Algebraic and Analytic Geometry

Book Description

Modern introduction to algebraic geometry for undergraduates; uses analytic ideas to access algebraic theory.

Algebraic and Analytic Geometry

Book Description

Modern introduction to algebraic geometry for undergraduates; uses analytic ideas to access algebraic theory.

Analytic and Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

"Analytic and algebraic geometers often study the same geometric structures but bring different methods to bear on them. While this dual approach has been spectacularly successful at solving problems, the language differences between algebra and analysis also represent a difficulty for students and researchers in geometry, particularly complex geometry. The PCMI program was designed to partially address this language gulf, by presenting some of the active developments in algebraic and analytic geometry in a form suitable for students on the 'other side' of the analysis-algebra language divide. One focal point of the summer school was multiplier ideals, a subject of wide current interest in both subjects. The present volume is based on a series of lectures at the PCMI summer school on analytic and algebraic geometry. The series is designed to give a high-level introduction to the advanced techniques behind some recent developments in algebraic and analytic geometry. The lectures contain many illustrative examples, detailed computations, and new perspectives on the topics presented, in order to enhance access of this material to non-specialists."--Publisher's description.

History of Analytic Geometry

Book Description

This study presents the concepts and contributions from before the Alexandrian Age through to Fermat and Descartes, and on through Newton and Euler to the "Golden Age," from 1789 to 1850. 1956 edition. Analytical bibliography. Index.

Local Analytic Geometry

Book Description

Auf der Grundlage einer Einführung in die kommutative Algebra, algebraische Geometrie und komplexe Analysis werden zunächst Kurvensingularitäten untersucht. Daran schließen Ergebnisse an, die zum ersten Mal in einem Lehrbuch aufgenommen wurden, das Verhalten von Invarianten in Familien, Standardbasen für konvergente Potenzreihenringe, Approximationssätze, Grauerts Satz über die Existenz der versellen Deformation. Das Buch richtet sich an Studenten höherer Semester, Doktoranden und Dozenten. Es ist auf der Grundlage mehrerer Vorlesungen und Seminaren an den Universitäten in Kaiserslautern und Saarbrücken entstanden.

Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry for Physical Sciences

Book Description

A self-contained introduction to finite dimensional vector spaces, matrices, systems of linear equations, spectral analysis on euclidean and hermitian spaces, affine euclidean geometry, quadratic forms and conic sections. The mathematical formalism is motivated and introduced by problems from physics, notably mechanics (including celestial) and electro-magnetism, with more than two hundreds examples and solved exercises.Topics include: The group of orthogonal transformations on euclidean spaces, in particular rotations, with Euler angles and angular velocity. The rigid body with its inertia matrix. The unitary group. Lie algebras and exponential map. The Dirac’s bra-ket formalism. Spectral theory for self-adjoint endomorphisms on euclidean and hermitian spaces. The Minkowski spacetime from special relativity and the Maxwell equations. Conic sections with the use of eccentricity and Keplerian motions. An appendix collects basic algebraic notions like group, ring and field; and complex numbers and integers modulo a prime number.The book will be useful to students taking a physics or engineer degree for a basic education as well as for students who wish to be competent in the subject and who may want to pursue a post-graduate qualification.

Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants

Book Description

This volume contains lectures from the Graduate Summer School “Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants” held at Park City Mathematics Institute 2019. The lectures span topics in topology, global analysis, and physics, and they range from introductory to cutting edge. Topics treated include mathematical gauge theory (anti-self-dual equations, Seiberg-Witten equations, Higgs bundles), classical and categorified knot invariants (Khovanov homology, Heegaard Floer homology), instanton Floer homology, invertible topological field theory, BPS states and spectral networks. This collection presents a rich blend of geometry and topology, with some theoretical physics thrown in as well, and so provides a snapshot of a vibrant and fast-moving field. Graduate students with basic preparation in topology and geometry can use this volume to learn advanced background material before being brought to the frontiers of current developments. Seasoned researchers will also benefit from the systematic presentation of exciting new advances by leaders in their fields.

Singularities in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of an AMS special session held at the 1999 Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Antonio. The participants were an international group of researchers studying singularities from algebraic and analytic viewpoints. The contributed papers contain original results as well as some expository and historical material. This volume is dedicated to Oscar Zariski, on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. Topics include the role of valuation theory in algebraic geometry with recent applications to the structure of morphisms; algorithmic approaches to resolution of equisingular surface singularities and locally toric varieties; weak subintegral closures of ideals and Rees valuations; constructions of universal weakly subintegral extensions of rings; direct-sum decompositions of finitely generated modules; construction and examples of resolution graphs of surface singularities; Jacobians of meromorphic curves; investigation of spectral numbers of curve singularities using Puiseux pairs; Gröbner basis calculations of Hochschild homology for hypersurfaces with isolated singularities; and the theory of characteristic classes of singular spaces - a brief history with conjectures and open problems.

Lectures on Analytic and Projective Geometry

Book Description

This undergraduate text develops the geometry of plane and space, leading up to conics and quadrics, within the context of metrical, affine, and projective transformations. 1953 edition.

Rigid Analytic Geometry and Its Applications

Book Description

Rigid (analytic) spaces were invented to describe degenerations, reductions, and moduli of algebraic curves and abelian varieties. This work, a revised and greatly expanded new English edition of an earlier French text by the same authors, presents important new developments and applications of the theory of rigid analytic spaces to abelian varieties, "points of rigid spaces," étale cohomology, Drinfeld modular curves, and Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology. The exposition is concise, self-contained, rich in examples and exercises, and will serve as an excellent graduate-level text for the classroom or for self-study.