Resolving Disputes in Telecommunications

Book Description

The Indian telecommunication sector has seen far-reaching changes in the last two decades due to increasing globalization, rapid pace of technological innovations, and rising consumer demands. Myriad and complex problems have arisen as a result of these developments. Though attempts have been made to tackle these issues at the levels of policymaking, regulation, and dispute settlement, these have not been able to keep pace with the rapidly changing scenario, often leading to paralysing dispute situations. In this important and timely volume, the author focuses on the so far neglected area of dispute resolution. The work delves into the disputes arising from increased competition, heightened consumer expectations, and the need to balance competition and universal service obligation. Beginning with the theoretical underpinnings of dispute resolution, the author analyses various methods such as regulatory-based adjudication, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and resolution by sector-specific tribunals. He compares the management and disputes resolution practices followed in countries such as the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, the USA, and Canada, to arrive at a framework for a more effective mode of dispute resolution.

FCC Record

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Telecommunications Transformation

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This volume of papers by leading telecommunications experts from around the world addresses in an integrated fashion the ongoing transformation of telecommunications. The book covers technology, economics, the law, and other social sciences and focuses on both theory and policy. Major topics include the impact of new technology on networks and users, network evolution and firm structure and strategy, pricing and interconnection, demand and policy for the Internet, and competition and the United States Telecommunications Act of 1996. The papers in this book represent a unique integration of topics, appropriate for a converging industry, and they also include the first wide-ranging analysis and critique of telecommunications policy in the United States following the 1996 Act.

Firm Interests

Book Description

Firms are central to trade policy-making. Some analysts even suggest that they dictate policy on the basis of their material interests. Cornelia Woll counters these assumptions, arguing that firms do not always know what they want. To be sure, firms lobby hard to attain a desired policy once they have defined their goals. Yet material factors are insufficient to account for these preferences. The ways in which firms are embedded in political settings are much more decisive. Woll demonstrates her case by analyzing the surprising evolution of support from large firms for liberalization in telecommunications and international air transport in the United States and Europe. Within less than a decade, former monopolies with important home markets abandoned their earlier calls for subsidies and protectionism and joined competitive multinationals in the demand for global markets. By comparing the complex evolution of firm preferences across sectors and countries, Woll shows that firms may influence policy outcomes, but policies and politics in turn influence business demands. This is particularly true in the European Union, where the constraints of multilevel decision-making encourage firms to pay lip service to liberalization if they want to maintain good working relations with supranational officials. In the United States, firms adjust their sectoral demands to fit the government's agenda. In both contexts, the interaction between government and firm representatives affects not only the strategy but also the content of business lobbying on global trade.

Directory of Consultants

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Telephony, the Internet, and the Media

Book Description

Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC), this volume begins with a historical survey of a quarter-century of TPRC meetings as one measure of change in and research about the telecommunications industry. Additional papers reflecting the ongoing pace of change in technological, economic, and policy issues are organized around four topics: * economic analysis of local and international telephone policy; * media industry studies including video competition, guidelines for children's educational television, and the setting of AM stereo standards; * applications and policy regarding the Internet; and * comparative studies in telephone and satellite policy. Collectively, the contents of this volume assess key issues for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. Research reported in this volume illustrates the continually expanding scope of scholarly concerns about the telecommunications and information industry and contributes to further policy research and analysis.

Federal Register

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Electronic Highways For World Trade

Book Description

This book explains the negotiations on an international framework for trade in services, undertaken in the Group of Negotiations on Services of the Uruguay Round, and the international discussions on transborder data flows and telecommunication regulation in a number of international fora.