Altogether Beautiful

Book Description

Altogether Beautiful is a Bible study on the Song of Songs, designed to be an in-depth study that features Hebrew word study, doctrinal teaching, context, and commentary, as well as practical application to help women apply to their everyday lives.

Altogether Lovely

Book Description

The frank eroticism of the Song of Songs has long seemed out of place in the Hebrew Bible. As a result, both Jewish and Christian interpreters have struggled to read it as an allegory of the relationship between God (as husband) and Israel or the church (as bride). Havilah Dharamraj approaches the Song with a clear vision of the gendering of power relationships in the ancient Near East and through an intertextual method centered not on production but on the reception of texts. She sets the Song's lyrical portrayal of passion and intimacy alongside other canonical portrayals of love spurned, lust, rejection, and sexual violence from Hosea, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. The result is a richly nuanced exposition of the possibilities of intimacy and remorse in interhuman and divine-human relationship. The intertextual juxtaposition of contrasting texts produces a third text, an intracanonical conversation in which patriarchal control and violence are answered in a tender and generous mutuality.

Backwards Beauty

Book Description

If ten girls were asked to describe the “perfect” girl, they would likely rattle off an eerily similar list of qualities—from hair, skin, and weight to a cute button nose. That’s a problem, because God has given girls a desire to be desirable. If girls think that they will be most wanted if they fit a one-size-fits-all image of “perfection,” they will continually chase that proverbial carrot their entire lives. Backwards Beauty examines ten cultural lies young women listen to regarding beauty to help them unpack how they’re looking at themselves through the wrong lens. The “tips to feel ugly” range from “compare yourself to every other girl” to “eat junk and diet, diet, diet.” Reading a book by Jessie Minassian is like sitting down with a friend and talking about the hard things in life. Girls will be able to find freedom and hope in the midst of a culture that idolizes beauty.

He Is Altogether Lovely

Book Description

The beauty of Christ as seen Through the eyes of C. H. Spurgeon In The Best Beloved we are told a glimpse of Him has won our hearts, and made Him dearer to our eyes than light. In The Rose and The Lily we are to regard Christ as a luxurious delicacy, as a rare and ravishing delight. In Under the Apple Tree we find the joys of fellowship with God are written in marble. In Love Joying in Love we are asked to eat and drink all the stores of the banquet of love. In My Garden - His Garden we learn we have not any idea of what holiness, and glory, and bliss shall yet be ours. In A Refreshing Canticle we are assured Christ will not let His people forget His love. In The Best of the Best we see all good things meet in Christ; in Him all the lines of beauty are focused. "...yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend..." Song of Solomon 5:16

Christ Altogether Lovely

Book Description

John Flavel received his advanced education at University College, Oxford. He was ordained as a Presbyterian at Salisbury in 1650 and was a minister in Devonshire. His ministry was mainly at Devon and Dartmouth. He was one of the ministers that were ejected in 1662. He then preached in his own home for ten years. He was instrumental in promoting the union of Presbyterians and Congregationalist in 1682.

Altogether Lovely

Book Description

Jonathan Edwards is considered by many historians to be one of the greatest intellects of his age. Even today, Edwards's sermons and writings challenge the minds and inflame the hearts of Christians everywhere. The sermons included in Altogether Lovely reveal Jonathan Edwards's deep affection for the glory and excellency of Jesus Christ.

The Being of the Beautiful

Book Description

The Being of the Beautiful collects Plato’s three dialogues, the Theaetetus, Sophist, and Statesmen, in which Socrates formulates his conception of philosophy while preparing for trial. Renowned classicist Seth Benardete’s careful translations clearly illuminate the dramatic and philosophical unity of these dialogues and highlight Plato’s subtle interplay of language and structure. Extensive notes and commentaries, furthermore, underscore the trilogy’s motifs and relationships. “The translations are masterpieces of literalness. . . . They are honest, accurate, and give the reader a wonderful sense of the Greek.”—Drew A. Hyland, Review of Metaphysics

Celibate Sex

Book Description

With transparency, Abbie Smith examines the raw emotions of always being the bridesmaid but never the bride. She delves into the heartache and confusion of being single when your heart longs for something else. By using a conversational style and her personal story, Abbie helps you acknowledge the feelings and reality of being single in today’s world, where sexuality is misconstrued and widely exploited.

The Women Encyclopedia

Book Description

Long live female empire , Theres hope , The rise and rise of the female empire Inequality is the questionAre you the answer? Equality: ? = ?, 3+1 wise women and the feminist dream, Woman Power, feminism activists, The power of women, No woman No Nothing! The making of?empire; Its males against the world (females); kiss inequality bye! Dowidzenia Inequality! Au revoir inequality! Auf wieder sehen violence! Assorted female activists; Do not give up! Victory is at hand GOODBYE EVERYBODY; WEVE GOT TO GO NOW, PROMISING NOT TO ROCK YOU AGAIN. LET EQUALITY PREVAIL IN THE WORLD. Signed & Sealed: INEQUALITY ASSOCIATES