration peut nécessiter des changements systémiques, mais ceux-ci contribueront considérablement à l’efficacité globale et atténueront les risques d’échec de cette interface. 6. Les programmes de protection sociale ne fonctionnent pas dans le vide et, par conséquent, leur système de mise en œuvre ne doit pas être développé en vase clos. Des opportunités de synergies entre institutions et systèmes d’information existent et les saisir peut améliorer les résultats des programmes. 7. Au-delà de la protection sociale, ces systèmes de mise en œuvre peuvent aussi améliorer la capacité des gouvernements à fournir d’autres prestations ou services, comme les subventions à l’assurance maladie, les bourses d’études, les tarifs sociaux de l’énergie, les allocations logement et l’accès aux services juridiques. 8. L’inclusion et la coordination sont des défis omniprésents et permanents. Pour les relever, il faut donc améliorer de façon continue les systèmes de mise en œuvre à travers une approche dynamique, intégrée et centrée sur la personne.

Regulating the Risk of Unemployment

Book Description

Regulating the Risk of Unemployment offers a systematic comparative analysis of reforms to unemployment protection systems in European countries since the early 1990s. The volume sheds new light on important changes in a core field of welfare state activity.