Book Description

THE ALLIS ISALL... THIS IS REAL! Where there is nothing that can be created with the mind and imagination, There IS THE ALLIS, and IT IS EVERYWHERE. This is not a complete explanation of THE ALLIS, because it cannot be explained at all. This IS Real! Yet, everything we will ever completely have, not need, for ourselves already exists with THE ALLISNISS LIFEIS. It is all a matter of what we agree to and how we PerSeeve The TruReality LifeIS. We have all come from The TruReality LifeIS, yet we have not come from anywhere, because ALL LifeIS Here & Now. This IS RealTruth! To the invented Educated Literal Mind, which has created a position and relationship to what it has created, such as language and institutions to learn from and get a degree, those who have done so have agreed to what they alone created. The Educated Minds have deemed the possibility of discovering The TruReality LifeIS, but it cannot be defined by anything accept The TruExperience of ITSELF.

The Electrical Age

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Tractor Field Book

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The Tractor Field Book

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Railway Review

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Book Description

Most of this world will never know who Paul Twitchell IS, and who he was while he was here. To many, he was a spiritual leader who created his own teaching, and was heavily criticized for it by those who could not See past their Literal Senses. Paul used certain terms to express his personal experiences and the experiences he had with many of his teachers and eventually Rebazar Tarzs. No matter, what he was presenting is the most important part, which is that part of ourselves that is so unseen and unnoticed, along with The TruReality Life IS. Paul was kind in his approach as he used the common words most people were familiar with like, soul, god, spiritual, salvation and so on. For those who have come here for their own experiences, they have invented their own symbols and their relationship to them, and so as Human History continues to record itself, so do the words and ideas move along their own paths to become understood as they will. HAVE FUN DECIDING! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


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