Alkali Metal Rankine Cycle Boiler Technology Challenges and Some Potential Solutions for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion Applications

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Alkali metal boilers are of interest for application to future space Rankine cycle power conversion systems. Significant progress on such boilers was accomplished in the 1960's and early 1970's, but development was not continued to operational systems since NASA's plans for future space missions were drastically curtailed in the early 1970's. In particular, piloted Mars missions were indefinitely deferred. With the announcement of the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) in July 1989 by President Bush, interest was rekindled in challenging space missions and, consequently in space nuclear power and propulsion. Nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) and nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) were proposed for interplanetary space vehicles, particularly for Mars missions. The potassium Rankine power conversion cycle became of interest to provide electric power for NEP vehicles and for 'dual-mode' NTP vehicles, where the same reactor could be used directly for propulsion and (with an additional coolant loop) for power. Although the boiler is not a major contributor to system mass, it is of critical importance because of its interaction with the rest of the power conversion system; it can cause problems for other components such as excess liquid droplets entering the turbine, thereby reducing its life, or more critically, it can drive instabilities-some severe enough to cause system failure. Funding for the SEI and its associated technology program from 1990 to 1993 was not sufficient to support significant new work on Rankine cycle boilers for space applications. In Fiscal Year 1994, funding for these challenging missions and technologies has again been curtailed, and planning for the future is very uncertain. The purpose of this paper is to review the technologies developed in the 1960's and 1970's in the light of the recent SEI applications. In this way, future Rankine cycle boiler programs may be conducted most efficiently. This report is aimed at evaluating alkali metal boiler ...

Fossil Energy Update

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Alkali-metal Rankine Topping-cycle System Design and Development

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The alkali metal vapor topping cycle with a steam cycle offers the potential of achieving a higher cycle efficiency than the steam cycle alone. An efficiency of about 50% is predicted for a cycle which employs either potassium or cesium with a vapor temperature at 1540°F (837°C) at the turbine inlet in a binary cycle where the metal vapor cycle is superimposed on a conventional steam cycle. A considerable amount of design and development work has been done by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other organizations on the alkali metal vapor Rankine cycle over the past several years. This effort was directed toward power systems for two applications: nuclear auxiliary power systems for space vehicles and central station electric generating plants. A potassium Rankine cycle nuclear space power system was designed and about 25,000 h of development testing was done on system components, including the boiler, turbine, pump and condenser. No component failures or problems nor materials problems were encountered during the course of the testing. Preliminary design studies have been carried out for central station electric power plants of 200 to 600 MW(e) output for potassium and cesium vapor topping cycles with both natural gas and fluidized bed coal firing. A full-scale potassium boiler tube bundle module of the gas-fired plant design was tested at 1540°F with gas firing. The potassium boiler performed very well and no boiler leaks were encountered. A leak occurred in a weld at a tee in the liquid return line from the condenser, but this problem was solved by installing a thermal sleeve in the tee to avoid thermal cycling of the metal from liquid temperature variations. The alkali metal vapor power system designs are described and the results of the testing and status of the technology are presented in the paper.

Energy 70

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