Alan Leo's Dictionary of Astrology

Book Description

In 1917 at the height of his fame, Alan Leo was charged with fortune-telling, which was illegal, and taken to court. He had been tried on similar charges in 1914, which had been dismissed. But the charges brought in 1917 stuck. Leo was given a hefty fine. As winning on appeal seemed unlikely, Leo paid the fine and went to Cornwall for a rest, where on 30 August, 1917, he unexpectedly died of a cerebral hemorrhage, aged 57. His friends blamed it on the strain of the court proceedings. At the time of his death, this Dictionary was one of Leo's unfinished projects. Installments of the Dictionary had appeared in Leo's monthly magazine, Modern Astrology, up to the end of the article "Horoscope" (pgs. 130-136). That the project was long-standing is hinted by the article on Hindu Astrology (pgs. 76-101), written by Sepharial some years before and which Leo had presumably purloined. More material was in preparation, but Leo's untimely death brought matters to a halt. By the early 1920's, Vivian Robson had succeeded Leo as editor of Modern Astrology, a post he shared with Bessie Leo, the widow. An intense, scholarly type, Robson stumbled across bound copies of Leo's incomplete book while he was compiling his own astrological dictionary. At the suggestion of Bessie, Robson abandoned his dictionary and set about to complete Leo's, using the many notes and fragments that Leo had left. Which was published in 1929 as Alan Leo's final book. Shortly thereafter Bessie and Vivian had a falling out, whereupon Vivian left. This book was to be an orphan. Like its precursor, James Wilson's Dictionary of Astrology of 1819, Leo's book contains several full-blown monographs. Both books have lengthy entries on Horary Astrology, for example. These articles tend to break the flow of the book. For this reason the current publishers, Astro-America, have added headings to each page, that the reader may know whereabouts in the book he may be. The publishers have also added a list of principal articles to the front, as well as a complete list of entries (forming an index) in the back. Alan Leo's Dictionary of Astrology is again in print. Profit from the wealth of knowledge it contains!

The Complete Dictionary of Astrology

Book Description

Covers Hindu and horary astrology, defines astrological terms, and includes information on signs, planets, houses, and aspects.

The Key to Your Own Nativity

Book Description

This complete and comprehensive analysis of the horoscope gives full descriptions of every position in a natal chart. It shows where to find indications in the horoscope for finance, travel, environment, enterprise, sickness, marriage, legacies, philosophy, profession, friends, occultism, and a host of other interests. Here is the master astrologer's easy to follow method for chart interpretation, a must for the beginner.

Everybody's Astrology

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Esoteric Astrology

Book Description

The Text-Book of Astrology

Book Description

The Text-Book of Astrology, written by noted English astrologer Alfred John Pearce, was first published as a combined edition in London in 1911. It includes the author's individual books on: Genethliacal Astrology Mundane Astrology Astro-Meteorology Medical Astrology Elections This classic work is filled with numerous examples and its original publication was praised in the the Spiritualist: "Even for those who desire only to obtain a general knowledge of the subject, or at most be able to cast and read an astrological figure, Mr. Pearce's book may be recommended as easily intellligible, and containing much interesting matter, besides the process that will be chiefly useful to the student whose aims are more ambitious. To the latter it is invaluable. It is enriched with many interesting notices of nativities illustrating the different rules and doctrines of the science. "

Astrology for All

Book Description

He is considered the father of modern astrology: Alan Leo opened up the secrets of divination by the stars to the general public in the early 20th century with a popular line of astrology manuals that set off a craze for horoscopes that continues to this day. Here, in this replica of the 1910 fourth edition of his essential primer, Leo teaches us. . the basics of astronomy required for an understanding of astrology . the nature and character of the twelve signs of the Zodiac . complete breakdowns of the affect of the Sun and the Moon on each house . what a horoscope is and how to cast one . and more. ALSO FROM COSIMO: Leo's The Key to Your Own Nativity, Symbolism and Astrology: An Introduction to Esoteric Astrology, Horary Astrology, and Mars: The War Lord British astrologer WILLIAM FREDERICK ALLAN (1860-1917), aka Alan Leo, published Astrologer's Magazine as well as a line of astrological materials; he founded the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society in 1915.