American Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

Herbalism rеfеrѕ tо fоlk аnd trаdіtіоnаl mеdісіnаl practice bаѕеd оn the uѕе оf рlаntѕ and рlаnt еxtrасtѕ. Hеrbаlіѕm іѕ аlѕо knоwn as рhуtоthеrару. The use of herbs to trеаt dіѕеаѕе іѕ almost unіvеrѕаl аmоng nоn іnduѕtrіаlіzеd ѕосіеtіеѕ. A number of traditions hаvе соmе tо dominate thе рrасtіѕе of herbal mеdісіnе іn the wеѕt аt the еnd оf thе twеntіеth century:- * Thе Wеѕtеrn, based оn Grееk аnd Rоmаn ѕоurсеѕ, * Thе Aуurvеdіс frоm Indіа * Chіnеѕе herbal mеdісіnе. Many оf the рhаrmасеutісаlѕ currently аvаіlаblе tо Wеѕtеrn рhуѕісіаnѕ have a lоng history of uѕе аѕ hеrbаl rеmеdіеѕ, including оріum, аѕріrіn, digitalis, and quinine. All plants рrоduсе chemical соmроundѕ аѕ раrt оf their nоrmаl mеtаbоlіс асtіvіtіеѕ. Thеѕе саn bе ѕрlіt into two саtеgоrіеѕ - primary mеtаbоlіtеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ ѕugаrѕ аnd fats, fоund in аll рlаntѕ; аnd ѕесоndаrу mеtаbоlіtеѕ found іn a ѕmаllеr range of рlаntѕ, some only іn a раrtісulаr gеnuѕ or ѕресіеѕ. Thе аutоlоgоuѕ funсtіоnѕ оf secondary metabolites are varied; fоr еxаmрlе аѕ toxins tо dеtеr predation, оr tо аttrасt іnѕесtѕ for роllіnаtіоn. It іѕ these ѕесоndаrу mеtаbоlіtеѕ which саn hаvе thеrареutіс асtіоnѕ іn humans, and whісh саn bе rеfіnеd tо produce drugѕ. Sоmе еxаmрlеѕ are іnulіn frоm thе rооtѕ оf dаhlіаѕ, ԛuіnіnе frоm thе cinchona, mоrрhіnе аnd соdеіnе frоm thе poppy, аnd dіgоxіn frоm thе foxglove. Hеrbаlіѕtѕ attempt to find thе root cause of іllnеѕѕ. Prасtіtіоnеrѕ will choose herbs bаѕеd оn thе ѕуmрtоmѕ or ailments a раtіеnt describes during thе соnѕultаtіоn. Thеу will аlѕо реrfоrm a сlіnісаl еxаm, іnѕресtіng certain аrеаѕ of the bоdу аnd сrеаtе a personalized prescription. Patients mау use just оnе hеrbаl treatment оr a combination оf herbal ѕuррlеmеntѕ. Cоmmоn fоrmѕ of treatment іnсludе: * Teas * Cарѕulеѕ соntаіnіng liquids or роwdеrеd hеrbѕ Thеrе іѕn''t оnе соmmоn training оr сеrtіfісаtіоn program fоr hеrbаlіѕtѕ, whісh makes thеіr раth dіffеrеnt frоm a dосtоr who аttеndѕ medical ѕсhооl. Sоmе ѕсhооlѕ оffеr grаduаtе-lеvеl programs in clinical herbal medicine, where ѕtudеntѕ are encouraged tо combine еvіdеnсе-bаѕеd ѕсіеnсе аnd trаdіtіоnаl hеrbаl medicine. Othеr organizations, like thе Amеrісаn Hеrbаlіѕt Guild (AHG), offer mеmbеrѕhірѕ аnd сеrtіfісаtіоnѕ. Thе AHG requires 400 hоurѕ оf training аnd clinical еxреrіеnсе bеfоrе рrасtіtіоnеrѕ саn аррlу fоr thе title of Registered Hеrbаlіѕt. Hеrbаlіѕtѕ study: * Humаn ѕсіеnсеѕ, іnсludіng anatomy, рhуѕіоlоgу, аnd bіосhеmіѕtrу * Nutrition * Phаrmасу аnd dіѕреnѕіng * Bоtаnу and рlаnt ѕсіеnсе * Evіdеnсе-bаѕеd botanical rеѕеаrсh Learn more about American Herbalist''s Bible and discover ways to boast your immune system naturally

