Miracle of Mexico

Book Description

Alfonso Reyes Ochoa (1889-1959) was a Mexican writer, philosopher and diplomat. This is the first major collection of his poetry in English. "A man for whom language has been all that language can be: sound and sign, inert trace and wizardry, a clockwork mechanism and a living thing." (Octavio Paz)

Alfonso Reyes' Mexico

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Mexico in a Nutshell

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The Political Evolution of the Mexican People

Book Description

Are the Mexican people the children of Moctezuma or the children of Cortés? This question, long the central problem of Mexican historians, Justo Sierra answered by saying, "The Mexicans are the sons of the two peoples, of the two races ... to this we owe our soul." Because Sierra recognized the dual parentage, he was able to view his country's history as an evolutionary process. Formed in both the indigenous past and the colonial past, the Mexican people, after three hundred years of slow and painful gestation, were finally born with the arrival of Independence. They came of age when the Reform, the Republic, and the nation achieved a single identity. This classical synthesis, written on the eve of the Mexican Revolution, gave direction to the generation that furnished the Revolution's intellectual leaders. Although the author was Secretary of Public Instruction in the dictatorial regime of Porfirio Díaz, he was the first historian to show sympathy for the plight of the masses, and his book ends with the warning that political evolution has lost its way unless the result is freedom. As Edmundo O'Gorman points out in an important essay on Mexican historiography, written especially for this edition, Sierra was also the first to write a history of his nation in a sincere endeavor to get at the truth, instead of shaping his account to prove a thesis or to preach some political faith. And yet, his work "owes its originality and its lasting merit to his vigorous interpretation of Mexico's history in the light of his convictions, of his keen insight, even of his fears." Though the chapters on the pre-Columbian Indian have been rendered obsolete by later archeological discoveries, the rest of the history is still valid and needs only to be brought up to date.

Alfonso Reyes and Spain

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Alfonso Reyes, the great humanist and man of letters of contemporary Spanish America, began his literary career just before the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. He spearheaded the radical shift in Mexico's cultural and philosophical orientation as a leading member of the famous "Athenaeum Generation." The crucial years of his literary formation, however, were those he spent in Spain (1914-1924). He arrived in Madrid unknown and unsure of his future. When he left, he had achieved both professional maturity and wide acclaim as a writer. This book has, as its basis, the remarkable correspondence between Reyes and some of the leading spirits of the Spanish intellectual world, covering not only his years in Spain but also later exchanges of letters. Although Reyes always made it clear that he was a Mexican and a Spanish American, he became a full-fledged member of the closed aristocracy of Spanish literature. It was the most brilliant period in Spain's cultural history since the Golden Age, and it is richly represented here by Reyes' association with five of its most important figures: Miguel de Unamuno and Ramón del Valle-Inclán were of the great "Generation of 98"; among the younger writers were José Ortega y Gasset, essayist and philosopher; the Nobel poet Juan Ramón Jiménez; and Ramón Gómez de la Serna, a precursor of surrealism. Alfonso Reyes maintained lifelong friendships with these men, and their exchanges of letters are of a dual significance. They reveal how the years in Spain allowed Reyes to pursue his vocation independently, thereby prompting him to seek universal values. Coincidentally, they provide a unique glimpse into the inner world of those friends—and their dreams of a new Spain.

A Scholiastas Quill

Book Description

Alfonso Reyes (1889-1959) was the embodiment of the Latin American poet, essayist, and literary theorist during the first half of the twentieth century. With an astonishing intellectual curiosity and capacity for work, he thought and wrote about every important topic and major intellectual current that defined his beleaguered times. This collection recovers Reyes legacy from the standpoint of the twenty-first century, with essays written exclusively for this book by scholars from Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, France, Mexico, and the United States. They analyze Reyes poetry and essays from contrasting theoretical approaches and innovative readings of his major poetic works; his philosophical correspondence with leading European and Mexican writers; modernism in the Anglo-American and Latin American essay tradition; and, among other topics of interest, the idea of America and cosmopolitanism in his essays. The volume includes a full-length introduction, an interview with Latin American poet and essayist Octavio Armand, and English translations of Armands poems. The study is of significant value to scholars, teachers, students, and the general reader interested in a seminal writer who shaped the writing of poetry and the essay in Latin American letters during the first half of the twentieth century.

A Scholiast’s Quill

Book Description

Alfonso Reyes (1889-1959) was the embodiment of the Latin American poet, essayist, and literary theorist during the first half of the twentieth century. With an astonishing intellectual curiosity and capacity for work, he thought and wrote about every important topic and major intellectual current that defined his beleaguered times. This collection recovers Reyes’ legacy from the standpoint of the twenty-first century, with essays written exclusively for this book by scholars from Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, France, Mexico, and the United States. They analyze Reyes’ poetry and essays from contrasting theoretical approaches and innovative readings of his major poetic works; his philosophical correspondence with leading European and Mexican writers; modernism in the Anglo-American and Latin American essay tradition; and, among other topics of interest, the idea of America and cosmopolitanism in his essays. The volume includes a full-length introduction, an interview with Latin American poet and essayist Octavio Armand, and English translations of Armand’s poems. The study is of significant value to scholars, teachers, students, and the general reader interested in a seminal writer who shaped the writing of poetry and the essay in Latin American letters during the first half of the twentieth century.

Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico

Book Description

Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico, originally written in 1934, is addressed to the author’s compatriots, but it speaks to people, wherever they are, who are interested in enriching their own lives and in elevating the cultural level of their countries. And it speaks with a peculiar timeliness to citizens of the United States who would understand their neighbors to the south. Samuel Ramos’s avowed purpose is to assist in the spiritual reform of Mexico by developing a theory that might explain the real character of Mexican culture. His approach is not flattering to his fellow citizens. After an analysis of the historical forces that have molded the national psychology, Ramos concludes that the Mexican sense of inferiority is the basis for most of the Mexican’s spiritual troubles and for the shortcomings of the Mexican culture. Ramos subscribes to neither of the two major opposing schools of thought as to what norms should direct the development of Mexican culture. He agrees neither with the nationalists, who urge a deliberate search for originality and isolation from universal culture, nor with the “Europeanizers,” who advocate abandonment of the life around them and a withdrawal into the modes of foreign cultures. Ramos thinks that Mexico’s hope lies in a respect for the good in native elements and a careful selection of those foreign elements that are appropriate to Mexican life. Such a sensible choice of foreign elements will result not in imitation, but in assimilation. Combined with the nurturing of desirable native elements, it will result in an independent cultural unit, “a new branch grafted onto world culture.” Ramos finds in Mexico no lack of intelligence or vitality: “It needs only to learn.” And he believes that the future is Mexico’s, that favorable destinies await a Mexico striving for the elevation of humanity, for the betterment of life, for the development of all the national capacities.