America, Misguided Pride

Book Description

Much has been written about America and what it has meant, not only to the North American region but to the world as well. We tend to focus on the positives of who we are and our accomplishments. Not everyone feels the same as there are many descendants of those who were displaced by the European settlers who came and ravaged the land in order to take over from the Native Americans and one-third of what used to be Mexico to the north of that country. Those descendants are with us and still struggling to make a living in what used to be their land, their country. Their struggle has been mostly ignored by the White man who came and, by sheer deadly force, ripped this country from their hands, leaving them with few options as a means to continue living in this country. The opinions expressed by some of those people are documented in this book, and they wait for answers to their plea for acceptance and inclusion as members of American society, the land their fathers willed to them for centuries past. They are not asking for but demanding inclusion into what used to be their land and their right to make a living here.

America, Misguided Pride

Book Description

Much has been written about America and what it has meant, not only to the North American region but to the world as well. We tend to focus on the positives of who we are and our accomplishments. Not everyone feels the same as there are many descendants of those who were displaced by the European settlers who came and ravaged the land in order to take over from the Native Americans and one-third of what used to be Mexico to the north of that country. Those descendants are with us and still struggling to make a living in what used to be their land, their country. Their struggle has been mostly ignored by the White man who came and, by sheer deadly force, ripped this country from their hands, leaving them with few options as a means to continue living in this country. The opinions expressed by some of those people are documented in this book, and they wait for answers to their plea for acceptance and inclusion as members of American society, the land their fathers willed to them for centuries past. They are not asking for but demanding inclusion into what used to be their land and their right to make a living here.

America's Battle for God

Book Description

A theologian and ecumenical consultant who has served in the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran Church, and Costa Rica, M ller-Fahrenholz tries to make some sense of religious undercurrents in the public culture and political life of the US. He hopes that an outsider may be able to identify elements that Americans are too close to see, acknowl

Illiterate America

Book Description

It is startling and it is shaming: in a country that prides itself on being among the most enlightened in the world, 25 million American adults cannot read the poison warnings on a can of pesticide, a letter from their child’s teacher, or the front page of a newspaper. An additional 35 million read below the level needed to function successfully in our society. The United States ranks forty-ninth among 158 member nations of the UN in literacy, and wastes over $100 billion annually as a result. The problem is not merely an embarrassment, it is a social and economic disaster. In Illiterate America, Jonathan Kozol, author of National Book Award-winning Death at an Early Age, addresses this national disgrace. Combining hard statistics and heartrending stories, he describes the economic and the human costs of illiteracy. Kozol analyses and condemns previous government action—and inaction—and, in a passionate call for reform, he proposes a specific program to conquer illiteracy. One out of every three American adults cannot read this book—which is why everyone else must.

The Way I See America

Book Description

A humorous look at life in America including it's customs, cultural diversity, politics, and daily life through the eyes of an Italian immigrant arriving on the East coast. Comparisons of American and Italian culture with a tongue in cheek perspective.

Paths of Dissent

Book Description

American veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan offer invaluable firsthand perspectives on what made America’s post-9/11 wars so costly and disastrous. Twenty years of America’s Global War on Terror produced little tangible success while exacting enormous harm. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States sustained tens of thousands of casualties, expended trillions of dollars, and inflicted massive suffering on the very populations that we sought to “liberate.” Now the inclination to forget it all and move on is palpable. But there is much to be learned from the immense debacle. And those who served and fought in these wars are best positioned to teach us. Paths of Dissent collects fifteen original essays from American veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan—hailing from a wide range of services, ranks, and walks of life—who have come out in opposition to these conflicts. Selected for their candor and eloquence by fellow veterans Andrew Bacevich and Daniel Sjursen, these soldiers vividly describe both their motivations for serving and the disillusionment that made them speak out against the system. Their testimony is crucial for understanding just how the world’s self-proclaimed greatest military power went so badly astray. Contributors: Gil Barndollar • Dan Berschinski • Joy Damiani • Daniel L. Davis • Jason Dempsey • Erik Edstrom • Vincent Emanuele • Gian Gentile • Matthew P. Hoh • Jonathan W. Hutto, Sr. • Buddhika Jayamaha • Roy Scranton • Kevin Tillman • Elliott Woods • Paul Yingling

American Thighs

Book Description

"If I can save one woman from these thighs, I will not have lived in vain," #1 New York Times bestselling humorist Jill Conner Browne writes in American Thighs, her handbook and memoir for the Hot and Flashy. Whether young enough to look "hot" or of the age to only feel that way (in flashes with buckets of sweat), every woman has given, or will give, ample thought to preserving her best "assets" (thighs included), so that the dread transition from "cute girl" to "ma'am" won't be quite so unsettling. Here are stories of growing up and learning about life -- usually the hard way! From disastrous haircuts and color jobs to fashion or verbal faux pas committed, from the kiss wished for but never gotten to the one that should have been skipped, these are the moments that mark each of our journeys from what we thought back then to what we now know. Since to say that Youth is wasted on the Young has got to be the understatement of all time, it falls upon Browne, as one older and wiser, to take a "Hit and Run" down Memory Lane for the sake of offering "Asset-Preserving Tips," with astonishing disclosures about: Why women have risked their lives just to get a little bit blonder How the muumuu has been fashionably resurrected as the "patio dress" Why it's important to always have a good photo of yourself on hand -- just in case How, no matter what skin you're in, to make it last a lifetime Why you can never trust anyone over eighty-five

Mixed Bag

Book Description

Mixed Bag is a detailed and entertaining description of how, throughout his careers, the author dealt with fear, insecurity, and self-doubt instilled during his childhood by social, economic and cultural conditions during the 1930's and 1940's in Birmingham, Alabama. Strong, insightful parents and a solid public school education equipped him to transform these obstacles into challenges and motivation for extraordinary achievement in diverse and difficult careers. These included the U.S. Air Force (Colonel, ret.), Private Industry, and Academia. He earned Master's Degrees and a Doctorate Degree from Big Ten and Ivy League Universities.

Thoughts of A Proud American

Book Description

This book is the account of an ordinary woman trying to live life with good intentions, and translating those good intentions into action by helping others, in the aftermath of a really traumatic national event - 9/11/01. The primary focus is on Terror and its effects on a personal life, and indeed the life of the nation. Interwoven is a deep concern for fairness and justice, especially as regards children. No book should be complete without "politics!" There is that also. There is a mix of grief, anger and humor (the real elixir of life!)