The Native American Herbalist's Bible 3 - The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

Book Description

Would you like to find a way into the lost world and forgotten art of Native American herbalism without getting caught in misinformation and sensationalistic claims? Are you looking for a modern guide on traditional Native American herbal medicine to stock your medicine cabinet full of all-natural, low-cost herbal preparations? The knowledge of Native American tribes on herbs and herbal remedies is unmatched but not easily accessible since it has been passed on orally from one generation to another. But don't give up! I am proud to present The Native American Herbalist's Bible 3 - The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies the third volume of The Native American Herbalist's Bible series. More exhaustive than any other guide on the market, thoroughly researched, and written with ease of use in mind, this book will accompany you through basic and complex preparations, identifying and harvesting the right plants, and all the herbal remedies you will ever need, saving money in the process. In this book you will discover: How to soothe your body and calm your mind with the amazing powers of wild plants and herbs A step-by-step guide for each tea, decoction, salve, oil, capsule, and extract to cure that next cold, scrape, headache, digestive issue, stressful day, or sleepless night with simple ingredients from your cupboard How to detox with dandelion, beat stress with linden, soothe burns with marshmallow, treat a cold with pine, and beat cramps with crampbark 150+ tried and tested amazing healing recipes carefully selected for you by the best herbalists The best plants to heal common seasonal ailments and manage chronic diseases How to find the herbs that work best for your particular constitution Secret tips from the forefathers of medicine on how to live a healthier, fuller life! We are more addicted than ever to drugs that numb our body and mind and chemicals that erode our health and weigh heavily on our wallets, but you can now easily access over 2000 years of herbal medicine-making culture. Herbal medicine traditions must be preserved and passed on to help us and future generation to re-establish a more profound contact with nature and its healing powers. So, are you ready to discover the lost world and forgotten art of Native American herbal medicine? Then click on "Buy now" to start your healing journey today!

The Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

A lost classic of Western herbalism—rediscovered and restored with 200 full-color images. Herbalist to King Charles I, John Parkinson (1567–1650) was a master apothecary, herbalist, and gardener. Famous in his own lifetime for his influential books, his magnum opus, the Theatrum Botanicum, was published in 1640 and ran to 1,766 large pages. The sheer scope and size was perhaps to prove the book’s downfall, because while it was much revered—and plagiarized—it was never reprinted and, centuries later, has attained the status of an extremely rare and valuable book. Parkinson was writing at a time when Western herbalism was at its zenith, and his skills as a gardener (from his grounds in Covent Garden) combined perfectly with his passion for science, observation, and historical scholarship. In the The Herbalist’s Bible, Julie Bruton-Seal and Matthew Seal have beautifully combined selections from Parkinson’s book with their own modern commentary on how each plant is used today to create a truly one-of-a-kind, comprehensive collection of herbal information old and new. Parkinson’s clear and lively description of a chosen plant’s “vertues” or healing properties side-by-side with the editors’ notes—including copious herbal recipes—make this the perfect book for students and practitioners of herbalism, historians, and gardeners, all of whom will welcome this restoration of Parkinson’s lost classic.

