An Evaluation of the Swedish Active Labor Market Policy

Book Description

About 3% of GNP is spent on government labor market programs in Sweden, compared to 2 % in Germany and less than 0.5% in the U.S. In Sweden these programs include extensive job training, mobility bonuses and unemployment benefits. Reviews of previous literature suggest that job training programs have small effects on wages and re-employment in Sweden, but precise inferences are difficult because of small sample sizes. The authors also investigate alternative reasons for the stability of the Beveridge Curve in Sweden, and compare regional evolutions of employment and unemployment in Sweden and the U.S. Lastly a cross-country analysis is presented showing that the extent of a country's active labor market program is positively associated with the national unemployment rate.

Labour Market Studies

Book Description

Recoge: 1. Analysis of the labour market situation. 2. Labour market institutions. 3. Labour market legislation. 4. Labour market policies. 5. Other policies having an impact on the labour market. 6. The national debate-Policy perspectives.

Labour Market Policy and Unemployment

Book Description

This book examines the effectiveness of active labour market policies and their contribution to the prevention of social exclusion. The evaluation studies reported in this volume focus on two aspects of active labour market policies that have been relatively neglected in previous research and merit special attention. The first part of the book deals with aggregate impact analysis. Using examples from France, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain, the contributors attempt to estimate the impact of active labour market policies on the transition from unemployment to employment using aggregate data at the regional level. Although quantitative in nature, these contributions take into account qualitative aspects such as the socio-economic context of the countries concerned and the structure of active labour market policies. The book then focuses on implementation issues and includes implementation studies carried out in Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden. The qualitative element plays a far more important role in these contributions which rely on case studies and surveys in addition to statistical data.

Makeshift Work in a Changing Labour Market

Book Description

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, people who had never before had cause to worry about losing their jobs entered the ranks of the unemployed for the first time. In Sweden, the welfare state has been radically challenged and mass unemployment has become a reality in what used to be viewed as a model case for a full employment society. With an emphasis on Sweden in the context of transnational regulatory change, Makeshift Work in a Changing Labour Market discusses how the market mediates employment and moves on to explore the ways in which employees adjust to a new labour market. Focusing on the legibility, measurability and responsibility of jobseekers, the expert contributors of this book bring together an analysis of activation policy and new ways of organizing the mediation of work, with implications for the individual jobseeker.

The Structural Crisis in the Swedish Economy

Book Description

This paper focuses on the main institutional features of the Swedish labor market and analyzes the reasons for the high wage inflation and slow productivity growth. The so-called Swedish model, usually identified with an advanced welfare state, has attracted attention from many quarters for its apparent earlier success. One of the distinctive features of the Swedish model has been its unique labor market institution, which combines centralized bargaining with a policy of wage equalization, designed with a view to promoting a favorable macroeconomic performance. The concept of solidaristic wages was initially conceived as equal pay for equal work. Estimates provided by the Swedish Ministry of Finance, indicate that the wage spread for industrial workers, calculated as the difference between the highest and lowest deciles in 1984, was 34 percent for Sweden in contrast to 210 percent for the United Kingdom and 490 percent for the United States.

Labour Market Policy and Unemployment Insurance

Book Description

This second volume from the Swedish Trade Union Research Institute looks at recent research on labor market policies. The question of the extent of government intervention is examined between the two extremes of the effects of unrestricted and unhampered markets on the one hand, and the old Keynesian view of benevolent governments on the other. Job creation policies and labor market programs both in Europe and the United States are reviewed and cost-benefit rules for job-training programs are proposed. Also discussed are general issues concerning unemployment insurance and incentives.