All I Need In This Life of Sin Is A Thug's Love

Book Description

Malika has been through a lot in her life, from being raped by her mother’s dealer to not knowing who her father is. She thinks love is just a word that’s meant to hurt people. Her mother intends for Malika to be the way she gets drugs without having to pay for them, until one day, her knight in shining armor saves and offers her to come stay with him until her mother gets herself together. In the midst of this, she falls for him, even though he has a girlfriend, Nyah. They are on and off again lovers. Malika thinks they’re over; he and she have relations, which is soon turned into her feeling like he was just like the rest of the guys that tried to get with her, and she leaves his home. Meeting a man named Boobie, she thinks she’s hurting Dominic, but in reality, she realizes she’s gotten herself into some deep stuff, and only one person can save her. Will her knight in shining armor come to her rescue or leave her to drown in her sorrow?

All I Need in This Life of Sin Is a Thug's Love 2

Book Description

The crew is back at it again. Malika is in a medically induced coma. Dominic has baby mama drama. Keno has commitment issues, and Kia is fed up with it. All the couples are trying to make things work, but one couple has trust issues, and one of them is ready to throw in the towel. Malika and Dominic got engaged, and he is now ready to get married. Malika thinks it's all glitter and gold until she quickly realizes when marrying a man in the streets, you're not just marrying that man. You're marrying the streets as well.Kia still hasn't gotten over what happened when she and Malika were kidnapped and doesn't know if she will ever be able to get over it. Keno is trying to be a good man, but of course like all men, he has a tempting moment. The question is does he fall for the temptations or not? In the end, sometimes love may not be enough, and maybe it is, but what happens when your happy life is cut short because of what your man does in the streets?

All I Need In This Life Of Sin Is A Thug's Love 3

Book Description

Dominic and Keno are locked up and don’t know if they’re going to get out. The only communication they have with their women is through letters because they don’t want them at the prison. Malika is enjoying being a mommy and handling her business. She likes being able to go to work and know that her baby is in good hands. She is worried about her husband but knows that he will be straight no matter what happens. Malika turns into a savage behind her man and baby girl. Kia and Keno are still having issues, but they are about to hit the fan after a murder occurs in the club. Kia finds herself in some trouble, and she doesn’t know how she’s going to get out of it... that is until an unlikely person steps up and decides to take the wrap for her. Keno is confused about being with Kia, and instead of him telling her, he strings her along. When he tells her, it may be the last thing he ever says.

All I Need In This Life Of Sin Is A Thug's Love 2

Book Description

The crew is back at it again. Malika is in a medically induced coma. Dominic has baby mama drama. Keno has commitment issues, and Kia is fed up with it. All the couples are trying to make things work, but one couple has trust issues, and one of them is ready to throw in the towel. Malika and Dominic got engaged, and he is now ready to get married. Malika thinks it’s all glitter and gold until she quickly realizes when marrying a man in the streets, you’re not just marrying that man. You’re marrying the streets as well. Kia still hasn’t gotten over what happened when she and Malika were kidnapped and doesn’t know if she will ever be able to get over it. Keno is trying to be a good man, but of course like all men, he has a tempting moment. The question is does he fall for the temptations or not? In the end, sometimes love may not be enough, and maybe it is, but what happens when your happy life is cut short because of what your man does in the streets?

Lovin a Thug

Book Description

SAFE IN THE KEEPING OF GOD I am Home in Heaven, dear ones, Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty In this Everlasting Light. All the pain and grief are over, Every restless yearning past; I am now at peace forever, Safely Home in Heaven at last. Dear one, do not grieve so sorely, For I love you dearly still; Try to look beyond earth's shadows, Pray to trust Our Father's will. When your work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh! the rapture of that meeting! Oh! the joy to see you come!

A Thug is Just a Man

Book Description

This book is written for the young and hopeless, for the misguided, misled, misunderstanding, and misunderstood. It's a book of growth to promote growing. A book to reveal that someone understands, can relate, and cares. This book is written out of love and by faith. It's inspired by life and the discovery of the power of choice to shape that life. It's about choosing to know, love, and be yourself. Being a thug or a man is about accepting your humanity, mortality, and individuality; and respecting your own mind enough to trust that you are perfect. Acknowledging, accepting, and respecting that you are always a work in progress serves as a revelation into so much more. It ain't gotta be the way it is, but it is what it is until you choose to do and be different. This book is written with the hope to give both thuggin' and manhood a broader perspective. The hope that we will discontinue the traditional trade of innocence for ignorance. The aim of this book is to break one cycle and begin another more constructive one.