Native American Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

Are harsh artificial medicines stripping your body of its vitality? In the western world, more people are now addicted to "medicines" than ever before - and suffering harmful effects from these very drugs that were meant to help them. In fact, we're being encouraged to use artificial chemicals to treat almost everything - even our children are being medicated just for being energetic. But it doesn't have to be this way... Long before Europeans arrived in America, generations of Native American's learned the secrets of natural healing and were able to use the power of plants to maintain good health and create explosive levels of energy and vitality - rarely seen today. Best-selling author and herbalist Maya Davis has transcribed the ancient teaching of Native American herbalism in one powerful comprehensive bundle. Native American Herbalist's Bible includes her trusted encyclopedia and dispensary to help YOU unlock the benefits of 1,000s of years of forgotten natural health wisdom. What you'll learn inside: ★ The spiritual history - You will learn to appreciate the spirituality used by Native Americans in your own practise.( pag 8) ★ Herbalism 101 - Learn how to source, prepare, dry, and store your herbs. ( learn more about it on page 47) ★ 87+ Native American plant profiles - Discover how to identify them with traditional illustrations and how to make effective usage of their hidden powers. (page 86) ★ 37 Common ailments - Learn to heal 37 of the most common ailments, with positive healing that promotes the full experience of wellbeing. (page 95) ★ Precise guidance on use - Uncover the precise uses, dosages, and benefits of each tincture, oil and remedy to maintain the perfect healthy balance. (page 112) ★ Modern warnings - Updated with important advice on how these remedies might interact with any western medicine, to always keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe. (read all about it on page 198) ★150+ tried and tested amazing healing recipes carefully selected for you by the best herbalists( page 209) It is time to take control of your health and stop relying on artificial chemicals to treat your ills.Grab a copy today and give your body the gift of true vitality and wellbeing.

The Native American Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

"More exhaustive than any other guide on the market, thoroughly researched, and written with ease of use in mind, this book will accompany you from harvesting to administering low-cost, DIY remedies, from planting tips to the creation of your very own natural medicine cabinet, from traditional methods to modern uses, for beginners and expert herbalists alike"

The Native American Herbalist's Bible [9 Books in 1]: Find Out Hundreds of Herbal Remedies and Recipes, Build Your First Herb Lab at Home, and Grow Yo

Book Description

Are your costumers looking for hundreds of natural ways to increase the longevity and quality of life? Maybe they have some skin or other similar external body issues that they need help with, or they feel intoxicated by all the medicines that are recommended to treat anything? Are you ready for encountering the world's most effective form of medicine, let your client become a skilled herbalist and building his first home-based herb lab? Long before Europeans arrived in America, generations of Native American's learned the secrets of natural healing and were able to use the power of plants to maintain good health, create explosive levels of energy, and live more than 120 years. Best-selling author and herbalist master, the Green Witch decided on the day of her 100th birthday to enclose in this collection of 9 books all her knowledge about healing herbs and her secret elixirs of long life. The Green Witch was born in 1921 in the American village of Hidatsa, the daughter of a shaman father and an herbalist mother of the tribe of Nuxbaaga. She spent 30 years around the world and more than 50 years as a nomad in America, traveling from tribe to tribe, cultivating her knowledge of Native American healing herbs. BOOK LIST 1 Herbalism and Alchemy: a deep dive into the science and spirituality of herbalism 2 The Herb Master's Terminology: actions, energetics, properties and more 3 Native American Herbal Medicine: discover 49+1 sacred herbs of indigenous shamans and use them everyday 4 Native American Herbal Recipes: the 51 ways to treat every disease and forget about them 5 Native American Herbal Remedies: the secret list of the Native American perpetual remedies 6 Herbal Remedies for Children: 7 remedies for demanding kids at every age and stage of life 7 The Initiation, Be an Herbalist: master the shamanic art of herbalism and build your own herb pharmacy at home 8 The Herb Master's Open Air Lab: grow dozens of anti-pandemic herbs in your own backyard at home 9 A HUGE BONUS: American Edible Wild Plant: find out 51 wild edible plants and 7 foraging tricks for wilderness survival All medical herbs are at your fingertips, and the recipes and remedies derived from them are at no cost. You will also be guided step by step in building your own healing herbs' garden. It's time to take a cleansing swim in the wise knowledge of Native Americans and their thousand-year-old natural healing techniques... Click the BUY NOW button, GRAB YOUR COPY NOW DOZENS OF COPIES and let your costumers rob your library!!

