Allah Is the Pre-Islamic Moon-God, It Can Never Be the God of the Jews and Christians: The Quran, a Book That Reflects the Inexistence of the Moon-God

Book Description

This book, takes as reference, books written by renowned orientalist scholars, whose names are mentioned inside, specialized in ancient Arabic language as well as numerous archaeological discoveries. With this work, I try clearly to explain, why the Muslim Allah is the moon-god, therefore an idol, worshiped by the pre-Islamic Arab tribes at the time of Muhammad, and compared forcefully, by the alleged prophet, to the biblical God. In fact, all the ceremonies and rites that are currently being fulfilled by Muslims are, without exception, exactly the same rites and ceremonies, performed by pre-Islamic Arab populations to honor the idols of the Kaaba including the moon-god, Allah. I also write why the Kaaba could not have been built by Abraham. I explain why, since the Muslim Allah is the moon-god, thus an idol, cannot have dictated the Quran which was, therefore, conceived and written by men. In this book I explain why the Ramadan cannot have been ordained by any divine being. In this volume I point out, that, according to some of the greatest scholars of the Islamic religion and the Arabic language, the words "Islam" and "Muslim" are not words that existed at the time of Muhammad, so they could not have been written in the Quran and also that the Quran is a book written in a period far away from the alleged prophet lifetime. I wrote two chapters, to point out some senseless verses as well as different contradictions and assertions that, from what they declare, must necessarily come from human minds, always to show that Allah is the moon-god, an idol. I point out that in the Quran is indirectly asserted that their moon-god, Allah cannot be neither omnipotent nor omniscient. In this work I highlight two surah that clearly prove that the supposed Muslim holy book cannot come anywhere other than human minds and that therefore their god Allah does not exist. In this volume I cited the title of a book, written by an Iranian scholar, which points out how the Quran is a forgery. I also wrote clearly that not even Muslims know who should have dictated the Quran to Muhammad. I expose, in this volume, the reasons why the abrogating and the abrogated, the statement that later verses should repeal antecedent verses dealing with the same argument, cannot exist, whatever Muslims declare. I clearly illustrate why there can be no Muslim exegetes trying to explain incomprehensible Quranic surah. I negate, as clearly as possible, that their moon-god, Allah, a non-existent idol, could have sent something to anyone to confirm the Scriptures. I have also tried to explain the reason that clearly indicates, as written in the Quran, that their god Allah can be neither omniscient nor omnipotent, in opposition to what Muslims declare. I point out why the biblical God could not have nothing do with the self-appointed messenger. According to researches accomplished by scholars, as well as archeological discoveries, it is known now, that the self-appointed messenger, was never mentioned until 60 years after his death. I rebut, in this work of mine, the fact that God, according to what the alleged prophet wrote in the Quran, could forget and make mistakes, while he (the self-appointed messenger), remembered everything and apparently could not make mistakes. I also outlined, in my book, the reason why all the hadiths can be refuted and how.

The Culture Is I-God I & II

Book Description

The Five Percent Nation are the Gods & Earths a Nation created by Allah the Father in the years 1963 thru 1969 (Allah the Father left the NOI and in "63" the first borne are lifted up into the Knowledge of Self, by 1964 there are 500 young Five Percent Brothers). Born Justice: "Peace God, Allah The Father, left Temple number 7 in 1963, First Born Prince and God Supreme say the same thing, Peace; He was teaching in the Temple in 1963 and left in June or July He was there for three an one half years 1960-1963. All men lie when they are afraid. Some tell many lies, some but a few. Some have only one great lie they tell so often that they almost come to believe it...though some small part of them will always know that it is a lie, and that will show up on their many faces.

