Ambroise the Huguenot

Book Description

France, 1637. Young French Huguenot Ambroise Sicard and his family desperately seek a life free from religious persecution. Determined to travel to the New World, they leave their home in France, bring only a few possessions, and depend on the kindness of strangers to stay safe. Ambroise the Huguenot follows the Sicard family as they bravely leave behind everything they know to come to a foreign, unsettled country. Told from Ambroise's viewpoint, this biography follows the young Ambroise from his home in France and his journey across the ocean to a new beginning in what would eventually become the United States of America. Esther Secor Cleveland, a direct descendant of Ambroise Sicard, thoroughly researched life in France during the 1600s to deliver this compelling tale of her ancestors' courage. With highly detailed information about seventeenth-century local history, people, food, and customs, Ambroise the Huguenot is destined to garner a worthy place on the bookshelf of anyone interested in Huguenot ancestry.

Palissy, the Huguenot Potter

Book Description

The Huguenot: A Tale of the French Protestants I-III

Book Description

Huguenots are member of a French Protestant denomination with origins in the 16th or 17th centuries. Historically, Huguenots were French Protestants inspired by the writings of John Calvin (Jean Cauvin in French) in the 1530s, who became known by that originally derisive designation by the end of the 16th century. The majority of Huguenots endorsed the Reformed tradition of Protestantism. Hans J. Hillerbrand in his Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set claims the Huguenot community reached as much as 10% of the French population on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, declining to 7-8% by the end of the 16th century, and further after heavy persecution began once again with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV of France.


Book Description

The Huguenot: A Tale of the French Protestants (Complete)

Book Description

There is a small town in one of the remote provinces of France, about ten miles from the sea shore, and two or three hundred from the capital, on the appearance of which it may be as well to dwell for a short time; noticing not alone its houses and its streets as they appeared in the seventeenth century, but its inhabitants, their feelings, and their customs, at that period. Were we not to make this formal sort of presentation, the reader would feel as if set down suddenly amidst a crowd of strangers with no one to introduce him, with no one to unpadlock the barrier which the cautious laws of society set up between man and man, to guard against the wild-beast propensities of the race of intellectual tigers to which we belong. Now, however, if we manage skilfully, the reader may become as familiar with the people of another day, and scenes of another land, as if they had been the playfellows of his childhood, and the haunts of his youth; and may go on calmly with those to whom he is thus introduced through the dark and painful events which are recorded in the pages that follow. That part of France in which our scene is laid, presents features which differ very much from the dull and uninteresting aspect of the land from Calais to Paris, and from Paris to the mountains of Switzerland--the route generally pursued by our travelling countrymen, whether they go forth to make what is usually called the grand tour, or content themselves with idling away a long space of mispent time amongst the Helvetian mountains. In the district that I speak of, the face of the country, though it cannot perhaps be called mountainous, is richly varied, running up into occasional high and pointed hills, presenting frequent masses of rock and wood, diversified by a mile or two, here and there, of soft pasture and meadow; with innumerable streams--some calm and peaceful, some fierce and torrent-like, some sparkling and playful, giving an air of life and glad activity to the land through which they flow. These manifold streams shed also a hue of indescribable verdure, a fresh leafyness of aspect, that is most grateful to the eye; and though there is not there, as in our own land, the frequent hedge-row, with its sweet village associations, yet there is no want of high umbrageous trees scattered here and there, besides the thick woods that, in many places, occupy several leagues in extent, and the lesser copses that nest themselves in many a dell.

Bernard Palissy

Book Description

The Huguenot

Book Description