An Experimental Study of Spontaneous Imbibition in Horn River Shales

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Massive hydraulic fracturing operations conducted in shale reservoirs create extensive fracture networks to enhance recovery of hydrocarbons from low permeability shale reservoirs. Fluid invasion into the shale matrix is identified as one of the possible mechanisms leading to low fracturing fluid recovery after the fracturing operations. Studying the mechanisms of liquid imbibition into shale matrix is essential for understanding the fate of non-recovered fracturing fluid that can eventually lead to better utilization of water resources by reducing cost and environmental impact. This study aims to investigate effects of base fluid type (aqueous vs. oleic phase), polymer enhanced viscosity, salinity and surfactants in aqueous solutions on the imbibition rate in actual shale samples. The shale samples were collected from Fort Simpson, Muskwa and Otter Park formations, all belong to greater Horn River Basin. The samples were characterised by measuring porosity, wettability (through contact angle measurements), mineralogy (through XRD analysis), TOC, and interpreting wire line log data. We find that imbibition rate of aqueous phase is higher than that of oleic phase. Moreover, we find that imbibition rates of KCl brine, surfactants and viscous polymer solutions are lower than that of fresh water. We find that dimensionless time used to model spontaneous imbibition in conventional rocks requires specific adjustments for application in shales. Based on applied upscaling method, it was found that spontaneous imbibition can cause significant water loss at the field scale during shut-in period after hydraulic fracturing.

Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs

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Provides comprehensive information about the key exploration, development and optimization concepts required for gas shale reservoirs Includes statistics about gas shale resources and countries that have shale gas potential Addresses the challenges that oil and gas industries may confront for gas shale reservoir exploration and development Introduces petrophysical analysis, rock physics, geomechanics and passive seismic methods for gas shale plays Details shale gas environmental issues and challenges, economic consideration for gas shale reservoirs Includes case studies of major producing gas shale formations

Gravimetric Measurement of Spontaneous Imbibition of Water in Organic-rich Shales

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Organic-rich shales in the last decade have become a focus of the oil and gas industry, and currently are the primary source of oil and gas production from Unconventional resources. These resources will be in need of a method of enhanced recovery to maximize lifetime production from each well. Spontaneous imbibition, or the adsorption of a fluid into a porous media due to capillary forces and consequent displacement of non-wetting fluids is a good potential enhanced recovery method. Measuring the amount of spontaneous imbibition in an organic-rich shale is complicated by several challenges compared to traditional oil reservoir rocks, such as the ultra-low permeability and the high clay content. This clay content can often lead to swelling, which can affect imbibition measurements. In this study, a new gravimetric method for measuring spontaneous imbibition is developed that can measure the rate, and volume of spontaneous imbibition as well as the degree of shale swelling. Two organic-rich shales, the Bakken and the Utica were examined and compared to establish the viability of the experimental method. The results of this work suggest that this method is a promising and viable method for measuring the volume and rate of spontaneous imbibition in organic-rich shale. The exposure of organic-rich shales to atmospheric conditions can significantly modify the properties of the shale through drying or hydration of the samples. All of the shales used in experiments in the following study were carefully maintained at their native state before exposure to the imbibition fluids. Additionally, the shale samples were exposed to several surfactant mixtures to measure the effect of these surfactants on the rate of imbibition.

Enhanced Oil Recovery in Shale and Tight Reservoirs

Book Description

Oil Recovery in Shale and Tight Reservoirs delivers a current, state-of-the-art resource for engineers trying to manage unconventional hydrocarbon resources. Going beyond the traditional EOR methods, this book helps readers solve key challenges on the proper methods, technologies and options available. Engineers and researchers will find a systematic list of methods and applications, including gas and water injection, methods to improve liquid recovery, as well as spontaneous and forced imbibition. Rounding out with additional methods, such as air foam drive and energized fluids, this book gives engineers the knowledge they need to tackle the most complex oil and gas assets. Helps readers understand the methods and mechanisms for enhanced oil recovery technology, specifically for shale and tight oil reservoirs Includes available EOR methods, along with recent practical case studies that cover topics like fracturing fluid flow back Teaches additional methods, such as soaking after fracturing, thermal recovery and microbial EOR

