Alternative World Scenarios for Strategic Planning

Book Description

This Futures Report offers Department of the Army (DA) and Department of Defense (DOD) planners, decisionmakers, and policymakers useful ways to describe and examine alternative futures. The report provides methods to project trends or events into the long-range future while retaining their plausibility. Additionally, it presents possible alternative conditions, trends and events that are likely to influence and challenge future defense postures. Finally, the report introduces a plausible framework for considering common future world environments in midrange and long-range planning. (FR).

Alternative World Scenarios for a New Order of Nations

Book Description

This futures book reflects the global trends and events of the recent past of today that are bringing about change to the world's political, economic, social, technological, and military environments. Provides a set of plausible scenarios against which users can build policies and decisions while anticipating and judging their consequences before implementation. Useful for strategic planning through active and reserve components of the U.S. military. Also useful for long-range planning by business, industry, academia, and other private and governmental organizations. Charts, tables and drawings. Also includes a 21-page study, "Creating Strategic Visions."

Scenario Planning

Book Description

Is your business ready for the future? Scenario planning is a fascinating, yet still underutilized, business tool that can be of immense value to a company's strategic planning process. It allows companies to visualize the impact that a portfolio of possible futures could have on their competitiveness. It helps decision-makers see opportunities and threats that could emerge beyond their normal planning horizon. Scenario Planning serves as a guide to taking a long-term look at your business, your industry, and the world, posing thoughtful questions about the possible consequences of some current (and possible future) trends. This book will help you: Outline (and help you prepare for) any trends that could play out in the future that could change the political, social, and economic landscapes and significantly impact your business Explore the impact of technological advances and the emergence of new competitors to your business Examine challenges that are only dimly recognizable as potential problems today This visual book will help you answer this question: Is my organization ready for every possibility?

Alternative World Scenarios for a New Order of Nations

Book Description

This book is written to provide decisionmakers, policymakers, long-range planners, and others interested in the future a means to compare the consequences of their actions taken today to plausible, future alternative world environments or scenarios. Earlier work by the author has provided the four basic scenarios which are easily monitored for updating. Scenario updating is a task that is advisable at least every 5 years to maintain the usefulness of the scenarios. The text presented here describes the processes and methods for the creation of alternative scenarios and the use of the Cone of Plausibility (described in Creating Strategic Visions, Taylor, 1990) to project the scenarios 10 to 30 years or more into the future. The text also supports and is based on the following two previous writings of the author, Alternative World Scenarios for Strategic Planning (Taylor, 1988 and 1990) and A World 2010: A New Order of Nations (Taylor, 1992). Changing trends and the occurrences of associated events (e.g., the demise of the Soviet Union and decline of Soviet communism; the rise of democratic governments; environmental pollution), especially during the last two decades of the 20th century, have created a new era of forced transition for the world's modernized industrial nations. For example, the military of the United States and its defense-oriented industries have been recast into a reformation of conflict/war based strategies to conflict/peace-based strategies. The military is faced with a forced transition from warfighting missions to missions of peace maintenance: peace-enforcement, making, -keeping, and -building. Military leaders who view security and defense as an integral part of a strong, but peaceful, economic, and political infrastructure sustained by superior national military strategies increasingly will dominate the U.S. defense rhetoric. Most industries of the military industrial complex that are or will be retooling in the late 1990s from defense production to that of domestic, almost certainly will meet the expected demands of the largely peace driven national and global economies of the future.

Alternative World Scenarios for a New Order of Nations

Book Description

This futures book reflects the global trends and events of the recent past of today that are bringing about change to the world's political, economic, social, technological, and military environments. Provides a set of plausible scenarios against which users can build policies and decisions while anticipating and judging their consequences before implementation. Useful for strategic planning through active and reserve components of the U.S. military. Also useful for long-range planning by business, industry, academia, and other private and governmental organizations. Charts, tables and drawings. Also includes a 21-page study, "Creating Strategic Visions."

Strategic Reframing

Book Description

This book provides clear information and guidance on how to do scenario planning to support strategy and public policy. The book describes the Oxford Scenario Planning Approach (OSPA), an intellectually rigorous and practical methodolgy.

Learning from the Future

Book Description

Unter Szenarioplanung versteht man eine spezielle Methode der Vorhersage zukünftiger politischer, ökonomischer und demographischer Entwicklungen, die das Funktionieren eines Unternehmens beeinflussen können. Diese Technik wird hier von renommierten Vorreitern auf diesem Gebiet ausführlich beleuchtet - so lernt der Manager, verschiedene Implikationen plausibler Ereignisse und Einflüsse systematisch zu durchdenken. (11/97)

Learning from Tomorrow

Book Description

COVID-19 wrecked the plans and strategies of organizations everywhere, while injecting greater uncertainty into a world already undergoing disruptive social and technological change. Strategic Foresight can help us navigate through the recovery and beyond. Strategic Foresight is a systematic, intelligence-gathering, vision-building process that helps us manage uncertainty by discerning plausible alternative futures and applying the insights to present-day planning. It is ideally suited to a world upended by the pandemic and rapid transformations in the way we live, work and interact. Using approachable language and a multitude of examples, Learning from Tomorrow shows how Strategic Foresight broadens our perspectives, exposes opportunities and risks, and opens our minds to innovation in a post-pandemic world. It is essential reading for organizational leaders and those responsible for developing strategies, scenarios, policies and plans.