Down Life’S Trail

Book Description

For more years than most of todays population could possibly recall, I had been writing poems about my family, my own true adventure stories, and just about anything of interest to me, which has been just about anything! I had catalogued, shelved, boxed, and stored material throughout the years all the while that I had been experiencing the many facets of my more varied than some life. From the time that I was a little farm kid, the workings of nature and its wild faces had held intrigue to my mind. Consequently, by the time that I became old and bold enough to begin my own quest of adventure, I just plainly let it happen. Any opportunity to explore life and of things not yet known to me became open season for my whims. In those early years, I had managed to scribble down numerous discoveries that evolved as I waded through lifes happenings. Eventually, I had accumulated many written utterances and at first kept them in piles and eventually files. Through the urgings of family and friends, it has come to the point of sharing my writings of adventurous ramblings with others. But where should I start? The grab bag of writings that I have dealt from for this first widely published volume of mine, which I had decided to name Down Lifes Trail, for in many ways, it does reflect selections written by myself along the bumpy road of life. At the age of twenty-two, I had started out on my own after schooling for the profession as a photographer. This required traveling many miles, first within Maine then to other locations across the country, and involving aerial photos along with all others. I had recorded and kept records of many of the special locations that I had flown over or photographed, both in writings and photos. Now has come the time for me to pursue the publishing of some of my collections. I had promised to my local audience that had been reading my work over the years that I would indeed take a shot at publishing a book of poetry. My decision (right or wrong) is now to begin my offerings with this aptly named volume of Down Lifes Trail, for the following has been derived from short story poems written as I was tripping along lifes trail. Hopefully, you will read and enjoy the enclosed pages that have been randomly selected from the far reaching trail of my life.

All They Needed Was a Thug's Love 3

Book Description

The Bennett sisters can't seem to catch a break. Once they pull their self together from one situation they are dragged into more chaos leaving them feeling like things might not get better.Zy'ala is in her own little world. Without her sisters down her back and her parents gone she struggles to find stability in her life pushing away love and welcoming trouble with open arms.Looks like Amina is going to have her own little family and she's finally getting used to being loved. But will they ever find the crazy brother so they can actually live happily ever after... When a bomb is dropped on her will she learn to forgive and forget???One of the hardest things is deciding whether to keep fighting or throw in the towel. Unsure of what to do Jurnee puts off making a decision and is context with the way her life is. That is until her husband and the man after her heart come face to face. Gucci can't seem to find the key to the escape room and lock her problems away. She finds herself in yet another predicament that she never thought she would be in. When Gucci finally faces a familiar face from her past will it be all she needs to get her life on the right track or will it push her further into a hole turning her life upside down even more.The Bennett sisters have been through hell and back. Find out if a Thugs Love will be enough to help tame these crazy sisters.

Thug Mentality Exposed

Book Description

Thug Mentality Exposed was written by Rayford Johnson, a retired correctional counselor for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, where the book takes center stage. Johnson is a credentialed and certified gang specialist, a life skills instructor, a Christian minister who specializes in praying for healing and deliverance for people and a photojournalist for over thirty years while freelancing for entertainment publications, celebrity award shows and television entertainment outlets, such as BET. Johnson brings his wealth of knowledge and eye-opening experiences that reveal the satanic, ritualistic, dark side of the entertainment industry and introduces compelling, spiritual solutions in this book, which encompasses introducing principles and truths that give the reader hope in good overcoming evil. This book will give you a deeper understanding and revelation of the scientific and witchcraft methods being utilized by big corporations for profit, thus, driving mainstream humanity to crave for more of the immorality that is promoted in the compromised entertainment industry. You will hear about seventy graphic, genuine inmate stories that capture raw, honest footage from a mixture of gang members, Satanists, pimps, drug dealers, former honor students and pastor’s kids. Their testimonies are compelling, revealing and worth its weight in gold! Thug Mentality Exposed takes the reader all the way back to the ancient root of Thug Mentality—to India’s infamous and notorious Thuggee Tribe. As you familiarize yourself with the way a thug thinks and operates through the hearts and minds of these inmates you will gain a greater understanding of this wayward lifestyle that deceives so many young people and leaves them broken and emotionally bankrupt. Your journey will take you to the current gang, street, and drug trends. You will learn dark, occultic truths about the music industry that are hidden from the general public. You will delve into how the entertainment and ad industry utilizes scientific and occultic information and methods to manipulate and change one’s belief system without the individual even being aware of it. Other riveting topics featured in this mysterious book include: • The occult’s historical roots • Music’s influence on human behavior, including back-masking • Learning about how pimps think and operate • The influence of the homosexual movement in thug culture, and much more! The book also has a life-skills, personal development segment, which has been utilized as curriculum by correctional, drug treatment, and youth programs across the United States.