Not the Same God

Book Description

This intense and carefully researched book deals with the question that is increasingly on the minds of many, Is the Allah of the Qur an one and the same as the LORD God of the Bible? Although it may seem to some that this book is a response to the recent controversy at Wheaton College regarding what political science professor Larycia Hawkins stated in a Facebook page addressing a closely related question, Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God, (http: // ) in reality it was completed in December 2015 on the very eve of this controversy after a two year research effort. This coincidence, however, heightens the timeliness and underlines the importance of this issue. The book deals with this question using authoritative Islamic and Christian sources thus giving the reader a clear understanding of the Qur anic Allah and the reasons he is not the same or even similar to the LORD God of the Bible. This book addresses the core differences, such that many will be enlightened and helped in understanding the issues objectively."

Who Is This Allah?

Book Description

Is Allah the God of the Bible? In any of the one hundred and fifty sects and sub-sects of Islam, the common denominator is Allah. Who is this Allah? Much has been written on the religion of Islam and its prophet; but not much is said about the god of the religion. One reason is the assumption that the god of Islam and the God of Christianity are one and the same. When, on September 11, 2001, some Muslims carried out a well-organized attack, destroying the The World Trade Center and damaging the Pentagon, a letter of last instruction from the leaders of the terrorist network was discovered. Written in Arabic, it says their mission was a service to God. Actually this was a mistranslation. The word the terrorists used is not the Arabic word for God but Allah. The Arabic word for God is Ilah. So they believed they were working for Allah, not God. Who is this Allah? Were these terrorists extremists, or were they serving the Allah of the Qur'an? The war against terrorism goes beyond overthrowing the Taliban regime in Afghanistan or even killing Osama bin Laden. The war on terror may not be won unless we understand the Allah the terrorists say inspires them. Not all Muslims are terrorists. But the terrorists' letter, which is quoted fully in chapter three, gives great insight into the Islamic religion and the motivation for religious terrorism in the world. Why have we shied away from probing the identity of the Allah of Islam? Possibly it is because if Allah is not the God of the Bible, it would force us to face many ugly facts. For example, if Allah is the true God, and the Qur'an, Islam's sacred book, is true, then Christians can be sure they are lost, no matter how zealous they may be. The reverse would also be true. It is necessary, therefore, to provide sufficient information to enable you to determine your own verdict, and answer the question: Who is this Allah? This book will do that.

Allah the God of All Creatures

Book Description

A book titled 'Allah is the God of all Creatures" explains who God is, and his attributes. Allah is the Arabic word for God used by Christian Arabs and Muslims. The Arabic Bible uses the word Allah for God. Jesus used the words Eloi and Eli to mean God. When Jews put him under trial, he uttered" my God" to mean he has his God. Islam and Christianity teach Unitarianism. Allah is the only Creator of all Universes. All the true prophets of Allah received a revelation from Allah. Muhammad was the last prophet sent by God and everyone is obliged to follow Muhammad's religion. All true prophets of God taught worshiping one God. They follow one religion, which is submission to God. In Arabic, we call it Islam, so all prophets are Muslims. The God Allah who is the Creator of all Universes revealed the Quran to Muhammad as the Gospel was revealed to Jesus. Everyone is free to worship Allah if he likes, but the salvation of all people will come from believing the Quran as the last revelation of God to Muhammad. Everyone is obliged to worship Allah tobe rewarded with eternal paradise; else anyone who rejects worshiping Allah will be subjected to eternal hell in life thereafter.

Moon-o-theism: Religion of a War and Moon God Prophet

Book Description

This is a two-volume study of a war and moon god religion that was based on the Mideast moon god religion of Sin.

Allah, The Unique Name of God

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Is Allah God?

Book Description

Because of the dialogue between muslims and churches, necessitating the condition that Christianity and Islam would be of equal value, which they are NOT, I decided to write this book. Jesus Christ commanded and commissioned His Body, the church to make disciples of all nations! Not to enter into a dialogue with them. Muslims only seek a so called dialogue to gain territory. They do NOT respect nor consider Christianity equal to islam. On the contrary. And full well do they know that doing so would be in violation of islam. The 'churches' and so called Christians who enter into a dialogue with muslims, do not seek to gain anything from the muslims, except a 'cease fire.' By participating into a dialogue with muslims, they have denied Christ!