Transition Metal Catalysis in Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation

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This book deals with the search for environmentally benign procedures for the oxidation of alcohols and gives an overview of their transition-metal-catalyzed aerobic oxidation.

Catalytic Conversion of Syngas to Alcohols and Hydrocarbons Over Transition Metal-based Micro/mesoporous Catalysts

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El gas de síntesi és una mescla d'hidrogen i monòxid de carboni, i pot ser emprat per obtenir una gran varietat de productes. La síntesi de Fischer-Tropsch (FTS) és el procés més utilitzat per la síntesi de hidrocarburs lineals a partir de gas de síntesi. Els productes més lleugers es poden utilitzar com a combustible dièsel, i els més pesats com a ceres. La síntesi d'alcohols pesats (HAS) és un procés reactiu per obtenir alcohols de dos o més àtoms de carboni. Aquests alcohols es poden fer servir com a productes entremitjos per la síntesi de lubricants, detergents i cosmètics. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de la hidrogenació de CO fent servir diferents tipus de catalitzadors suportats per obtenir hidrocarburs en rang de combustibles mitjançant FTS, o per produir alcohols pesats mitjançant HAS. El primer bloc de la tesi estudia l'efecte de l'acidesa i mesoporositat de les zeolites en catalitzadors FeCuMgK suportats en ZSM-40 i ZSM-240. El segon bloc avalua la influència de la càrrega metàl·lica en catalitzadors FeCoCu binaris i ternaris suportats amb sílice mesoporosa SBA-15 per la producció d'alcohols pesats.

Design and Development of Supported Transition Metal Phosphide Catalysts for Syngas Conversion to Alcohols

Book Description

In attempts to address the threats of climate change, countries are making efforts to mitigate their emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). The transition from economies driven by energy and chemicals derived from fossil fuel feedstocks to cleaner alternative fuels and technologies are met with great challenges. In the field of fuel and chemical production specifically, the transformation of carbon monoxide (CO) and CO2, produced through alternative technologies, to value added chemical products require catalysts that are active, selective, and stable. Current research efforts have focused on heavy characterization of catalysts in attempts of establishing a structure-activity correlation to help design and engineer the catalyst of the future. This thesis will focus on the design and characterization of two supported transition metal phosphide (TMP) catalysts, molybdenum phosphide (MoP) and ruthenium phosphide (RuP), and a bimetallic nickel iron (NiFe) catalyst. The first TMP, MoP, was specifically designed and optimized for the higher alcohol synthesis (HAS) reaction from synthesis gas (syngas) (CO/H2). Higher alcohols are defined as an alcohol group containing two or more carbon atoms., like ethanol. Through a systematic design approach, the optimal amount of potassium (K) promoter, P and Mo was determined and synthesized on three different supports: amorphous silica (SiO2), ordered silica (SBA-15), and mesoporous carbon (C). The different combinations led to contrasting catalytic performance with respect the HAS activity. The second TMP, RuP, was designed and optimized for the methanol synthesis (MS) reaction. Ru catalysts are known as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) catalysts as they selectively produce hydrocarbons. This study was able to change the intrinsic catalytic nature of Ru through addition of P. Catalytic results showed that the presence of P transformed the Ru FTS catalyst to a MS catalyst. The NiFe catalyst was tested for the ethane dehydrogenation reaction, in which the essential feedstock chemical ethylene is produced. This catalyst was tested for direct ethane dehydrogenation, in which only ethane is fed to the reactor along with H2 to mitigate coking, and oxidative ethane dehydrogenation, where CO2 is fed to promote the reacting and mitigate coking. The catalysts were also synthesized on two different supports, SiO2 and C, to quantify support effects. The overall goal of these studies was to determine the influence that addition of promoters, like K, phosphides, and secondary metals have on catalytic properties and how we might use that to design catalysts with improved activity, selectivity, and stability.

Advances in Catalysis

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Metal-Based Catalysts in Organic Synthesis

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Catalysts play a crucial role in the path towards the transformation of organic compounds. This book describes the recent development of metal-based catalysis in organic synthesis. Applications of various catalysts to interesting organic transformations are discussed. It covers important organic reactions such as cyclohexane oxidation under different energy stimuli, use of Pd-nanoparticles for carbonylation of aniline, ammoximation of methyl ethyl ketone by Ni-modified TS-1 and carbozincation of substituted 2-alkynylamines. This book will be a useful reference for researchers in the field of catalysis, organic chemistry and materials science. It is also intended to attract the attention of researchers with an industrial interest.

Organometallic Pincer Chemistry

Book Description

Gerard van Koten: The Mono-anionic ECE-Pincer Ligand - a Versatile Privileged Ligand Platform: General Considerations.- Elena Poverenov, David Milstein: Non-Innocent Behavior of PCP and PCN Pincer Ligands of Late Metal Complexes.- Dean M. Roddick: Tuning of PCP Pincer Ligand Electronic and Steric Properties.- Gemma R. Freeman, J. A. Gareth Williams: Metal Complexes of Pincer Ligands: Excited States, Photochemistry, and Luminescence.- Davit Zargarian, Annie Castonguay, Denis M. Spasyuk: ECE-Type Pincer Complexes of Nickel.- Roman Jambor and Libor Dostál: The Chemistry of Pincer Complexes of 13 - 15 Main Group Elements.- Kálmán J. Szabo: Pincer Complexes as Catalysts in Organic Chemistry.- Jun-ichi Ito and Hisao Nishiyama: Optically Active Bis(oxazolinyl)phenyl Metal Complexes as Multi-potent Catalysts.- Anthony St. John, Karen I. Goldberg, and D. Michael Heinekey: Pincer Complexes as Catalysts for Amine Borane Dehydrogenation.- Dmitri Gelman and Ronit Romm: PC(sp3)P Transition Metal Pincer Complexes: Properties and Catalytic Applications.- Jennifer Hawk and Steve Craig: Physical Applications of Pincer Complexes.