A History of the Corruptions of Christianity

Book Description

Originally published by Priestley in 1782, this reprint is of the 1871 edition, which was a reprint of the 1818 edition edited by J.T. Rutt."After examining the foundation of our Christian faith, and having seen how much valuable information we receive from it, in my Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion, it is with a kind of reluctance, that... I must now proceed to exhibit a view of the dreadful corruptions which have debased its spirit, and almost annihilated all the happy effects which it was eminently calculated to produce." (Priestley's Preface, p. x)This is a high quality & very readable reprint.For more books on the Trinity, visit http://trinities.org/books

A History of the Corruptions of Christianity

Book Description

A History of the Corruptions of Christianity By Joseph Priestley, LLD, FRS Contents I-The History of Opinions relating to Jesus Christ II-The History of Opinions relating to the Doctrine of Atonement III-The History of Opinions concerning Grace, Original Sin, and Predestination IV-The History of Opinions relating to Saints and Angels V-The History of Opinions concerning the State of the Dead VI-The History of Opinions relating to the Lord's Supper VII-The History of Opinions relating to Baptism Appendix to Parts VI and VII VIII-A History of the Changes that have been made in the Method of conducting Public Worship IX-The History of Church Discipline X-The History of Ministers in the Christian Church, and especially of Bishops XI-The History of the Papal Power Appendices to Parts X and XI XII-The History of the Monastic Life XIII-The History of Church Revenues The General Conclusion Dr. Priestley's Preface After examining the foundation of our Christian faith, and having seen how much valuable information we receive from it, in my "Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion," it is with a kind of reluctance, that, according to my proposal, I must now proceed to exhibit a view of the dreadful corruptions which have debased its spirit, and almost annihilated all the happy effects which it was eminently calculated to produce. It is some satisfaction to us, however, and is more than sufficient to answer any objection that may be made to Christianity itself from the consideration for these corruptions, that they appear to have been clearly foreseen by Christ, and by several of the apostles. And we have at this day the still greater satisfaction to perceive that, according to the predictions contained in the books of Scripture, Christianity has begun to recover itself from this corrupted state, and that the reformation advances apace. And though some of the most shocking abuses still continue in many places, their virulence is very generally abated; and the number is greatly increased of those who are most zealous in the profession of Christianity, whose lives are the greatest ornament to it, and who hold it in so much purity, that, if it was fairly exhibited, and universally understood, it could hardly fail to recommend itself to the acceptance of the whole world of Jews and Gentiles. The clear and full exhibition of truly reformed Christianity seems now to be almost the only thing that is wanting to the universal prevalence of it. But so long as all the Christianity that is known to heathens, Mahometans, and Jews, is of a corrupted and debased kind; and... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windham Press is committed to bringing the lost cultural heritage of ages past into the 21st century through high-quality reproductions of original, classic printed works at affordable prices. This book has been carefully crafted to utilize the original images of antique books rather than error-prone OCR text. This also preserves the work of the original typesetters of these classics, unknown craftsmen who laid out the text, often by hand, of each and every page you will read. Their subtle art involving judgment and interaction with the text is in many ways superior and more human than the mechanical methods utilized today, and gave each book a unique, hand-crafted feel in its text that connected the reader organically to the art of bindery and book-making. We think these benefits are worth the occasional imperfection resulting from the age of these books at the time of scanning, and their vintage feel provides a connection to the past that goes beyond the mere words of the text.