American and Exotic Option Pricing with Jump Diffusions and Other Lévy Processes

Book Description

In general, no analytical formulas exist for pricing discretely monitored exotic options, even when a geometric Brownian motion governs the risk-neutral underlying. While specialized numerical algorithms exist for pricing particular contracts, few can be applied universally with consistent success and with general Lévy dynamics. This paper develops a general methodology for pricing early exercise and exotic financial options by extending the recently developed PROJ method. We are able to efficiently obtain accurate values for complex products including Bermudan/American options, Bermudan barrier options, survival probabilities and credit default swaps by value recursion, European barrier and lookback/hindsight options by density recursion, and arithmetic Asian options by characteristic function recursion. This paper presents a unified approach to tackling these and related problems. Algorithms are provided for each option type, along with a demonstration of convergence. We also provide a large set of reference prices for exotic, American and European options under Black-Scholes-Merton, Normal Inverse Gaussian, Kou's double exponential jump diffusion, Variance Gamma, KoBoL/CGMY and Merton's jump diffusion models.

Exotic Option Pricing and Advanced Lévy Models

Book Description

Since around the turn of the millennium there has been a general acceptance that one of the more practical improvements one may make in the light of the shortfalls of the classical Black-Scholes model is to replace the underlying source of randomness, a Brownian motion, by a Lévy process. Working with Lévy processes allows one to capture desirable distributional characteristics in the stock returns. In addition, recent work on Lévy processes has led to the understanding of many probabilistic and analytical properties, which make the processes attractive as mathematical tools. At the same time, exotic derivatives are gaining increasing importance as financial instruments and are traded nowadays in large quantities in OTC markets. The current volume is a compendium of chapters, each of which consists of discursive review and recent research on the topic of exotic option pricing and advanced Lévy markets, written by leading scientists in this field. In recent years, Lévy processes have leapt to the fore as a tractable mechanism for modeling asset returns. Exotic option values are especially sensitive to an accurate portrayal of these dynamics. This comprehensive volume provides a valuable service for financial researchers everywhere by assembling key contributions from the world's leading researchers in the field. Peter Carr, Head of Quantitative Finance, Bloomberg LP. This book provides a front-row seat to the hottest new field in modern finance: options pricing in turbulent markets. The old models have failed, as many a professional investor can sadly attest. So many of the brightest minds in mathematical finance across the globe are now in search of new, more accurate models. Here, in one volume, is a comprehensive selection of this cutting-edge research. Richard L. Hudson, former Managing Editor of The Wall Street Journal Europe, and co-author with Benoit B. Mandelbrot of The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets: A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward

Efficient Asian Option Pricing Under Regime Switching Jump Diffusions and Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

Utilizing frame duality and a FFT-based implementation of density projection we develop a novel and efficient transform method to price Asian options for very general asset dynamics, including regime switching Levy processes and other jump diffusions as well as stochastic volatility models with jumps. The method combines Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) approximation, with Fourier pricing techniques. In particular, our method encompasses Heston, Hull-White, Stein-Stein, 3/2 model as well as recently proposed Jacobi, alpha-Hypergeometric, and 4/2 models, for virtually any type of jump amplitude distribution in the return process. This framework thus provides a unified approach to pricing Asian options in stochastic jump diffusion models and is readily extended to alternative exotic contracts. We also derive a characteristic function recursion by generalizing the Carverhill-Clewlow factorization which enables the application of transform methods in general. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. Various extensions of this method have since been developed, including the pricing of barrier, American, and realized variance derivatives.

A Simple Option Formula for General Jump-Diffusion and Other Exponential Levy Processes

Book Description

Option values are well-known to be the integral of a discounted transition density times a payoff function; this is just martingale pricing. It's usually done in 'S-space', where S is the terminal security price. But, for Levy processes the S-space transition densities are often very complicated, involving many special functions and infinite summations. Instead, we show that it's much easier to compute the option value as an integral in Fourier space - and interpret this as a Parseval identity. The formula is especially simple because (i) it's a single integration for any payoff and (ii) the integrand is typically a compact expression with just elementary functions. Our approach clarifies and generalizes previous work using characteristic functions and Fourier inversions. For example, we show how the residue calculus leads to several variation formulas, such as a well-known, but less numerically efficient, 'Black-Scholes style' formula for call options. The result applies to any European-style, simple or exotic option (without path-dependence) under any Levy process with a known characteristic function.

