An Introduction to Formal Specification with Z and VDM

Book Description

Formal methods emphasize the correct and efficient development of software. This text puts formal specification in the context of traditional methods of software development, including object-orientation, introducing these concepts and the necessary discrete maths, before moving on to look at both Z and VDM in depth, using the case study of a drinks dispensing machine.

An Introduction to Formal Specification and Z

Book Description

Following the sucess of the first edition, the authors have updated and revised this bestselling textbook to take into account the changes in the subject over the past 5 years.

Introducing Specification Using Z

Book Description

Offering an introduction to formal specification using the Z notation, this practical text makes use of a series of case studies, of varying complexity, to illustrate the construction of good specifications in Z. These case studies serve to describe the most frequently used features of Z, the relevant discrete mathematics and the various techniques used. The text also includes an introduction to specification validation, theorem proving and refinement. The importance of formal methods within software engineering is stressed throughout and there are a large number of exercises with solutions.

Formal Methods Fact File

Book Description

Formal Methods Fact File VDM and Z Andrew Harry Formal methods provide a means of specifying computer systems that is unambiguous,concise and well suited to the development of complex software systems for which accuracy and reliability are critical. Heavily mathematical and seemingly difficult to learn, for many they hold little appeal. Andrew Harry speaks as a programmer who has travelled the difficult route to an understanding of formal methods techniques, and knows why it’s worth the effort. He explains, in refreshingly simple terms, what formal methods are, why we need them, what should motivate our choice of methods and how to use them effectively. The book presents a novel view of formal methods, spanning the range of specification techniques. An overview of the different styles of formal notation is followed by detailed chapters on the two most popular languages, VDM and Z, consistent with the latest draft standards. There is a readable account of the underlying maths, a short introduction to semantics for proof, and a survey of tools available. Teaching aids include quick reference appendices on the notation and syntax of VDM and Z; exercises (and their solutions); and a useful glossary of terms. A more populist account than most, this book’s "informal" treatment of the subject will appeal to students and industrial programmers who want to know more but find little on the shelves for the novice. Visit our Web page!

ZUM '98: The Z Formal Specification Notation

Book Description

1 In a number of recent presentations – most notably at FME’96 –oneofthe foremost scientists in the ?eld of formal methods, C.A.R. Hoare,has highlighted the fact that formal methods are not the only technique for producing reliable software. This seems to have caused some controversy,not least amongst formal methods practitioners. How can one of the founding fathers of formal methods seemingly denounce the ?eld of research after over a quarter of a century of support? This is a question that has been posed recently by some formal methods skeptics. However, Prof. Hoare has not abandoned formal methods. He is reiterating, 2 albeitmoreradically,his1987view thatmorethanonetoolandnotationwillbe requiredinthepractical,industrialdevelopmentoflarge-scalecomplexcomputer systems; and not all of these tools and notations will be, or even need be, formal in nature. Formalmethods arenotasolution,butratheroneofaselectionoftechniques that have proven to be useful in the development of reliable complex systems, and to result in hardware and software systems that can be produced on-time and within a budget, while satisfying the stated requirements. After almostthree decades,the time has come to view formalmethods in the context of overall industrial-scale system development, and their relationship to othertechniquesandmethods.Weshouldnolongerconsidertheissueofwhether we are “pro-formal” or “anti-formal”, but rather the degree of formality (if any) that we need to support in system development. This is a goal of ZUM’98, the 11th International Conference of Z Users, held for the ?rst time within continental Europe in the city of Berlin, Germany.

Mathematical Approaches to Software Quality

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to various mathematical approaches to achieving high-quality software. An introduction to mathematics that is essential for sound software engineering is provided as well as a discussion of various mathematical methods that are used both in academia and industry. The mathematical approaches considered include: Z specification language Vienna Development Methods (VDM) Irish school of VDM (VDM) approach of Dijkstra and Hoare classical engineering approach of Parnas Cleanroom approach developed at IBM software reliability, and unified modelling language (UML). Additionally, technology transfer of the mathematical methods to industry is considered. The book explains the main features of these approaches and applies mathematical methods to solve practical problems. Written with both student and professional in mind, this book assists the reader in applying mathematical methods to solve practical problems that are relevant to software engineers.

Specification of Software Systems

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to program specification, illustrating the advantages it confers upon the software development process. Covering all three major specification languages (Larch, VDM, and Z), the book discusses specification in general, the abstraction process, the mathematical tools required, and the main formal methods.

Formal Specification

Book Description

Formal Specification provides the reader with a practical and versatile approach to constructing program specifications. It includes both model-based (Z/VDM) and algebraic (CLEAR) paradigms of specification and emphasizes the range of languages and approaches available. Its main advantage over other specification books is that is offers an unrivaled breadth of coverage of the area, encompassing all the recent important advances.