Native American Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

Are harsh artificial medicines stripping your body of its vitality? In the western world, more people are now addicted to "medicines" than ever before - and suffering harmful effects from these very drugs that were meant to help them. In fact, we're being encouraged to use artificial chemicals to treat almost everything - even our children are being medicated just for being energetic. But it doesn't have to be this way... Long before Europeans arrived in America, generations of Native American's learned the secrets of natural healing and were able to use the power of plants to maintain good health and create explosive levels of energy and vitality - rarely seen today. Best selling author and herbalist Maya Davis has transcribed the ancient teaching of Native American herbalism in one powerful comprehensive bundle. Native American Herbalist's Bible includes her trusted encyclopedia and dispensary to help YOU unlock the benefits of 1,000s of years of forgotten natural health wisdom. What you'll learn inside: ★ The spiritual history - You will learn to appreciate the spirituality used by Native Americans in your own practise. ★ Herbalism 101 - Learn how to source, prepare, dry, and store your herbs. ★ 87+ Native American plant profiles - Discover how to identify them with traditional illustrations and how to make effective usage of their hidden powers. ★ 37 Common ailments - Learn to heal 37 of the most common ailments, with positive healing that promotes the full experience of wellbeing. ★ Precise guidance on use - Uncover the precise uses, dosages, and benefits of each tincture, oil and remedy to maintain the perfect healthy balance. ★ Modern warnings - Updated with important advice on how these remedies might interact with any western medicine, to always keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe. ★150+ tried and tested amazing healing recipes carefully selected for you by the best herbalists It is time to take control of your health and stop relying on artificial chemicals to treat your ills.Grab a copy today and give your body the gift of true vitality and wellbeing.

The Native American Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

Are you looking for a way to overcome medical problems without using modern medicine full of harmful effects? Are you looking for a new way to keep yourself healthy? With simple directions for making herbal mixtures that can be used in delicious teas, tinctures, and capsules, The Native American Herbalist's Bible shows you how to harness the power of nature to achieve a more relaxed and fulfilling life. This complete guide shows you how to treat all the most common ailments effectively, using a variety of safe, easy, all-natural remedies. You'll be amazed at how herbal treatments can help heal your body and activate your metabolism. In this Trilogy you will find: The spiritual history: The rich spiritual history of Native American Herbalism The complete herb profile of 80+ herbs and wild plants Native American Medicine and Modern Uses: The traditional and modern uses of North American plants How to Get Rid of Common Ailments like Acne, Anxiety, Asthma, Depression, Insomnia, Diarrhea, Menopausal Problems, Fever, Wounds, Stress, Rash Nausea and much more, so you will be able to feel immediately better and never take chemical drugs again How to prepare the Most Common DIY Herbal Recipes: Tea, Decoctions, Pорѕісlеѕ, Iсе Сubеѕ, Brеаѕt mіlk, Compresses, Poultice, Macerations, Syrups, Juices, Tinctures, and much more The Best Herbal Remedies for your Child subdivided into age categories ranging from 0 to 2 Months, 2-12 Months, 1-5 Years, 5-12 Years, so you will be able to help your kid feel better and get rid of his ailments in a 100% natural way Instructions on how to prepare every single herb (Step by Step Process) A step-by-step guide for each tea, decoction, salve, oil, capsule, and extract to cure all the most common ailment. Fever, headache, food intolerance, hypertension, insomnia, menstrual cycle irregularities, digestive issue, stressful day, or Sprains and strains with simple ingredients from your cupboard Are you ready to discover the amazing gifts that our forests and fields can offer us? Grab a copy today and give your body the gift of true vitality and wellbeing

