Infantry in Battle

Book Description

The Evolution of US Army Tactical Doctrine, 1946-76

Book Description

This paper focuses on the formulation of doctrine since World War II. In no comparable period in history have the dimensions of the battlefield been so altered by rapid technological changes. The need for the tactical doctrines of the Army to remain correspondingly abreast of these changes is thus more pressing than ever before. Future conflicts are not likely to develop in the leisurely fashions of the past where tactical doctrines could be refined on the battlefield itself. It is, therefore, imperative that we apprehend future problems with as much accuracy as possible. One means of doing so is to pay particular attention to the business of how the Army's doctrine has developed historically, with a view to improving methods of future development.

A Life in a Year

Book Description

This provocative in-depth book focuses on the experiences of the infantry soldier in Vietnam. More than 60 Army and Marine Corps infantrymen speak of their experiences during their year-long tours of duty.

Blood and Candles

Book Description

In the author's words, taken from the preface: "I went on active duty on the first day of July 1943, and was discharged in March 1946. Between those dates I experienced the frightening, the pathetic, the moving, the ridiculous, the funny and the unbelievable, all to a degree I would not have thought possible. Just short of my twenty-second birthday I entered the Army a bookish, somewhat introverted person. For what happened then, read on." A remarkable story of courage, resourcefulness, tragedy and humor, Blood and Candles is unlike any other account of World War II that has ever been published. The author's combat duty lasted for seven months during which he served as a runner or scout, sometimes finding himself alone behind enemy lines. Once he was even captured by the Americans and was almost shot as a German spy posing as an American. How he got out of that jam and many others will keep the reader fascinated from cover to cover. While the climax of the book describes some of the most intense combat of the war, in which almost everyone around him was killed or seriously wounded, the author's experiences during basic training and after the War, attending the Sorbonne under the auspices of the Army, are equally fascinating.

An Infantryman's Reflections on World War II

Book Description

Ever wonder what a soldier in the Battle of the Bulge encountered? This book was written by a WWII Infantryman who volunteered after hearing news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Tom Lacey was fascinated with aeronautics as a young boy, so naturally, he wanted to be trained to become a pilot; instead, he was assigned to the Army Infantry and volunteered to take a radioman post. Barraged by German artillery, with radio connection completely lost, Lacey later realized he survived the beginnings of the Battle of the Bulge. Of the 200 men in his unit, he was one of 12 to survive from the time of their entry into combat. Rather than discussing the traumas of war, Tom writes of experiencing friendship, heroism, benevolence, innovation, close calls - even humor and sacred beautiful moments. Join him as he recounts the characters from his personal experiences during this intense period in American history that are sure to inspire!

The Gentle Infantryman

Book Description

The ground war on the mainland of Europe began on D-Day, June 6, 1944. After the initial ferocity of the Normandy invasion came the summer's grim deadlines in the hedgerows. The subsequent Allied breakout and dash across France was followed by the battles at the gates of Germany that occupied the entire autumn of 1944. Winter set in. Spring promised a new Allied assault that would sweep into Germany from the west. But the Germans did not intend to wait for spring. In the middle of December, they struck with three Panzer armies in the Ardennes. The attack was swift and unexpeced and drove a "bulge" into the American line. The bitter winter turned brutal as armies surged back and forth leaving trails of blood in the snow. The Germans struck again, this time in Alsace. They hit hard against a thin line. They attacked with Panzers, SS infantry, and crack paratroops. Again, the Americans fought back with a valiant desperation, throwing in all their reserves; now, in the first days of January 1945, they had emptied their infantry replacement depots from Le Havre to the Ardennes and from Marseilles to Alsace. Everything they had was on the line.

Never Tell an Infantryman to Have a Nice Day

Book Description

Tells the experiences of the author in World War II. Includes his combat experiences in the 84th Infantry Division Company H, 335th Regiment in Europe.

The Army Almanac

Book Description

Amerikansk militærhistorie, amerikanske hær's historie. Army Almanac for 1959. Udkom første gang i 1950 (dette ex. er på DEPOT I-1159). KGB har1959-udgaven med ajourførte oplysninger på Læsesalen. En form for grundbog om US Army. Indeholder alle mulige nyttige oplysninger og informationer om den amerikanske hær, organisation, opdeling, enheder, uddannelse, officerskorpset, veteraner, material, våben, uniformer, udrustning, efterretningsvirksomhed, logistikområdet, militærlove, dekorationer og belønninger, oversigt over generaler, hærens relationer til det civile, m.m. samt afsnit om USA's deltagelse i krige og væbnede konflikter fra Uafhængighedskrigene i 1775 til Koreakrigen i 1950, væbnede konflikter, "småkrige", m.m.