Dairy Development In India: An Appraisal Of Challenges And Achievements

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Analyses Various Issues Related To Dairy Development. It Is Divided In Two Parts And Gives The Pros And Cons Of Dairy Development In India. Primarly Meant For Students, Research, Professionals, And Policy Makes Involved In The Subject.

Pandemic to Endemic

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The pandemic wave of Covid 19 made many organizations in different sectors rethink their business strategy. The pandemic wave soon became an endemic and the organizations adapted themselves to the new ways of doing business. Endemic situation indicates that the Covid virus is here to stay but with limited impact. The book provides deeper research on how organizations adapted themselves to the post Covid situation and how they look at the future. The book covers studies from the areas of marketing, finance, human resource, operations, healthcare and education.

Formal versus informal

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Despite a growing dairy industry in India, farmers’ lack of access to organized markets and institutional credit remains one of the major hindrances in improving the scale and productivity of dairying. Using data from a survey of 612 households from the state of Punjab, India, this paper evaluates farmers’ choices of dairy value chains and their financing mechanisms. The study finds that 62 percent of the sample farmers representing 69 percent of the total milk sales are connected with formal value chains driven by cooperatives, multinational companies and private domestic processors. Small dairy farmers are associated more with informal value chains but they are not excluded from the formal value chains. The performance of different value chains in terms of productivity and profitability of dairying is almost on par. Also, there is hardly any difference in the milk price offered by formal and informal buyers pointing towards milk market being competitive. More than half of the farmers borrow credit both from within and outside the chain for dairying related activities. Chain-based financing is restricted to only one-fourth of the borrowers and mostly to those associated with informal value chains. Financing by commercial banks and other financial institutions is limited to only 9 percent of the borrowers, mainly larger farmers. The socially-disadvantaged and smallholder farmers are often neglected in institutional lending because of their lack of physical assets to use as collateral against loans. Value chain approach, due to its product market orientation, can serve as an entry point for financial institutions to improve their outreach to smallholders. The innovative financial products, such as ‘dairy credit card’ and ‘contract as collateral’ would enable them to adopt yield-enhancing technology and inputs and also to scale up their dairy activity.

Producer Companies in India

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Organising small producers for dealing with production and market risks has been an issue of much debate and research. The co-operative model has been the predominant form of organization of such producers in the past across the developing world and more so in India whether for input supply or output handling and marketing. In 2002, the Companies Act was amended to make space for producer or farmer companies under the Act. As a result, over the last decade, hundreds of producer companies have been promoted by different stakeholders like government, NGOs, farmers’ unions and some corporate agencies to link farmers with markets and create better bargaining power to deal with modern and changing markets. In this context, this study examines the nature and process of promotion of producer companies in India and their performance and dynamics across four states, commodity sectors, and promoters within agricultural sector with the help of case studies of two dozen such companies. It compares and contrasts the Indian producer company structure with traditional co-operatives and with similar innovations in other contexts like Sri Lanka’s farmer companies. The study analyses the performance and the problems of the producer companies from various perspectives, and examines policy and organizational issues to provide guidelines for better structuring and management of this innovative form of producer collectivization in India and the developing world.

Dairy Cooperatives

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Transforming Food Systems for a Rising India

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This open access book examines the interactions between India’s economic development, agricultural production, and nutrition through the lens of a “Food Systems Approach (FSA).” The Indian growth story is a paradoxical one. Despite economic progress over the past two decades, regional inequality, food insecurity and malnutrition problems persist. Simultaneously, recent trends in obesity along with micro-nutrient deficiency portend to a future public health crisis. This book explores various challenges and opportunities to achieve a nutrition-secure future through diversified production systems, improved health and hygiene environment and greater individual capability to access a balanced diet contributing to an increase in overall productivity. The authors bring together the latest data and scientific evidence from the country to map out the current state of food systems and nutrition outcomes. They place India within the context of other developing country experiences and highlight India’s status as an outlier in terms of the persistence of high levels of stunting while following global trends in obesity. This book discusses the policy and institutional interventions needed for promoting a nutrition-sensitive food system and the multi-sectoral strategies needed for simultaneously addressing the triple burden of malnutrition in India.


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Portuguese edition (Melhor Saude em Africa: Experiencia e Ensinamentos Colhidos). Poor health in Sub-Saharan Africa has immense economic consequences. Besides the high mortality and disease rates and the pain and suffering it causes, poor health robs the continent of human capital, reduces returns to learning, impedes entrepreneurial activities, and restricts economic growth. This study argues that despite financial constraints, significant improvements are possible in many countries, as has been seen in Benin, Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, and Zimbabwe. The book also presents positive ideas on how to make these improvements. Better Health in Africa documents lessons learned and best practices in four major areas. 1) African households and communities need the knowledge and resources to recognize and respond effectively to health problems. Threats to health should be made known and countered through public and private services. 2) Human and financial resources must be used more productively by reforming health care systems. Correcting sources of waste and inefficiency must take top priority. 3) Cost-effective packages of basic health services can do much to meet the needs of households and reduce the burden of disease. Networks of local health centers and small hospitals in rural and periurban areas can facilitate delivery. 4) Additonal funds totaling $1.6 billion a year can help those living in Africa's low-income areas obtain basic health services. Cost-sharing can make an important contribution to health equity and the sustainability of health services. The report emphasizes that no government should delay committing itself to the task, although progress toward better health will vary from country to country and no single formula will apply to all. Better Health in Africa presents action plans and yardsticks for measuring progress. The idea of the core, cost-effective package of health services complements World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health with an operationally oriented perspective on health services. The report also reflects the views of organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF that will work together in helping African countries adapt and implement the report's recommendations. Also available: English (ISBN 0-8213-2817-4) Stock No. 12817; French (ISBN 0-8213-2818-2) Stock No. 12818.

Contract Farming: Theory And Practice

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Nowadays, agricultural-food system has been experiencing major changes which are driven mainly by recent developments in consumer preferences and attitudes, technological improvements, food safety issues and related regulations. The advanced agro-food sec