An Analysis of Recoverable Item Inventory Systems with Service Facilities Subject to Breakdown

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The purpose of this study is to analyze an inventory/maintenance system for recoverable items, that is, items which are subject to repair when they fail. The repair of items is performed by a maintenance facility which has a fixed number of service stations or channels which are also subject to failure. When an item fails, a demand is immediately placed for a like replacement from a spare pool. The failed part is sent to the repair facility to be serviced on a first-come, first-served basis. The spare pool is replenished when repair on the item is completed. When a service station fails, repair is initiated immediately and the failed server is replaced by an operative spare server if one is available. This analysis is limited to a single-echelon system with no outside sources of supply or repair. The objective of this study is to model the system described in order to observe the relationship of system performance to spare stock levels and service facility design. Specifically, the model is used to minimize the total expected unit backorders given an investment constraint on the number of spare items, service channels and spare servers in the system.

Technical Report

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TIMS/ORSA Bulletin

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An Analysis of a Two-echelon Inventory System for Recoverable Items

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This dissertation presents an analysis of continuous review models of a two-echelon inventory system for recoverable items. The system consists of a depot and a set of bases. Primary demands occur at the bases for one or several units at a time. It is assumed that demands arrive in a Poisson manner. Upon arrival of a demand for certain units, a like number of failed units are turned in at the base. An inspection of the failed units is carried out to decide whether the units will be repaired at the base or at the depot or will be removed from the system in case repair is not economical. The bases use an (s-1, s) policy for procurement of serviceable units from the depot, and the depot uses an (s, S) policy to procure from the external supplier. Demands in an out-of-stock situation are backlogged. It is assumed that all the locations have infinite repair capacities and repair and procurement lead times are constant. A common problem in inventory management is to specify the policy parameters that will minimize expected cost per unit time for operating the system subject to constraints of certain performance measures. To formulate such a problem we must find the stationary distributions for inventory position, on-hand inventory, backorders and in-repair inventory. Our main objective is to find exact expressions for these distributions.

An Analysis of an Inventory System for Interchangeable Recoverable Items

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The objective of this grant was to study the interchangeability/ substitutability problem for recoverable items and to develop methods for managing interchangeable recoverable items. Research has led to a full understanding of the behavior of a single-echelon, two-item system over an infinite horizon when the failure times are independent, stationary Poisson processes and the repair times are exponential. Approximately optimal policies for managing this system have been found. These methods have been extended to methods for finding approximately optimal policies for managing the single- echelon system with several interchangeable recoverable items.

R & D Abstracts

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