The Numerical Solution of the American Option Pricing Problem

Book Description

The early exercise opportunity of an American option makes it challenging to price and an array of approaches have been proposed in the vast literature on this topic. In The Numerical Solution of the American Option Pricing Problem, Carl Chiarella, Boda Kang and Gunter Meyer focus on two numerical approaches that have proved useful for finding all prices, hedge ratios and early exercise boundaries of an American option. One is a finite difference approach which is based on the numerical solution of the partial differential equations with the free boundary problem arising in American option pricing, including the method of lines, the component wise splitting and the finite difference with PSOR. The other approach is the integral transform approach which includes Fourier or Fourier Cosine transforms. Written in a concise and systematic manner, Chiarella, Kang and Meyer explain and demonstrate the advantages and limitations of each of them based on their and their co-workers'' experiences with these approaches over the years. Contents: Introduction; The Merton and Heston Model for a Call; American Call Options under Jump-Diffusion Processes; American Option Prices under Stochastic Volatility and Jump-Diffusion Dynamics OCo The Transform Approach; Representation and Numerical Approximation of American Option Prices under Heston; Fourier Cosine Expansion Approach; A Numerical Approach to Pricing American Call Options under SVJD; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index; About the Authors. Readership: Post-graduates/ Researchers in finance and applied mathematics with interest in numerical methods for American option pricing; mathematicians/physicists doing applied research in option pricing. Key Features: Complete discussion of different numerical methods for American options; Able to handle stochastic volatility and/or jump diffusion dynamics; Able to produce hedge ratios efficiently and accurately"

Option Pricing in Some Non-Levy Jump Models

Book Description

This paper considers pricing European options in a large class of one-dimensional Markovian jump processes known as subordinate diffusions, which are obtained by time changing a diffusion process with an independent Levy or additive random clock. These jump processes are non-Levy in general, and they can be viewed as natural generalization of many popular Levy processes used in finance. Subordinate diffusions other richer jump behavior than Levy processes and they have found a variety of applications in financial modelling. The pricing problem for these processes presents unique challenges as existing numerical PIDE schemes fail to be efficient and the applicability of transform methods to many subordinate diffusions is unclear. We develop a novel method based on finite difference approximation of spatial derivatives and matrix eigendecomposition, and it can deal with diffusions that exhibit various types of boundary behavior. Since financial payoffs are typically not smooth, we apply a smoothing technique and use extrapolation to speed up convergence. We provide convergence and error analysis and perform various numerical experiments to show the proposed method is fast and accurate. Extension to pricing path-dependent options will be investigated in a follow-up paper.

Specification Analysis of Option Pricing Models Based on Time-Changed Levy Processes

Book Description

We analyze the specifications of option pricing models based on time-changed Levy processes. We classify option pricing models based on the sucture of the jump component in the underlying return process, the source of stochastic volatility, and the specification of the volatility process itself. Our estimation of a variety of model specifications indicates that to better capture the behavior of the Samp;P 500 index options, we must incorporate a high frequency jump component in the return process and generate stochastic volatilities from two different sources, the jump component and the diffusion component.

Option Pricing in Incomplete Markets

Book Description

This volume offers the reader practical methods to compute the option prices in the incomplete asset markets. The [GLP & MEMM] pricing models are clearly introduced, and the properties of these models are discussed in great detail. It is shown that the geometric L(r)vy process (GLP) is a typical example of the incomplete market, and that the MEMM (minimal entropy martingale measure) is an extremely powerful pricing measure. This volume also presents the calibration procedure of the [GLP \& MEMM] model that has been widely used in the application of practical problem