Experimental Investigation of Three-Dimensional Shock Wave Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction: An Exploratory Study of Blunt Fin-Induced Flows

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An experimental study of three-dimensional (3-D) shock wave turbulent boundary layer interaction has been carried out. Interactions generated by fin models having sharp and hemi-cylindrically blunted leading edges have been studied. The emphasis in this particular study was twofold. First, the influence of incoming turbulent boundary layer thickness delta on the streamwise, spanwise and vertical scaling of the interaction was examined. Turbulent boundary layers varying in thickness from .127 cm (.05 in.) to 2.27 cm (0.89 in.) were used. In addition, a study has been conducted to examine the effects of the ratio D/delta (where D is the blunt fin leading edge diameter) on the interaction properties and scaling. Second, an investigation has been started to examine the unsteady shock wave-boundary layer structure and the resulting high frequency, large amplitude pressure fluctuations which occur ahead of and around the blunt fin leading edge. This is an area which in the past has been largely ignored, yet has important implications, since it is not clear that any mean surface property or flowfield measurements have any real physical significant. To date, measurement techniques and computer software have been developed and exploratory measurements made in the undisturbed turbulent boundary layer and also on the plane of symmetry ahead of the blunt fin.

An Experimental Investigation 0f Heat Transfer in Three-Dimensional and Separating Turbulent Boundary Layers

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The turbulence structure of convective beat transfer was studied experimentally in complex three-dimensional and separating turbulent boundary layers. Three test cases whose fluid dynamics have been well documented were examined. In case 1, time- and spatially-resolved surface heat transfer was measured in the nose region of a wing-body junction formed by a wing and a flat plate. Both the wing and the endwall were heated and held at a constant uniform temperature 20 C above ambient temperature. Heat flux rates were increased up to a factor of 3 over the heat flux rates in the approach boundary layer. The rms of the heat flux fluctuations were as high as 25% of the mean heat flux in the vortex-dominated nose region. Away from the wing, upstream of the time-averaged vortex center, augmentation in the heat flux is due to increased turbulent mixing caused by large-scale unsteadiness of the vortex. Adjacent to the wing the augmentation in heat flux is due to a change in the mean velocity field. In case 2, simultaneous surface heat flux and temperature profiles were measured at 8 locations in the spatially-developing pressure-driven three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer upstream of a wing-body junction. Mean heat transfer was decreased 10% by three-dimensionality. The turbulent Prandtl number in the near-wall region of logarithmic temperature variation was approximately 0.9 at all measurement locations in the three-dimensional boundary layer. Profiles of the skewness factor of temperature fluctuations and conditionally-averaged temperature signals during a sweep/ejection event suggest that the strength of ejections of hot fluid from the near-wall region are decreased by three-dimensionality.

Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flow Field and Pressure Fluctuations on Flat Surfaces and Cylinders

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The structure of the fluctuating flow field in a turbulent boundary layer has been investigated with the aid of extremely small hot wire probes. Two investigations were conducted. In one investigations of a small X array hot-wire probe, with dimensions (length and spacing) of the order of 2.5 viscous lengths (100 Microns) was constructed and used to measure the small scale structure of the velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds stress near the wall. It was found that very small, intense contributions to the Reynolds stress occur with a scale of the order of the viscous length. In the other investigation a pair of single hot-wires which were of a length of the order of one half the viscous length (50 Microns) were used to demonstrate the existence of shear layers near the wall with an intensity comparable to the mean shear stress at the wall. One primary results is when large scale turbulence is present in the flow upstream of the cylinder, large amplitude, low frequency circumferentially averaged pressure fluctuations are caused by pressure fluctuations in the free stream turbulence and by the aerodynamic interaction of cylinder with the free stream turbulence. A three-sensor hot-wire probe was used to measure the three components of the velocity fluctuations in the free stream at a point 3.5 diameters from the axis of the cylinder. When the free stream turbulence level was low, the instantaneous average of the pressure fluctuations around the circumference could be estimated from the free stream velocity fluctuations near the measuring point on the cylinder.