Alarga tu esperanza de vida ( Colección Vital )

Book Description

Cómo la ciencia nos ayuda a controlar, frenar y revertir el proceso de envejecimiento. Una audaz propuesta por uno de los líderes de la investigación genética de Harvard y una de las personas más influyentes según la revista Time. Que envejecer es inevitable es una verdad aparentemente innegable. Pero ¿qué pasaría si todo lo que nos han dicho hasta ahora resultase incierto?, ¿qué sucedería si pudiéramos elegir cuánto tiempo vivir? En este libro innovador y asombroso, el doctor David Sinclair, autoridad mundial y líder en genética y longevidad, revela una nueva y audaz teoría: el envejecimiento es una enfermedad y es una enfermedad tratable. Este provocativo punto de partida nos lleva a la revelación de avances increíbles, muchos del propio laboratorio del doctor Sinclair en Harvard, que demuestran cómo podemos reducir la velocidad, o incluso revertir el proceso. ¿La solución? Activar genes recién descubiertos, descendientes de un antiguo circuito de supervivencia, que podría ser tanto la causa del envejecimiento como la clave para revertirlo. Experimentos recientes en la reprogramación genética sugieren que, en un futuro cercano, no solo podremos sentirnos más jóvenes, sino serlo. Mediante estas páginas, el doctor Sinclair nos invita a explorar algunas tecnologías emergentes y ciertos cambios simples en el estilo de vida, que nos ayudarán a sentirnos más jóvenes y a estar más saludables por más tiempo, como el ayuno intermitente, la exposición al frío, hacer ejercicio con la intensidad adecuada y comer menos carne. Una guía indispensable para recobrar el destino de nuestra salud y plantearnos una visión innovadora para el futuro de la humanidad. «Un libro apasionante que merece ser leído de manera amplia y profunda.» Siddhartha Mukherjee, ganador del Premio Pulitzer y autor de El emperador de todos los males y El gen

Alarga tu esperanza de vida

Book Description

¿Y si envejecer fuera una enfermedad y fuese tratable como tal? El libro escrito por un aclamado científico de la facultad de Medicina de Harvard y una de las personas más influyentes de según Time, que cambiará paradigmas sobre el envejecimiento. Que envejecer es inevitable es una verdad aparentemente innegable. pero, ¿qué pasaría si todo lo que se nos ha dicho hasta ahora sobre el envejecimiento resultase incierto?, ¿qué sucedería si pudiéramos elegir nuestra esperanza de vida? En este libro innovador y asombroso, el Dr. David Sinclair, autoridad mundial y líder en genética y longevidad, revela una nueva y audaz teoría. Como él explica, el envejecimiento es una enfermedad y es una enfermedad tratable. Experimentos recientes en la reprogramación genética sugieren que, en un futuro cercano, no solo podremos sentirnos más jóvenes, sino serlo. Mediante estas páginas, el Dr. Sinclair nos invita al proceso de descubrimiento científico y revela algunas tecnologías emergentes y algunos cambios simples en el estilo de vida que nos ayudarán a sentirnos más jóvenes y a estar más saludables por más tiempo como el ayuno intermitente, la exposición al frío, hacer ejercicio con la intensidad adecuada y comer menos carne. Alarga tu esperanza de vida cambiará para siempre nuestra idea sobre por qué envejecemos y qué podemos hacer al respecto. El doctor David Sinclair es profesor de genética en la Harvard Medical School y ha sido nombrado por la revista Time como una de las 100 personas más influyentes. Su trabajo ha aparecido ampliamente en los medios de comunicación y ha fundado y codirigido nueve compañías de biotecnología desde 2005.

Pima Bajo

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Cecilia Valdés or El Angel Hill

Book Description

Cecilia Valdés is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Originally published in New York City in 1882, Cirilo Villaverde's novel has fascinated readers inside and outside Cuba since the late 19th century. In this new English translation, a vast landscape emerges of the moral, political, and sexual depravity caused by slavery and colonialism. Set in the Havana of the 1830s, the novel introduces us to Cecilia, a beautiful light-skinned mulatta, who is being pursued by the son of a Spanish slave trader, named Leonardo. Unbeknownst to the two, they are the children of the same father. Eventually Cecilia gives in to Leonardo's advances; she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. When Leonardo, who gets bored with Cecilia after a while, agrees to marry a white upper class woman, Cecilia vows revenge. A mulatto friend and suitor of hers kills Leonardo, and Cecilia is thrown into prison as an accessory to the crime. For the contemporary reader Helen Lane's masterful translation of Cecilia Valdés opens a new window into the intricate problems of race relations in Cuba and the Caribbean. There are the elite social circles of European and New World Whites, the rich culture of the free people of color, the class to which Cecilia herself belonged, and then the slaves, divided among themselves between those who were born in Africa and those who were born in the New World, and those who worked on the sugar plantation and those who worked in the households of the rich people in Havana. Cecilia Valdés thus presents a vast portrait of sexual, social, and racial oppression, and the lived experience of Spanish colonialism in Cuba.

Hi Fi/stereo Review

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A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

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A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish has been fully revised and updated, including over 500 new entries, making it an invaluable resource for students of Spanish. Based on a new web-based corpus containing more than 2 billion words collected from 21 Spanish-speaking countries, the second edition of A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish provides the most expansive and up-to-date guidelines on Spanish vocabulary. Each entry is accompanied with an illustrative example and full English translation. The Dictionary provides a rich resource for language teaching and curriculum design, while a separate CD version provides the full text in a tab-delimited format ideally suited for use by corpus and computational linguistics. With entries arranged both by frequency and alphabetically, A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.

Wisdom in Israel

Book Description

This classic text, the last major work by the great Hebrew Bible scholar Gerhard von Rad, has long been unavailable in North America. It is now being reissued in paperback from to satisfy the continuing demand for copies of the book. In brief, the subject of von Rad's study of Hebrew wisdom is Israel's willingness to ground faith in encounter with the world as the creation of God. Those familiar with the author's Old Testament Theology will recall how he identified two great watersheds in the history of Israel's thought. The first was the rise of the prophetic movement, which occasioned a radical reinterpretation of Israel's religious traditions as expressed in the earliest creedal formulations found in the Pentateuch. The second watershed, which preceded the prophetic movement and was a basically different assessment of Israel's relation to Yahweh, was achieved by wisdom teachers at the start of the monarchy. This book studies this first and somewhat novel break with Israel's older sacral traditions. Von Rad bases the study on a wide range of literary materials principally concerned with the books of Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Wisdom of Ben Sirach. "No finer introduction to the fundamental theological questions raised by the wisdom literature of Israel is available." Theology Today Gerhard von Rad was for many years Professor of Old Testament at the University of Heidelberg.

Gatherings from Spain

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The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person

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Jesus swept onto the scene declaring that the Kingdom of God had arrived! He proclaimed that we would experience life at its fullest only when we organize our lives around the Kingdom. E. Stanley Jones suggests that life in any other way is a muddled, maddening, and impossible way to live. Throughout the centuries we have lost the Kingdom as a clearly defined and workable system for order and influence in our daily lives. We have reduced the Kingdom by putting it into narrower molds, a refuge now, a present security, a future hope, anything but the Kingdom as Jesus preached it - God's total answer to man's total need now." Dr. Jones shows us how to claim our spiritual heritage and the abundant life promised us by embracing the Kingdom and Person of Jesus. He suggests how our experience with God and His Kingdom should be taught and shared in the life of the individual, in the life of the church and in the nations of the world.

Fact and Fiction

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This study examines a varied corpus of documentary and literary texts produced during the Miners revolution of October 1934 in Asturias.