The Native American Herbalist's Bible

Book Description

Have you been shocked after reading the side effects leaflet of the over-the-counter medications you normally use for yourself and your kids? Are you looking for a modern guide on the Native American Lost Herbalism that does not promise you the moon, but gives you effective, proven remedies to heal and prevent diseases, without breaking the bank? If the answer is "YES", then this collection of books is perfect for you. The results of the use/abuse of pills and pharmaceutical medications, based on synthetic chemical substances, made in Western society is in front of everyone: addiction, progressive insensitivity to the active ingredients, and countless side effects are just the emerged tip of a largely unknown iceberg. But, it doesn't have to be this way... Native Americans sharpened for centuries their knowledge of herbal medicine. Starting from what nature gave them, they developed practices and effective remedies against the common ailments, with no over-processing or chemical alterations of the natural ingredients. This near-lost knowledge is now available in this 3-in-1 all-encompassing guide that will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know to become an experienced herbalist starting from zero. No part will be overlooked, from plant identification tips to what tools to use, and in no time, you will fill your medicine cabinet with traditional herbal remedies that our people used for generations. In detail, in the first volume you will learn: Native American Spirituality and its effects on the healing process Harvesting and Storing Plants: Money-saving and ethical advice for responsible purchase, rules for wildcrafting that will benefit both you and the environment, and the Secrets of the Best Herbalists to Store your Herbs How To Grow Your Medicinal Herbs At Home, so that you will always have the most useful plants and herbs when you need them the most, even if you are not the best gardener out there The essential guide to the Traditional Herbal Preparations for the budding herbalist Sacred Medicine of Native Americans: the most relevant practices of our people (including instructions on how to build your own sweat lodge with no money down!) While in the second volume you will discover: Complete profile and botanical illustrations of 100+ Medicine Herbs and Wild Plants! 100% Sure Plant Identification Tips, so you will Avoid Poisonous Lookalikes of medicine plants How Native American medicine men used each herb Preferred Solvents from effective and fast extraction of the healing substances from the plants Finally, in the third volume you will learn: Unlike other guides on the market, More Than 150 Recipes For Incredible All-Natural Homemade Remedies, so that, just like a cookbook, you'll quickly be able to create them at home without any kind of fuss How to Administer Herbs: from capsule and extractions to essential oils, salves, and fumigation. All you will need to cure yourself and your loved ones. Which tea, salve, or ointment prepare to treat allergy attacks, headaches, burns, constipation, menstrual pain... Warnings and Cautions to take if you are currently under medications. The quality of the information within and the Writing With the Focus on the Ease of Use are the strengths of this book series that will allow you to completely embrace a new, healthier lifestyle. Are you ready to feel better? Then scroll to the top of the page and click the "BUY NOW" button to grab your copy now!

The Native American Herbalist's Bible [10 Books In 1]

Book Description

Are harsh artificial medicines stripping your body of its vitality? In the western world, more people are now addicted to "medicines" than ever before - and suffering harmful effects from these very drugs that were meant to help them. In fact, we're being encouraged to use artificial chemicals to treat almost everything - even our children are being medicated just for being energetic. But it doesn't have to be this way... Long before Europeans arrived in America, generations of Native American's learned the secrets of natural healing and were able to use the power of plants to maintain good health and create explosive levels of energy and vitality - rarely seen today. Best-selling author and herbalist master, the Christina Bennett decided to enclose in this collection of 10 books all her knowledge about healing herbs and her secret elixirs of long life. Native American Herbalist's Bible includes her trusted encyclopedia and dispensary to help YOU unlock the benefits of 1,000s of years of forgotten natural health wisdom. BOOK LIST 1» The Native American Herbal Apothecary: a deep dive into the science and spirituality of herbalism 2» The Native American Herbal Remedies: actions, energetics, properties and more 3» Native American Plants: discover 49+1 sacred herbs of indigenous shamans and use them everyday 4» Ancient Traditions and Modern Uses: the 51 ways to treat every disease and forget about them 5» The Curative Properties of Herbs: the secret list of the Native American perpetual remedies 6» Secrets of Herbal Medicine: 7 remedies for demanding kids at every age and stage of life 7» Ancient Remedies for Every Disaeses: A collection of herbs and their use for every ailment! 8» Other Specific Remedies: Don't use only known herbs! In this book you will discover many rare herbs! 9» The Native American Practices: find out 51 wild edible plants and 7 foraging tricks for wilderness survival 10» Common Diseases and Herbal Solutions: For every common disease there is a remedy! All medical herbs are at your fingertips, and the recipes and remedies derived from them are at no cost. You will also be guided step by step in building your own healing herbs' garden. It's time to take a cleansing swim in the wise knowledge of Native Americans and their thousand-year-old natural healing techniques... Scroll up the page, click the BUY NOW button, and GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!!