Contexts of Viability

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ILCA in Print

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Livestock Policy Analysis

Book Description

Policy concepts; Identification of policy issues; Production systems, supply and demand; Market, price and trade policies; Marketing and distribution systems; Budget and manpower planning; Land tenure police for the livestock sector; Policy analysis report writing and communication; Livestock production and marketing in alphabeta - a case study.

Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crop/livestock Farming Systems

Book Description

Technological constraints and opportunities in relation to class of livestock and production objectives; Trhe influence of socioeconomic factors on the availability and utilization of crop residues as animal feeds; Crop residues in Tropical Africa: trends in supply, demand and use; Cowpea and its improvement: key to sustainable mixed crop/livestock farming systems in West Africa; Dynamics of feed resources in mixed farming systems in Southeast, South Asia; West/Central Asia-North Africaand Latin America; Crop residues as a strategic resource in mixed farming systems; Alternatives to crop residues as feed resource in mixed farming systems; Alternatives to crop residues for soil amendment; Crop residues for feeding animals in Asia: technology development and adoption in crop/livestock systems; The national perspective: a synthesis of country reports presented at the Workshop.

Famine and Survival Strategies

Book Description

What do peasants do in the face of severe food crisis and ecological stress, and how do they manage to survive on their own? This study revolves around a case study conducted by the author in the awraja (district) in the Ambassel Wollo province in northeastern Ethiopia. This is in the region that was hit hardest by the 1984-85 famine, which Rahmato calls "the worst tragedy rural Ethiopia had ever experienced". The author also critically examines other literature on famine response. The focus of this study is on what happens before famine comes, and how the peasants prepare for it. From a wealth of evidence, the author concludes that the seeds of famine are sown during the years of recovery.

Farm Power and Mechanization for Small Farms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Book Description

Many previous publications on farm mechanization, draught animal power, hand tool technology, etc. have tended to be narrowly focused. The topic of farm power and mechanization also tended to be separated from the actual process of growing crops. This manual looks at putting the different sources of farm power, mechanization, machines, equipment and tools in a much broader context. Farm power requirements need to be viewed with reference to rural livelihoods and to farming systems as well as to the critical area of labour saving in HIV/AIDS-hit populations. No one particular type of technology is advocated.

Women, Livestock Ownership and Markets

Book Description

This book provides empirical evidence from Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique and from different production systems of the importance of livestock as an asset to women and their participation in livestock and livestock product markets. It explores the issues of intra-household income management and economic benefits of livestock markets to women, focusing on how types of markets, the types of products and women’s participation in markets influence their access to livestock income. The book further analyses the role of livestock ownership, especially women’s ownership of livestock, in influencing household food security though increasing household dietary diversity and food adequacy. Additional issues addressed include access to resources, information and financial services to enable women more effectively to participate in livestock production and marketing, and some of the factors that influence this access. Practical strategies for increasing women’s market participation and access to information and services are discussed. The book ends with recommendations on how to mainstream gender in livestock research and development if livestock are to serve as a pathway out of poverty for the poor and especially for women.

World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity

Book Description

Using WWL-DAD:3; The purpose of WWL-DAD:3; Opportunities for action; The structure of WWL-DAD:3; Domestic animals and biodiversity; The wild relatives of domestic animals; Criteria for determining breeds at risk; Information gathering; Responsibility for quality of data; Definition of terms; Conserving domestic animal genetic resources; The global strategy for management of farm animal genetic resources; Farm animal genetic resources; Breeds at risk; Critical breeds list; Critical-maintained breeds list; Endangered breeds list; Endangered-maintained breeds list; Global regions - breeds at risk; Global summary; Africa; Asia and the pacific; Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; Near east; North America; Extinct breeds; The extinct breeds list; The global databank for farm animal genetic resources; Development of the global databank for farm animal genetic resources; Breeds currently in the global databank for farm animal genetic resources; Correspondence pro-forma; National co-ordinators for animal genetic resources management; List of informal contacts involved in the breeds survey; Wild relatives of domestic livestock & some suggestions for new domesticants; Cattle, bison and buffaloes; Sheep and goats; Horses and asses; Wild pigs; Camelids; Deer; Antelopes; Musk ox; Elephants; Bears; Rodents; Rabbits; Birds; Reptiles; Civet cats; Discussion; Further information on wild relatives; Feral animals - problems and potential; Species that have given rise to final populations.