Investment Pattern of LICI and Select Private LICs in the Post-reforms Era in India

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The book examines the trends of premium collection and investment portfolio of LICI and selected private life insurers in India in order to compare their performances. Life insurance organizations in India are significant financial institutions in the Indian financial system and play a major role in mobilizing insurance premium from the household sectors and investing it in the financial markets for productive purposes. The book aims to assist life insurance companies in evaluating their performance in terms of their premium mobilization and investment in Government and other approved securities, infrastructure securities, securities approved by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and other than approved securities as per the provision of IRDA (Investment) (Fifth Amendment) Regulation, 2013. Against this backdrop, the theme of the book is particularly relevant because life insurance companies play a vital role in channelizing small savings into productive sector investment to promote economic development of the nation.

An Empirical Analysis of Life Insurance Industry in India

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Since inception the Indian life insurance industry passed through many hurdles and hindrances in order to attain the present status. However, the income earning capacity, eagerness and awareness of the general public are the key determinants of the growth of any insurance industry. In the Indian context, the insurance habits among the general public during the independence decade was rare but there was a remarkable improvement in the Indian insurance industry soon after the economic reform era (1991) due to healthy competition from many national as well as international private insurance players. In this paper attempt has been made to analyse the overall performance of Life Insurance Industry of India between pre- and post economic reform era. To measure the current status, volume of competitions and challenges faced by the Life Insurance Corporation of India and to measure the effectiveness of investment strategy of LIC over the period 1980 to 2009. Data were analysed by using T test and Anova. The study reveals that there is a tremendous growth in the performance of Indian Life Insurance industry and LIC due to the policy of LPG. Insurance industry also improved a lot due to the emergence of Private sector and opening up for foreign players. Further there is also a huge change in the investment pattern of LIC. There is a increasing trend toward the investment in Stock market by LIC from 60% to 93% from 1980 to 2009 due to the effective regulation of SEBI and increasing transparency of stock market.

Determinants of Insurance Investment

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Indian insurance markets have changed radically and deeply in the last countable years. Deregulation, globalization of insurance institutions, intensified competition, electronic commerce, bancassurance, and the emergence of new risks are among the challenges confronted by insurance markets. These trends pose both global and local challenges for insurance firms as key advancement in insurance and financial services markets influence insurance markets on a global scale. The paper endeavoured to link insurance investment decisions with underwriting activities of insurance companies. Although, underwriting and investment are two important and related business activities of insurance companies, impact of underwriting activities on investment for life insurers has not been rigorously examined in the literature. Using a sample of public life insurer, this article conducts an empirical investigation of how underwriting impact investment in the period of 2001-2014. The result of study suggests that premium and claim is significantly influenced the investment of insurance sector. In the aftermath of expanding liberalization in the insurance industry together with the worldwide financial crisis has posed a great deal of challenges for insurance regulatory authorities in monitoring investment of insurance companies. Researcher believes the current paper provides some helpful bits of knowledge in this vein.

Indian Life and Health Insurance Industry

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Novi Dewan establishes a status quo of the Indian health and life insurance industry and discusses the best practices for various elements of the marketing mix. She complements secondary research with recent empirical data accentuating the emerging opportunities and challenges in the Indian Insurance Industry by using standardized interviews with opinion leaders and CEOs of several insurers.

Investment Portfolio of Insurance Companies

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The study aims to explore the real status of investments portfolio structure of both life and non life insurance companies of Nepal. Insurance Board of Nepal has issued modified directives for the safe and secure investments of Insurance fund The paper examines the current investment practices adopted by the insurance companies and compare with the norms of directives. Most of the companies have invested more than required fund in secured sector giving priority to solvency over profitability. Among the 234 cases, 37 cases are non compliances whereas 197 cases are compliances. Out of 37 non compliance cases, 28 cases are more sensitive. Life insurers fail to comply the statutory provision in 5 cases and non life in 23 cases. However, in voluntary category, 1 and 8 cases are not complied by the life and non life insurers respectively. Overall scenario of the investments portfolio is satisfactory ignoring few cases.

Investment Pattern of Life Insurance Corporation of India

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The present study focused on investment pattern adopted by the Life Insurance Corporation. The study is exploratory in nature and based on secondary data taken from 'Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy, RBI website. The study period ranges from year 1990-1991 to 2016-17. Statistical tools namely trend analysis, Annual Average Growth Rate (AAGR) and Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) are used for analyzing the data. Life insurance companies make investment in the assets to hedge their risks. Efficient investment decision helps the insurance companies to safeguard their investments and can reduce the risk by diversifying the investment in different securities. The Life Insurance Corporation of India manages the investments effectively subject to the directions given by the IRDA.

An Empirical Study on Perception

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A Unit Linked Insurance Plan is a financial product commonly known as ULIP that offers the dual benefits: life insurance and investment with flexibility. The policyholders retain the flexibility of investing his/her savings and converting them amongst the various types of mutual funds provided by the life insurance companies. ULIP is a multi-featured product that combines the benefits of risk sharing, insurance and investment. However, the investment in a unit linked insurance plan works like a mutual fund and does not come with guaranteed returns, unlike traditional plans, money back, whole life or endowment policies. After the arrival of ULIP maximum numbers of policies were sold out by the marketers' and maximum premiums were collected from the investors'. ULIP was introduced in the market at the time season of market euphoria. During that period, the policy holders were easily used to get high returns and handsome of money because of the stock market reaching new heights every day. This led to the emergence of life insurance plan which is linked to the market returns and within no time, this plan became a huge success.

Life Insurance in India: Performance and Investment Pattern Before Pandemic 2020

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This book consists a study, which is carried out to know the current status (up to 2018-19) of life insurance sector in India. It also studies an awareness and measures the investor's perception and preference about various investment avenues including Life Insurance Plans, in that especially ULIPs which contains dual benefits of risk cover of life and may give good return subject to the stock market performance. Thus, followings are the objectives of the study.1)To study the investment behaviour of retail investors in Surat city. 2)To study the investment pattern of retail investors for life insurance. 3)To study preference about various investment avenues. 4)To study the preference of investors for various types of life insurance plans.For the study secondary data is collected from the reports of IDRA (Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority), the reports of Economic Survey and articles of different journals referred for literature review, whereas the primary data collection is done through survey method whereby the respondents were personally contacted (104 respondents) and with the use of electronic survey through email and other social networking websites (142 respondents). The websites of (49 respondents) and (93 respondents using google forms) is used for the electronic survey so that computer savvy investors could also respond more conveniently. For analysis of data frequency distribution is analyzed with the use of cross-tabulation, chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis Test. As this research work is more focusing on nominal data, Chi-Square Test is preferred. It is used to understand the effect of a different demographic factor on awareness, perception and preference of respondents about different life insurance plans and other investment avenues. Perceptual mapping is used for two-dimensional analysis. It is done for mapping various investment avenues based on two dimensions i.e. risk and return. Two degrees of high and low is used for both (risk & return) of the dimensions to map various investment avenues. Reliability test - Cronbach's Alpha is used to check the reliability of a list of statements for various questions. Factor Analysis is used to find the similarity among certain variables and to identify a single factor representing them all. To come out with the segment profile of the investors' Cluster analysis has been used.