Ain't All Good, Ain't All Bad

Book Description

Frisby's memoir, Ain't All Good, Ain't All Bad, looks back at his own life's trajectory-including family lore going back several generations. With sharp wisdom and a touch of wry humor, he explores changing social dynamics around race, homosexuality, wome

Getting Hit by a Train Isn’T All Bad!

Book Description

My life had been in a downward spiral for quite some time, even before my encounter with that train. How ironic is it that while that while somewhere along the line I got off track, a train accident helped me to get back on track! Obviously, I would like everyone who reads this to be entertained, but the message of hope, faith, and perseverance was my main motivation in writing this book. There are so many people today that seem to have given up on their hopes and dreams for any number of reasons. Whether hope was lost due to poor choices (like me), handi-cap (like me), or any other reason (probably like me) you need to get over it, and not let past losses keep you from future gains!

It Ain't So Awful, Falafel

Book Description

Zomorod (Cindy) Yousefzadeh is the new kid on the block...for the fourth time. California’s Newport Beach is her family’s latest perch, and she’s determined to shuck her brainy loner persona and start afresh with a new Brady Bunch name—Cindy. It’s the late 1970s, and fitting in becomes more difficult as Iran makes U.S. headlines with protests, revolution, and finally the taking of American hostages. Even puka shell necklaces, pool parties, and flying fish can't distract Cindy from the anti-Iran sentiments that creep way too close to home. A poignant yet lighthearted middle grade debut from the author of the bestselling Funny in Farsi. California Library Association’s John and Patricia Beatty Award Winner Florida Sunshine State Young Readers Award (Grades 6–8) New York Historical Society’s New Americans Book Prize Winner Middle East Book Award for Youth Literature, Honorable Mention Booklist 50 Best Middle Grade Novels of the 21st Century

The Outing Magazine

Book Description

Outing Magazine

Book Description

Ain't All Good, Ain't All Bad

Book Description

The wisdom projected in Frisby's series of anecdotal stories illustrates life's humor, joys, pathos, and emotions, and reinforces that people are in control of their own reactions to life experiences even though events may be out of their control.

Poetical Works

Book Description

The Smart Set

Book Description