Amt, Ordination, Episkopé und theologische Ausbildung / Ministry, ordination, episkopé and theological education

Book Description

Dieser Band dokumentiert drei Arbeitsergebnisse der GEKE, die von den Vollversammlungen 2012 und 2018 angenommen wurden. Der Lehrgesprächstext "Amt, Ordination, Episkope" bestimmt die evangelische Position zu diesen ökumenisch besonders brisanten Themen und will damit zugleich die Gemeinschaft der Kirchen der GEKE vertiefen. Diesem Ziel dienen auch die Studien "Die Ausbildung für das ordinationsgebundene Amt" und "Fortbildung für das ordinationsgebundene Amt". Sie skizzieren ein gemeinsames Verständnis von guter Ausbildung bzw. Fort- und Weiterbildung, das für die Mitgliedskirchen jeweils orientierend wirken kann. This volume documents three sets of findings by the CPCE which were accepted by the 2012 and 2018 General Assemblies. The report of the doctrinal conversation on "Ministry, Ordination, Episkope" defines the Protestant position on these issues, which are of vital ecumenical interest. At the same time, it seeks to deepen the church communion of CPCE member churches. This is also the aim of the studies "Training for the ordained ministry in the CPCE" and "Continuing education for the ordained ministry in the CPCE". They outline a common understanding of good training that the member churches can take as a guideline.

Amt, Ordination, Episkopè und theologische Ausbildung

Book Description

Der Band dokumentiert zwei Arbeitsergebnisse der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa (GEKE), die der Vollversammlung 2012 vorlagen. Der Lehrgesprachstext Amt, Ordination, Episkope bestimmt die evangelische Position zu diesen okumenisch besonders brisanten Themen und will damit zugleich die Gemeinschaft der Kirchen der GEKE vertiefen. Diesem Ziel dient auch die Studie Die Ausbildung fur das ordinationsgebundene Amt. Sie skizziert ein gemeinsames Verstandnis vn guter Ausbildung, das fur die Mitgliedskirchen jeweils orientierend wirken kann.

Kirche und Israel // Church and Israel

Book Description

Das Dokument Kirche und Israel gilt als die erste gemeinsame Positionsbestimmung der reformatorischen Kirchen Europas zum Verhältnis von Christen und Juden. Es bietet Analysen der biblischen Grundlagen und der geschichtlichen Entwicklung des Verhältnisses von Kirche und Israel, erörtert bisherige Versuche einer Klärung der schwierigen Beziehung und entfaltet schließlich eine eigene Bestimmung dieses Verhältnisses. Praktische Empfehlungen zur Berücksichtigung des Judentums in Theologie und Kirche sowie ein Aufruf zur Wahrnehmung der gemeinsamen Weltverantwortung schließen die Studie ab. In der Neuauflage wird der Text, der 2001 von der Vollversammlung der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa verabschiedet wurde, unverändert abgedruckt, ergänzt wurden ein Bericht von einer Auswertungstagung des Jahres 2011 und zwei dort vorgetragene Bewertungen der Studie von Peter Scherle und Micha Brumlik. The document Church and Israel is regarded as the first endeavour by European Reformation churches to define a common position on the relationship between Christians and Jews. It offers analyses of the biblical foundations and historical development of the relationship between the Church and Israel, discusses previous attempts to clarify the difficult relationship and finally develops its own definition of this relationship. It concludes with practical recommendations on considering Judaism in theology and the church, and a call to take joint responsibility for the world. The document was adopted in 2001 by the General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe and is reprinted without change in this new edition. It is supplemented by a report of the conference held to evaluate its reception 10 years later, in 2011, and by two assessments of the study presented on that occasion by Peter Scherle and Micha Brumlik.

The Protestant Clergy of Early Modern Europe

Book Description

The Protestant Clergy of Early Modern Europe provides a comprehensive survey of the Protestant clergy in Europe during the confessional age. Eight contributions, written by historians with specialist research knowledge in the field, offer the reader a wide-ranging synthesis of the main concerns of current historiography. Themes include the origins and the evolution of the Protestant clergy during the age of Reformation, the role and function of the clergy in the context of early modern history, and the contribution of the clergy to the developments of the age (the making of confessions, education, the reform of culture, social and political thought).

The Culture of Profession in Late Renaissance Italy

Book Description

From Latin humanists to popular writers, Italian Renaissance culture spawned a lively debate on vocational choice and the nature of profession. In The Culture of Profession in Late Renaissance Italy, George W. McClure examines the turn this debate took in the second half of the Renaissance, when the learned 'praise and rebuke' of profession began to be complemented with more popular forms of discourse, and when less learned vocations made their voice heard. Focusing primarily on sources assembled and published in the sixteenth century, McClure's study explores professional themes in comic, festive, and popular print culture. A pivotal figure is Tomaso Garzoni, a monk whose popular encyclopedia, Universal Piazza of all the Professions of the World, was published in 1585. A funnel for earlier traditions and an influence on later ones, this massive compendium treated over 150 categories of profession - juxtaposing the world of philosophers and poets, lawyers and physicians, merchants and artisans, teachers and printers, cooks and chimneysweeps, prostitutes and procurers. If the conventional view is that Italian Renaissance society generally grew more aristocratic in the later period, this and other sources reveal a professional ethos more democratic in nature and bespeak the full cultural discovery of the middling and lowly professions in the late Renaissance.

The Professions in Early Modern England, 1450-1800

Book Description

The Professions in Early Modern England, 1450-1800 looks at the growth of a professional working class from the Tudor period to the early nineteenth century, a working class vital in the development of a recognizably modern world. Examines the differences between the 'lettered' and the leisured classes and explores the lives of lawyers, politicians, physicians, teachers and clerics. Those interested in British or social history. Hardcover - 0-582-29265-4 $ 84.95 y

John Calvin on the Diaconate and Liturgical Almsgiving

Book Description

L'auteur nous propose dans cet ouvrage une étude de l'enseignement de Calvin sur le diaconat (le diacre, dans les églises protestantes a pour mission de veiller au soin des pauvres et des malades). Elle dégage l'exégèse et l'historique de cet enseignement et montre dans quelle mesure celui-ci était suivi, en examinant la collecte dans les différentes églises protestantes de l'époque.

The Misunderstanding of the Church

Book Description

Brunner sees St Paul's Epistle to the Romans as 'the chapter of destiny of the Christian Church'. Here, in Luther's words, is the 'purest gospel' upon which the very existence of the Christian faith depends and from which it draws its life. Concentrated, decisive and instructive, nothing within the New Testament is more closely argued both theological and personal. Out of his years of scholarly wisdom Brunner meditates on the great Question: What is wrong with the Churches? Brunner finds an answer in thecontrast between the virile Spirit-filled fellowship of the New Testament and the institutions which are now called 'churches'. He writes in his preface: 'The title of the book, The Misunderstanding of the Church, is equivocal. Is it a question of a misunderstanding of which the Church is guilty, or of a misunderstanding of which it is the victim? Or is it that the Church itself, as such, is perhaps the product of a misunderstanding? The author is not responsible for this ambiguity; it is intrinsic in the theme itself.