An Adaptive Multi-scale Computational Method for Modeling Nonlinear Deformation in Nanoscale Materials

Book Description

In this dissertation a coupled multi-scale computational model for simulating nonlinear deformation processes in crystalline metals at finite temperatures is developed. The computational model uses the finite element method to model the coarse scale response of the material. The constitutive response in the finite element will be modeled through interatomic potentials acting on the underlying homogeneous crystal lattice that characterizes its nanostructure. An adaptive remeshing technique is proposed to automatically delineate regions of severe deformation where homogeneity of the microstructure/deformation is violated. In these regions the finite element will be replaced by a set of deformed atoms which interact with each other through the interatomic potential. The resulting coupled multi-scale model will be used to study defect generation and growth, through a computational nanoindentation experiment, in practical 2D and 3D problems.

Multiscale Modeling in Solid Mechanics

Book Description

This unique volume presents the state of the art in the field of multiscale modeling in solid mechanics, with particular emphasis on computational approaches. For the first time, contributions from both leading experts in the field and younger promising researchers are combined to give a comprehensive description of the recently proposed techniques and the engineering problems tackled using these techniques. The book begins with a detailed introduction to the theories on which different multiscale approaches are based, with regards to linear Homogenisation as well as various nonlinear approaches. It then presents advanced applications of multiscale approaches applied to nonlinear mechanical problems. Finally, the novel topic of materials with self-similar structure is discussed. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Computational Homogenisation for Non-Linear Heterogeneous Solids (808 KB). Contents: Computational Homogenisation for Non-Linear Heterogeneous Solids (V G Kouznetsova et al.); Two-Scale Asymptotic Homogenisation-Based Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials (Q-Z Xiao & B L Karihaloo); Multi-Scale Boundary Element Modelling of Material Degradation and Fracture (G K Sfantos & M H Aliabadi); Non-Uniform Transformation Field Analysis: A Reduced Model for Multiscale Non-Linear Problems in Solid Mechanics (J-C Michel & P Suquet); Multiscale Approach for the Thermomechanical Analysis of Hierarchical Structures (M J Lefik et al.); Recent Advances in Masonry Modelling: Micro-Modelling and Homogenisation (P B Louren o); Mechanics of Materials with Self-Similar Hierarchical Microstructure (R C Picu & M A Soare). Readership: Researchers and academics in the field of heterogeneous materials and mechanical engineering; professionals in aeronautical engineering and materials science.

Adaptive Multiscale Modeling of Polymeric Materials Using Goal-oriented Error Estimation, Arlequin Coupling, and Goals Algorithms

