IT and the Development of Digital Skills and Competences in Education

Book Description

Digital technologies are transforming economies and societies around the world. As such, markets demand new types of skills and competences that students must learn in order to be successful. IT and emerging technologies can be integrated into educational institutions to improve teaching methods and academic results as well as digital literacy. IT and the Development of Digital Skills and Competences in Education compiles critical research into one comprehensive reference source that explores the new demands of labor markets in the digital economy, how educational institutions can respond to these new opportunities and threats, the development of new teaching and learning methods, and the development of digital skills and competences. Through new theories, research findings, and case studies, the book seeks to incite new perspectives to understandings of the challenges and opportunities of the utilization of IT in the education sector around the world. Due to innovative topics that include digital competence, disruptive technologies, and digital transformation, this book is an ideal reference for academicians, directors of schools, vice-chancellors, education and IT experts, CEOs, policymakers in the field of education and IT, researchers, and students.

Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology

Book Description

This book presents high-quality, peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference in Information Technology & Education (ICITED 2022), to be held at the ESPM – Higher School of Advertising and Marketing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between July 14 – 16, 2022. This book covers a specific field of knowledge. This intends to cover not only two fields of knowledge – Education and Technology – but also the interaction among them and the impact/result in the job market and organizations. It covers the research and pedagogic component of Education and Information Technologies and also the connection with Society, addressing the three pillars of higher education. This book addresses impact of pandemic on education and use of technology in education. Finally, it also encourages companies to present their professional cases which will be discussed. These can constitute real examples of how companies are overcoming their challenges with the uncertainty of the market.

Niños y jóvenes ante las redes y pantallas

Book Description

Los niños y jóvenes crecen rodeados de los medios y las tecnologías, de pantallas a través de las cuales cuentan y muestran su vida y miran la de otros. Los docentes deben asumir, como parte de su responsabilidad profesional, el dominio de la competencia mediática para poder implementar estrategias didácticas y recursos pedagógicos adecuados al desarrollo tecnológico y mediático más actual. La educación en medios sigue siendo algo anecdótico o instrumental. Plantear cómo funcionan sus lenguajes, cómo se producen sus mensajes, la retórica y técnicas que emplean para construir el significado, de qué manera seleccionan y manipulan la información y la comunicación, puede contribuir a disminuir su autoridad y su consideración de mitos y a fomentar la conciencia crítica ante ellos.

Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies (ICAETT 2022), held in Riobamba, Ecuador, on 26–28 October 2022, proudly organized by Facultad de Informática y Electrónica (FIE) at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo and supported by GDEON. ICAETT 2022 brings together top researchers and practitioners working in different domains of computer science to share their expertise and to discuss future developments and potential collaborations. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: ● Artificial intelligence ● Communications ● e-Learning ● AT for engineering applications ● Security ● Technology trends

Media Literacy, Equity, and Justice

Book Description

Offering a new and thought-provoking look at media literacy education, this book brings together a range of perspectives that address the past, present, and future of media literacy, equity and justice. Straddling media studies, literacy education, and social justice education, this book comes at a time when the media’s role as well as our media intake and perceptions are being disrupted. As a result, questions of censorship, free speech, accountability abound, and nuance is often lost. This book is an antidote to the challenges facing media literacy education: chapters offer a careful examination of important and hot topics, including AI, authenticity, representation, climate change, activism and more. Addressing the continually evolving role of media and its impact on our society and shared knowledge base, the volume is organized around five themes: Misinformation and Disinformation; Media Representation; Civic Media, Politics and Policy; Eco Media Literacy; Education and Equity, Ethical Quandaries and Ideologies; and Emerging Technologies. Ideal for courses on media literacy and new literacies, this book furthers the conversation on the ways literacy and social justice are connected to educational communities in local and global contexts.

Competencias Docentes y Prácticas Educativas Abiertas en Educación a Distancia

Book Description

El proyecto "SINED-CLARISE para la educación a distancia" tuvo por objetivo el generar conocimiento en torno a modelos de enseñanza acordes con las necesidades de la educación a distancia y el enfoque de formación en competencias, a través de la creación de proyectos integrados en los que se conjuntaran los conocimientos y experiencias de investigadores y docentes especializados en dicha modalidad educativa. El movimiento educativo abierto constituyó el punto central del proyecto, conceptualizado este movimiento como las actividades educativas de acceso abierto que permite prácticas formativas que van desde el uso de recursos educativos abiertos (REA) disponibles en internet, la producción de materiales con licenciamiento abierto, la selección de REA a través de repositorios y conectores que actúan como infomediarios de los catálogos de REA, la diseminación de prácticas en entornos académicos, gubernamentales, institucionales, etc. y la movilización hacia las prácticas educativas.

Educational Digital Transformation: New Technological Challenges for Competence Development

Book Description

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to examine our understanding of the opportunities and challenges that ICTs offer to support the functioning of all aspects of education. The closure of educational institutions has forced a radical change in the practices of teachers and societies regarding the use of ICT to support teaching, learning, social relations and work in many sectors. In the training of digital skills, the instrumental mastery of ICT continues to outweigh the preparation of citizens to make constructive and safe use of technologies. After two decades of educational policies, we continue to reduce digital literacy to instrumental skills. That is, you do not learn why to use educational technologies and how, or to be critical of their use. Education 4.0 seeks to develop and enhance the digital skills of students and teachers in digital teaching environments, through the creation of a line of academic training programs for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. This article collection welcomes contributions to improve training policies and practices in Educational Digital Transformation for educational development (strategies, activities, proposals for assessment and certification of skills).

Comunicación digital

Book Description

Este manual está dirigido a estudiantes de comunicación y de educación de grado y posgrado. El eje central de toda la obra es el novedoso concepto de Factor R-elacional, atendiendo al nuevo modelo que los autores han bautizado como «TRIC» (Tecnologías de la Relación, Información y Comunicación), que dibuja un nuevo escenario de contextos y mediaciones en la comunicación digital y móvil. Este libro contiene todas las partes esenciales para entender la comunicación digital: fundamentos, principios, interactuantes, competencias, mediaciones e inteRmetodología.Desde una perspectiva educomunicativa, los autores proponen métodos innovadores para llevar a cabo prácticas de aprendizaje digital en entornos presenciales, semipresenciales y virtuales. Como aportación final, se entrevista a seis reconoidos expertos en educación mediática y competencia digital para abordar desde su mirada diferentes temas planteados en el libro, de forma dialógica y abierta a la reflexión. También se brinda a los lectores la posibilidad de participar e interactuar en un laboratorio de experiencias TRIC.