America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (H.R. 5116) and the America COMPETES Act (P.L. 110-69)

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This report provides background information on P.L. 110-69 and H.R. 5116, includes information about related legislative activity in the 111th Congress, and analyzes four policy issues addressed by these measures: (1) STEM Education, (2) Federal Research Programs and Activities, (3) Broadening Participation, and (4) Funding. It also discusses selected policy concerns identified in the debate about U.S. competitiveness and describes how the House-passed version of H.R. 5116 responds to those concerns. It contains a description of federal multi-agency research and development initiatives that are included in H.R. 5116, as passed by the House.

America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010

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America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010

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America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-358).

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The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-358) was put in place to invest in innovation through research and development, to improve the competitiveness of the United States, and for other purposes. The table of contents for this Act is as follows: (1) Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents; (2) Sec. 2. Definitions; and (3) Sec. 3. Budgetary impact statement. (A) Title I--Office of Science and Technology Policy: (4) Sec. 101. Coordination of Federal STEM education; (5) Sec. 102. Coordination of advanced manufacturing research and development; (6) Sec. 103. Interagency public access committee; (7) Sec. 104. Federal scientific collections; and (8) Sec. 105. Prize competitions. (B) Title II-National Aeronautics and Space Administration: (9) Sec. 201. NASA's contribution to innovation and competitiveness; (10) Sec. 202. NASA's contribution to education; (11) Sec. 203. Assessment of impediments to space science and engineering workforce development for minority and under-represented groups at NASA; (12) Sec. 204. International Space Station's contribution to national competitiveness enhancement; (13) Sec. 205. Study of potential commercial orbital platform program impact on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; and (14) Sec. 206. Definitions. (C) Title III-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: (15) Sec. 301. Oceanic and atmospheric research and development program; (16) Sec. 302. Oceanic and atmospheric science education programs; and (17) Sec. 303. Workforce study. (D) Title IV--National Institute of Standards and Technology: (18) Sec. 401. Short title; (19) Sec. 402. Authorization of appropriations; (20) Sec. 403. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology; (21) Sec. 404. Manufacturing Extension Partnership; (22) Sec. 405. Emergency communication and tracking technologies research initiative; (23) Sec. 406. Broadening participation; (24) Sec. 407. NIST Fellowships; (25) Sec. 408. Green manufacturing and construction; and (26) Sec. 409. Definitions. (E) Title V--Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Support Programs. Subtitle A--National Science Foundation: (27) Sec. 501. Short title; (28) Sec. 502. Definitions; (29) Sec. 503. Authorization of appropriations; (30) Sec. 504. National Science Board administrative amendments; (31) Sec. 505. National Center for Science and Engineering statistics; (32) Sec. 506. National Science Foundation manufacturing research and education; (33) Sec. 507. National Science Board report on mid-scale instrumentation; (34) Sec. 508. Partnerships for innovation; (35) Sec. 509. Sustainable chemistry basic research; (36) Sec. 510. Graduate student support; (37) Sec. 511. Robert Noyce teacher scholarship program; (38) Sec. 512. Undergraduate broadening participation program; (39) Sec. 513. Research experiences for high school students; (40) Sec. 514. Research experiences for undergraduates; (41) Sec. 515. STEM industry internship programs; (42) Sec. 516. Cyber-enabled learning for national challenges; (43) Sec. 517. Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research; (44) Sec. 518. Sense of the Congress regarding the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics talent expansion program; (45) Sec. 519. Sense of the Congress regarding the National Science Foundation's contributions to basic research and education; (46) Sec. 520. Academic technology transfer and commercialization of university research; (47) Sec. 521. Study to develop improved impact-on-society metrics; (48) Sec. 522. NSF grants in support of sponsored post-doctoral fellowship programs; (49) Sec. 523. Collaboration in planning for stewardship of large-scale facilities; (50) Sec. 524. Cloud computing research enhancement; (51) Sec. 525. Tribal colleges and universities program; (52) Sec. 526. Broader impacts review criterion; and (53) Sec. 527. Twenty-first century graduate education. Subtitle B--STEM-Training Grant Program: (54) Sec. 551. Purpose; (55) Sec. 552. Program requirements; (56) Sec. 553. Grant program; (57) Sec. 554. Grant oversight and administration; (58) Sec. 555. Definitions; and (59) Sec. 556. Authorization of appropriations. (F) Title VI--Innovation: (60) Sec. 601. Office of innovation and entrepreneurship; (61) Sec. 602. Federal loan guarantees for innovative technologies in manufacturing; (62) Sec. 603. Regional innovation program; (63) Sec. 604. Study on economic competitiveness and innovative capacity of United States and development of national economic competitiveness strategy; and (64) Sec. 605. Promoting use of high-end computing simulation and modeling by small and medium-sized manufacturers. (G) Title VII--NIST Green Jobs: (65) Sec. 701. Short title; (66) Sec. 702. Findings; and (67) Sec. 703. National Institute of Standards and Technology competitive grant program. (H) Title VIII--General Provisions: (68) Sec. 801. Government Accountability Office review; (69) Sec. 802. Salary restrictions; and (70) Sec. 803. Additional research authorities of the FCC. (I) Title IX--Department of Energy: (71) Sec. 901. Science, engineering, and mathematics education programs; (72) Sec. 902. Energy research programs; (73) Sec. 903. Basic research; and (74) Sec. 904. Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy. (J) Title X--Education: (75) Sec. 1001. References; (76) Sec. 1002. Repeals and conforming amendments; and (77) Sec. 1003. Authorizations of appropriations and matching requirement.

America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010

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S. Rept. 111-363

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"America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010" Or the "America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Reauthorization Act of 2010." House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, Second Session. H.R. 5116

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The America COMPETES (Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science) Reauthorization Act of 2010 documented here is divided into the following titles: (1) Office of Science and Technology Policy (Coordination of Federal STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] education; Coordination of advanced manufacturing research and development; Interagency public access committee; Federal scientific collections; Prize competitions); (2) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA's contribution to innovation and competitiveness; NASA's contribution to education; Assessment of impediments to space science and engineering workforce development for minority and under-represented groups at NASA; International Space Station's contribution to national competitiveness enhancement, Study of potential commercial orbital platform program impact on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; Definitions); (3) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Oceanic and atmospheric research and development program; Oceanic and atmospheric science education programs; Workforce study); (4) National Institute of Standards and Technology (Short title; Authorization of appropriations; Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology; Manufacturing Extension Partnership; Emergency communication and tracking technologies research initiative; Broadening participation; NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] Fellowships; Green manufacturing and construction; Definitions); (5) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Support Programs (National Science Foundation; STEM-Training Grant Program); (6) Innovation (Office of innovation and entrepreneurship; Federal loan guarantees for innovative technologies in manufacturing; Regional innovation program; Study on economic competitiveness and innovative capacity of United States and development of national economic competitiveness strategy; Promoting use of high-end computing simulation and modeling by small- and medium-sized manufacturers); (7) NIST Green Jobs (Short title; Findings; National Institute of Standards and Technology competitive grant program); (8) General Provisions (Government Accountability Office review; Salary restrictions; Additional research authorities of the FCC); (9) Department of Energy (Science, engineering, and mathematics education programs; Energy research programs; Basic research; Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy); (10) Education (References; Repeals and conforming amendments; Authorizations of appropriations and matching requirement). [This Act may be cited as the "America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010" or the "America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Reauthorization Act of 2010."].