Accounting, Evaluation and Economic Behavior

Book Description

During the 1960s and 1970s a remarkable series of books was produced by academic staff in the field of accounting at the University of Sydney. It was a period when academic research was largely analytical rather than empirically-based. For the most part, the interests of academics at Sydney were largely directed at questioning the status quo - either in the way accounting or auditing was practiced, or in the conventional wisdom expressed in textbooks of the time. The Sydney Accounting Classics series reflects the diversity of interests of the 'Sydney school' at that time. It also recognises the tremendous impact of the foundation professor of accounting, R.J. Chambers. This reprint series ensures that the ideas developed during this period remain available to new generations of scholars and researchers. The Sydney Accounting Classics series is an initiative of the Accounting Foundation, in association with Sydney University Press. Accounting Evaluation and Economic Behavior: This book has been referred to as Chambers' magnum opus, a meticulously researched and argued work describing a framework for accounting practice. This reprint edition opens the way for a new generation of researchers and scholars to read Chambers' work.

Accounting Methodology and the Work of R. J. Chambers (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

This study traces the development of methodology in philosophy and economics with particular focus on the work of Raymond Chambers. As well as analysing the reception on methodological lines, afforded his work by both academic and professional communities, the volume discusses some significant contributions by French and German scholars to the debate about why scientific communities have accepted some theories and rejected others.

Accounting Methodology and the Work of R. J. Chambers (RLE Accounting)

Book Description

This study traces the development of methodology in philosophy and economics with particular focus on the work of Raymond Chambers. As well as analysing the reception on methodological lines, afforded his work by both academic and professional communities, the volume discusses some significant contributions by French and German scholars to the debate about why scientific communities have accepted some theories and rejected others.

Chambers on Accounting

Book Description

This volume is dedicated to the life work of Ray Chambers, who was continually seeking ways to stimulate and advance the development of a demonstrably rigorous and serviceable system of accounting. This search for an ideal led Chambers into myriad environments, an aspect of his life exhaustively illustrated in his "Aide Memoire," which forms part of this memorial volume.

Solvency in Financial Accounting

Book Description

This book examines the notion of solvency at law and in accounting; and reveals inconsistent ways of determining solvency therein. Solvency is a critical commercial financial attribute. Quantifying solvency has been of concern to many across time, particularly with regard to business continuity. This study demonstrates that conventional financial statements are deficient in establishing the financial state of an entity, and equally lacking in quantifying its state of solvency. The book contributes to the literature by drawing on real-world observations of how the meshing of commercial and legal foundations creates the environment in which accounting must serve. The aim of this work is to provide insights into what changes to existing financial reporting systems might assist business in mitigating unexpected business failures and the criticism of accounting in the aftermath. Drawing mainly on major Australian cases, links highlight associations between the language of accounting and the data in financial statements; and situations that may be generalised - that have international significance. Hence, this work is relevant to the interests of a wide range of readers. It is also important from a public policy perspective as regulators grapple with a commercial environment heavily influenced by sometimes perceived scandalous corporate activity. Solvency is a topical and ongoing issue for business and financial accounting.