Book Description

Scientific theories that explain how physical systems behave are described by mathematical models which provide the basis for computer simulations of events that occur in the physical universe. These models, being only mathematical characterizations of actual phenomena, are obviously subject to error because of the inherent limitations of all mathematical abstractions. In this work, new theory and methodologies are developed to quantify such modeling error in a special way that resolves a fundamental and standing issue: multiscale modeling, the development of models of events that transcend many spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, we devise the machinery for a posteriori estimates of relative modeling error between a model of fine scale and another of coarser scale, and we use this methodology as a general approach to multiscale problems. The target application is one of critical importance to nanomanufacturing: imprint lithography of semiconductor devices. The development of numerical methods for multiscale modeling has become one of the most important areas of computational science. Technological developments in the manufacturing of semiconductors hinge upon the ability to understand physical phenomena from the nanoscale to the microscale and beyond. Predictive simulation tools are critical to the advancement of nanomanufacturing semiconductor devices. In principle, they can displace expensive experiments and testing and optimize the design of the manufacturing process. The development of such tools rest on the edge of contemporary methods and high-performance computing capabilities and is a major open problem in computational science. In this dissertation, a molecular model is used to simulate the deformation of polymeric materials used in the fabrication of semiconductor devices. Algorithms are described which lead to a complex molecular model of polymer materials designed to produce an etch barrier, a critical component in imprint lithography approaches to semiconductor manufacturing. Each application of this so-called polymerization process leads to one realization of a lattice-type model of the polymer, a molecular statics model of enormous size and complexity. This is referred to as the base model for analyzing the deformation of the etch barrier, a critical feature of the manufacturing process. To reduce the size and complexity of this model, a sequence of coarser surrogate models is generated. These surrogates are the multiscale models critical to the successful computer simulation of the entire manufacturing process. The surrogate involves a combination of particle models, the molecular model of the polymer, and a coarse-scale model of the polymer as a nonlinear hyperelastic material. Coefficients for the nonlinear elastic continuum model are determined using numerical experiments on representative volume elements of the polymer model. Furthermore, a simple model of initial strain is incorporated in the continuum equations to model the inherit shrinking of the A coupled particle and continuum model is constructed using a special algorithm designed to provide constraints on a region of overlap between the continuum and particle models. This coupled model is based on the so-called Arlequin method that was introduced in the context of coupling two continuum models with differing levels of discretization. It is shown that the Arlequin problem for the particle-tocontinuum model is well posed in a one-dimensional setting involving linear harmonic springs coupled with a linearly elastic continuum. Several numerical examples are presented. Numerical experiments in three dimensions are also discussed in which the polymer model is coupled to a nonlinear elastic continuum. Error estimates in local quantities of interest are constructed in order to estimate the modeling error due to the approximation of the particle model by the coupled multiscale surrogate model. The estimates of the error are computed by solving an auxiliary adjoint, or dual, problem that incorporates as data the quantity of interest or its derivatives. The solution of the adjoint problem indicates how the error in the approximation of the polymer model inferences the error in the quantity of interest. The error in the quantity of interest represents the relative error between the value of the quantity evaluated for the base model, a quantity typically unavailable or intractable, and the value of the quantity of interest provided by the multiscale surrogate model. To estimate the error in the quantity of interest, a theorem is employed that establishes that the error coincides with the value of the residual functional acting on the adjoint solution plus a higher-order remainder. For each surrogate in a sequence of surrogates generated, the residual functional acting on various approximations of the adjoint is computed. These error estimates are used to construct an adaptive algorithm whereby the model is adapted by supplying additional fine-scale data in certain subdomains in order to reduce the error in the quantity of interest. The adaptation algorithm involves partitioning the domain and selecting which subdomains are to use the particle model, the continuum model, and where the two overlap. When the algorithm identifies that a region contributes a relatively large amount to the error in the quantity of interest, it is scheduled for refinement by switching the model for that region to the particle model. Numerical experiments on several configurations representative of nano-features in semiconductor device fabrication demonstrate the effectiveness of the error estimate in controlling the modeling error as well as the ability of the adaptive algorithm to reduce the error in the quantity of interest. There are two major conclusions of this study: 1. an effective and well posed multiscale model that couples particle and continuum models can be constructed as a surrogate to molecular statics models of polymer networks and 2. an error estimate of the modeling error for such systems can be estimated with sufficient accuracy to provide the basis for very effective multiscale modeling procedures. The methodology developed in this study provides a general approach to multiscale modeling. The computational procedures, computer codes, and results could provide a powerful tool in understanding, designing, and optimizing an important class of semiconductormanufacturing processes. The study in this dissertation involves all three components of the CAM graduate program requirements: Area A, Applicable Mathematics; Area B, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation; and Area C, Mathematical Modeling and Applications. The multiscale modeling approach developed here is based on the construction of continuum surrogates and coupling them to molecular statics models of polymer as well as a posteriori estimates of error and their adaptive control. A detailed mathematical analysis is provided for the Arlequin method in the context of coupling particle and continuum models for a class of one-dimensional model problems. Algorithms are described and implemented that solve the adaptive, nonlinear problem proposed in the multiscale surrogate problem. Large scale, parallel computations for the base model are also shown. Finally, detailed studies of models relevant to applications to semiconductor manufacturing are presented.

Advanced Computational Materials Modeling

Book Description

With its discussion of strategies for modeling complex materials using new numerical techniques, mainly those based on the finite element method, this monograph covers a range of topics including computational plasticity, multi-scale formulations, optimization and parameter identification, damage mechanics and nonlinear finite elements.

Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials

Book Description

Presenting cutting-edge research and development within multiscale modeling techniques and frameworks, Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials systematically describes the background, principles and methods within this exciting new & interdisciplinary field. The author’s approach emphasizes the principles and methods of atomistic simulation and its transition to the nano and sub-micron scale of a continuum, which is technically important for nanotechnology and biotechnology. He also pays close attention to multiscale analysis across the micro/meso/macroscopy of a continuum, which has a broad scope of applications encompassing different disciplines and practices, and is an essential extension of mesomechanics. Of equal interest to engineers, scientists, academics and students, Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials is a multidisciplinary text relevant to those working in the areas of materials science, solid and computational mechanics, bioengineering and biomaterials, and aerospace, automotive, civil, and environmental engineering. Provides a deep understanding of multiscale analysis and its implementation Shows in detail how multiscale models can be developed from practical problems and how to use the multiscale methods and software to carry out simulations Discusses two interlinked categories of multiscale analysis; analysis spanning from the atomistic to the micro-continuum scales, and analysis across the micro/meso/macro scale of continuum.

Micromechanics and Nanoscale Effects

Book Description

This volume consists of the state-of-the-art reports on new developments in micromechanics and the modeling of nanoscale effects, and is a companion book to the recent Kluwer volume on nanomechanics and mul- scale modeling (it is entitled Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics). The two volumes grew out of a series of discussions held at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), lectures and other events shared by many researchers from the national research laboratories and academia. The key events include the 2001 Summer Series of Round-Table Discussions on Nanotechnology at ICASE Institute (NASA LaRC) organized by Drs. V. M. Harik and M. D. Salas and the 2002 NASA LaRC Workshop on Multi-scale Modeling. The goal of these interactions was to foster collaborations between academic researchers and the ICASE Institute (NASA LaRC), a universi- based institute, which has pioneered world-class computational, theoretical and experimental research in the disciplines that are important to NASA. Editors gratefully acknowledge help of Ms. E. Todd (ICASE, NASA LaRC), the ICASE Director M. D. Salas and all reviewers, in particular, Dr. B. Diskin (ICASE/NIA, NASA LaRC), Prof. R. Haftka (University of Florida), Dr. V. M. Harik (ICASE/Swales Aerospace, NASA LaRC), Prof.

Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling

Book Description

Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling provides a complete overview of uncertainty quantification (UQ) in computational materials science. It provides practical tools and methods along with examples of their application to problems in materials modeling. UQ methods are applied to various multiscale models ranging from the nanoscale to macroscale. This book presents a thorough synthesis of the state-of-the-art in UQ methods for materials modeling, including Bayesian inference, surrogate modeling, random fields, interval analysis, and sensitivity analysis, providing insight into the unique characteristics of models framed at each scale, as well as common issues in modeling across scales.

Multiscale Materials Modeling for Nanomechanics

Book Description

This book presents a unique combination of chapters that together provide a practical introduction to multiscale modeling applied to nanoscale materials mechanics. The goal of this book is to present a balanced treatment of both the theory of the methodology, as well as some practical aspects of conducting the simulations and models. The first half of the book covers some fundamental modeling and simulation techniques ranging from ab-inito methods to the continuum scale. Included in this set of methods are several different concurrent multiscale methods for bridging time and length scales applicable to mechanics at the nanoscale regime. The second half of the book presents a range of case studies from a varied selection of research groups focusing either on a the application of multiscale modeling to a specific nanomaterial, or novel analysis techniques aimed at exploring nanomechanics. Readers are also directed to helpful sites and other resources throughout the book where the simulation codes and methodologies discussed herein can be accessed. Emphasis on the practicality of the detailed techniques is especially felt in the latter half of the book, which is dedicated to specific examples to study nanomechanics and multiscale materials behavior. An instructive avenue for learning how to effectively apply these simulation tools to solve nanomechanics problems is to study previous endeavors. Therefore, each chapter is written by a unique team of experts who have used multiscale materials modeling to solve a practical nanomechanics problem. These chapters provide an extensive picture of the multiscale materials landscape from problem statement through the final results and outlook, providing readers with a roadmap for incorporating these techniques into their own research.

Multiscale Modelling and Optimisation of Materials and Structures

Book Description

Addresses the very topical, crucial and original subject of parameter identification and optimization within multiscale modeling methods Multiscale Modelling and Optimization of Materials and Structures presents an important and challenging area of research that enables the design of new materials and structures with better quality, strength and performance parameters as well as the creation of reliable models that take into account structural, material and topological properties at different scales. The authors’ approach is four-fold; 1) the basic principles of micro and nano scale modeling techniques; 2) the connection of micro and/or nano scale models with macro simulation software; 3) optimization development in the framework of multiscale engineering and the solution of identification problems; 4) the computer science techniques used in this model and advice for scientists interested in developing their own models and software for multiscale analysis and optimization. The authors present several approaches such as the bridging and homogenization methods, as well as the general formulation of complex optimization and identification problems in multiscale modelling. They apply global optimization algorithms based on robust bioinspired algorithms, proposing parallel and multi-subpopulation approaches in order to speed-up computations, and discuss several numerical examples of multiscale modeling, optimization and identification of composite and functionally graded engineering materials and bone tissues. Multiscale Modelling and Optimization of Materials and Structures is thereby a valuable source of information for young scientists and students looking to develop their own models, write their own computer programs and implement them into simulation systems. Describes micro and nano scale models developed by the authors along with case studies of analysis and optimization Discusses the problems of computing costs, efficiency of information transfer, effective use of the computer memory and several other aspects of development of multiscale models Includes real physical, chemical and experimental studies with modern experimental techniques Provides a valuable source of information for young scientists and students looking to develop their own models, write their own computer programs, and implement them into simulation systems.

Multiscale Methods

Book Description

Small scale features and processes occurring at nanometer and femtosecond scales have a profound impact on what happens at a larger scale and over an extensive period of time. The primary objective of this volume is to reflect the state-of-the-art in multiscale mathematics, modeling, and simulations and to address the following barriers: What is the information that needs to be transferred from one model or scale to another and what physical principles must be satisfied during the transfer of information? What are the optimal ways to achieve such transfer of information? How can variability of physical parameters at multiple scales be quantified and how can it be accounted for to ensure design robustness? The multiscale approaches in space and time presented in this volume are grouped into two main categories: information-passing and concurrent. In the concurrent approaches various scales are simultaneously resolved, whereas in the information-passing methods the fine scale is modeled and its gross response is infused into the continuum scale. The issue of reliability of multiscale modeling and simulation tools which focus on a hierarchy of multiscale models and an a posteriori model of error estimation including uncertainty quantification, is discussed in several chapters. Component software that can be effectively combined to address a wide range of multiscale simulations is also described. Applications range from advanced materials to nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), biological systems, and nanoporous catalysts where physical phenomena operates across 12 orders of magnitude in time scales and 10 orders of magnitude in spatial scales. This volume is a valuable reference book for scientists, engineers and graduate students practicing in traditional engineering and science disciplines as well as in emerging fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, microelectronics and energy.