Deep Rock Mechanics: From Research to Engineering

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At present, deep earth resources remain poorly understood and entirely under-utilised. There is a growing appreciation of the important role deep earth will play in future sustainability, particularly in opportunities for new and sustainable large-scale energy alternatives, and extraction of resources through mining and greenhouse mitigation. Deep Rock Mechanics: From Research to Engineering is a collection of papers on the effective development of deep earth resources, which were presented at the International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 2018 (Chengdu, P.R. China, 22-24 September 2018). The contributions aim at breaking beyond existing patterns of discovery, to advance research on geomechanical and geophysical processes in deep earth resources and energy development, enhancing deep earth energy and mineral extraction and mitigating harmful atmospheric emissions. Deep Rock Mechanics: From Research to Engineering covers a wide range of topics: 1. Deep rock mechanics and mining theory 2. Water resources development and protection 3. Unconventional oil and gas extractions 4. CO2 sequestrations technologies and nuclear waste disposal 5. Geothermal energy 6. Mining engineering 7. Petroleum engineering 8. Geo-environmental engineering 9. Civil geotechnical engineering Deep Rock Mechanics: From Research to Engineering promotes safer and greener ways for energy and resource production at great depth, and will serve as a must-have reference for academics and professionals involved or interested in geo-mechanics, geo-energy, and geo-resources.

Geochemical and Nanopetrophysical Characteristics of the Horn River Formation

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The Devonian Horn River basin of northeastern British Columbia is the largest producing shale gas field in Canada. It has an estimated 500-600 TCF of light hydrocarbons in place stacked in multiple formations in an over-pressured setting conducive to, but too tight for natural flow. Not until the development of new drilling and production technologies were implemented a little over a decade ago were these massive resource plays able to be exploited. Shale development in British Columbia began in 2005 with the Triassic Montney Play, and shortly after that the Horn River Play in 2007. As of 2012, the Horn River Basin comprises 28% of British Columbia's recoverable gas reserves. However, recoverable gas is only about 15% of gas-in-place, and this phenomenon is the result of rock, pore and fluid characteristics and interactions that restrict the transport of fluid from the pores of the rock matrix, into the natural and induced fracture network and ultimately the wellbore. Research surrounding rock-fluid interactions and dynamics and their relationship with the geochemical properties of the formation is necessary in order to evaluate a reservoir's producibility. Therefore, the focus of this research is centered on studying pore topology and geochemical correlations and their implications to steep production decline in shale gas wells. Several following experimental methods will be utilized: Video wettability measurements and contact angle measurements to understand the rock-fluid interface, Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure experiments to acquire basic petrophysical properties and assess pore-size distribution and architecture, and a spontaneous imbibition study to measure the uptake of fluids via capillary pressure and assess pore connectivity probability. These together, analyzed along with geochemical data and well logs gathered from the Oil and Gas Commission in British Columbia will be used to interpret the producibility within the Horn River Formation's three members.

Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Petroleum Industries and Geothermal Applications

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Geothermal energy is the thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth's core, mantle, and crust. Geothermal technologies are used to generate electricity and to heat and cool buildings. To develop accurate models for heat and mass transfer applications involving fluid flow in geothermal applications or reservoir engineering and petroleum industries, a basic knowledge of the rheological and transport properties of the materials involved (drilling fluid, rock properties, etc.)—especially in high-temperature and high-pressure environments—are needed. This Special Issue considers all aspects of fluid flow and heat transfer in geothermal applications, including the ground heat exchanger, conduction and convection in porous media. The emphasis here is on mathematical and computational aspects of fluid flow in conventional and unconventional reservoirs, geothermal engineering, fluid flow, and heat transfer in drilling engineering and enhanced oil recovery (hydraulic fracturing, CO2 injection, etc.) applications.

Youth Technical Sessions Proceedings

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Over a decade ago the World Petroleum Council launched an initiative to hold an international professional youth forum. The first forum took place in October 2004 in China, and had as its motto: "Young people and innovations are the future of the oil industry." It was the first major event in the history of the WPC in which young professionals and academics had the leading role, and had the opportunity to exchange their ideas in insights on the oil and gas industry with industry leaders and main representatives of the oil and gas industry. Since then, issues of professional development and the disclosure of the creative potential of young industry professionals have been on the agenda of the World Petroleum Council as one of the key areas for the development of international cooperation focused on a strategic perspective. The Future Leaders Forum of the World Petroleum Council VI is the largest international platform for professional communication of young specialists in the oil and gas industry. The contributions in this book are much of interest to professionals and scientists interested or involved in the oil and gas industry or related areas.