Addicted to Oil

Book Description

In his 2006 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush proclaimed that "America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world." He announced it was time for the United States to 'move beyond a petroleum-based economy and make our dependence on Middle Eastern oil a thing of the past'. He set a goal 'to replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East by 2025.' Only 18 percent of oil imports are projected to come from the Middle East in 2025. The Bush goal in reality only results in a decrease of American oil consumption by 14 percent overall. Oil is a fungible, globally traded commodity with rising demand, so this initiative will have minimal impact on influencing America's national interests in the Middle East. However, most rehabilitation programs follow a 12-step process. The Bush plan is Step one in weaning America from its addiction, and is a necessary, but not fully sufficient, step to ensuring our future national security through Middle East Oil independence.

Addicted to Oil

Book Description

Shortly before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, much of the US media denounced the liberal viewpoint that the conflict was more about securing oil reserves than liberating the Iraqi people. This book examines Iraq's oil production since the end of the war, with US companies first in line for the most lucrative contracts.

Money and Terror

Book Description

Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. And here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world, said President George W. Bush in his February 1, 2006 State of the Union Address, delivered before a Joint Session of Congress. The hypothesis we try in this paper to test is the following: President Bush's pledge about putting an end to the US oil addiction is not a workable issue, neither on the short-term nor on the mid-term, as long as oil is still the main source of energy for humankind. We will demonstrate: 1 - that the OPEC and Saudi Arabia are still acting as the masters of the oil markets; 2 - that the US businessmen and politicians are still bound to the oil industry and policy is depending upon it; 3 - that as a consequence of this double dependence (economical and political), the US self-declared policy of encouraging reform and democracy in the Middle East is seriously handicapped as a wide portion of the terror financial network still escapes the US control.

Oil Addiction

Book Description

Totally addicted to oil, Man in his industrial adventure has transformed nearly all the Earth's ecosystems into "egosystems" designed to serve only his own needs and desires, at the expense of all other species. He persists despite the irreversible damage he is causing to the environment. He has already disrupted the Earth's thermostats. Western society has reached the "Age of Excess," which will last only as long as there is still fossil energy to fuel it. The Earth cannot keep up with Man's demand for natural resources. Her hydrocarbon reserves are shrinking rapidly and by 2010, global production will begin to decrease, setting off a period of unprecedented planetary disorder and turmoil. Today the United States must import most of the oil it needs from faraway countries. Therein lies a terrible paradox: the power of America is rooted in dependency! The free enterprise system that it is imposing on the rest of the world cannot solve this paradoxical situation; it will only amplify it and hasten destabilization. It is high time to wonder whether we in the West, in our suicidal quest for energy, are not running the risk of losing control of the course of our history. The invasion of Iraq by the United States military, in lockstep with American corporations, is a distressing and reprehensible step in this direction.

Lives Per Gallon

Book Description

"America is addicted to oil. The diagnosis is clear, but what's the true price of dependence? Who's paying with their lives? Who's profiting? And, most importantly, what's the cure?" "Terry Tamminen, Special Advisor to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, provides real answers in this indictment of the oil economy and the corporate titans that drive it. With all eyes focused on soaring prices at the pump, Tamminen reveals oil's more insidious costs: tens of billions spent annually to secure our global supply; crops ruined by petroleum pollution; cancer, asthma, and birth defects caused by car exhaust; and the list goes on. Simply living in a smog-filled city can be as dangerous as smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day." "Like big tobacco, Tamminen argues, the oil and auto industries have deceived us to line their own pockets. With tales of corporations knowingly exposing citizens to poisonous chemicals, conspiring to derail public transportation, and purposely disablng their own pollution controls, he builds a case against powerful industries." "And he shows how demanding accountability, as the public did through successful lawsuits against cigarette companies, could help pave the road to sustainable energy. Instead of subsidizing oil companies and auto makers through huge tax breaks, Tamminen proposes collecting damages and investing in clean technologies."--BOOK JACKET.

Coming Clean

Book Description

Michael Brune, executive director of Rainforest Action Network (RAN), shows us how we, as motivated citizens, can kick our own fossil-fuel habit and pressure policymakers and corporations to change their energy priorities. His vivid reports remind us of the economic, environmental, moral, and public-health costs of fossil-fuel dependence, and how our government and international banks are complicit. Brune also describes the most promising developments in renewables, biofuels, and efficient design, and offers an inspiring vision of the clean energy future within our reach. Under Brune's leadership, RAN has had stunning success in getting corporations to green their business practices, and his activist skills and passion are at the heart of this book. Overflowing with pragmatic and well-tested advice, Coming Clean is rooted in the author's faith that Americans acting together can create profound change.--From publisher description.

Addicted to Oil

Book Description

This book provides an in-depth and historical analysis of the historical and empirical evidence of the perception that the 2003 Iraq war's rationale was fundamentally economic.

Dangerous Addiction

Book Description

America the Prisoner

Book Description

America the Prisoner is a deeply researched yet simply written study of the political and economic events that have led to the seemingly inextricable U.S. dependence on foreign oil, the consequences of that dependence, and a specific plan to end it. Where politicians fear to tread, the author takes you deep into the sordid political history of the pursuit of black gold, detailing the dirty deals and questionable political decisions that have been made in the name of access to the worlds most important natural resource. The American consumer can have stable, affordable fuel, and the United States can sever its connection to the world of radical Islam once and for all. America the Prisoner shows how cutting-edge technology can profitably replace oil with domestically produced renewable energy. The United States can end the scourge of foreign oil and renew America while bringing back jobs, increasing wealth, and promoting economic growth.