Open Economy Macroeconomics in Developing Countries

Book Description

A comprehensive and rigorous text that shows how a basic open economy model can be extended to answer important macroeconomic questions that arise in emerging markets. This rigorous and comprehensive textbook develops a basic small open economy model and shows how it can be extended to answer many important macroeconomic questions that arise in emerging markets and developing economies, particularly those regarding monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate issues. Eschewing the complex calibrated models on which the field of international finance increasingly relies, the book teaches the reader how to think in terms of simple models and grasp the fundamentals of open economy macroeconomics. After analyzing the standard intertemporal small open economy model, the book introduces frictions such as imperfect capital markets, intertemporal distortions, and nontradable goods, into the basic model in order to shed light on the economy's response to different shocks. The book then introduces money into the model to analyze the real effects of monetary and exchange rate policy. It then applies these theoretical tools to a variety of important macroeconomic issues relevant to developing countries (and, in a world of continuing financial crisis, to industrial countries as well), including the use of a nominal interest rate as a main policy instrument, the relative merits of flexible and predetermined exchange rate regimes, and the targeting of “real anchors.” Finally, the book analyzes in detail specific topics such as inflation stabilization, “dollarization,” balance of payments crises, and, inspired by recent events, financial crises. Each chapter includes boxes with relevant empirical evidence and ends with exercises. The book is suitable for use in graduate courses in development economics, international finance, and macroeconomics.

The Open Economy Macromodel: Past, Present and Future

Book Description

The impetus for the conference that was the basis for this volume emanated from the influence of two brilliant minds-Egon Sohmen and Adam Klug, who both died at an early age, leaving their families and the professions of economics and economic history with major voids. In the course of research on the origins of Open Economy Macroeconomics, the significant contributions of Egon Sohmen came to the fore. After correspondence with some of those involved in the early development of the Open Economy Macromodel, we turned to Adam Klug for his views on the matter-as he had dealt with the history of intertemporal trade models in his Ph. D. thesis. And it was Adam who suggested the idea of a conference bringing together economists and economic historians. At this point we want to acknowledge the very generous grant from the Egon Sohmen Foundation and the active participation of Dr. Helmut Sohmen and Mrs. Renee Sohmen at the conference. We also want to thank Prof. Sir Aaron Klug, Nobel Laureate, and the Klug family for their support and the financial contribution of the Adam Klug Memorial Lecture Fund at Ben Gurion University. Other institutions that contributed to the conference were the Gianni Foundation; Bank of Israel; University of North Carolina; Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science and Aharon Meir Center for Banking, Bar Ilan University; Department of Economics and Faculty of Social Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Open Economy Macroeconomics in Developing Countries

Book Description

A comprehensive and rigorous text that shows how a basic open economy model can be extended to answer important macroeconomic questions that arise in emerging markets. This rigorous and comprehensive textbook develops a basic small open economy model and shows how it can be extended to answer many important macroeconomic questions that arise in emerging markets and developing economies, particularly those regarding monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate issues. Eschewing the complex calibrated models on which the field of international finance increasingly relies, the book teaches the reader how to think in terms of simple models and grasp the fundamentals of open economy macroeconomics. After analyzing the standard intertemporal small open economy model, the book introduces frictions such as imperfect capital markets, intertemporal distortions, and nontradable goods, into the basic model in order to shed light on the economy's response to different shocks. The book then introduces money into the model to analyze the real effects of monetary and exchange rate policy. It then applies these theoretical tools to a variety of important macroeconomic issues relevant to developing countries (and, in a world of continuing financial crisis, to industrial countries as well), including the use of a nominal interest rate as a main policy instrument, the relative merits of flexible and predetermined exchange rate regimes, and the targeting of “real anchors.” Finally, the book analyzes in detail specific topics such as inflation stabilization, “dollarization,” balance of payments crises, and, inspired by recent events, financial crises. Each chapter includes boxes with relevant empirical evidence and ends with exercises. The book is suitable for use in graduate courses in development economics, international finance, and macroeconomics.

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Book Description

A cutting-edge graduate-level textbook on the macroeconomics of international trade Combining theoretical models and data in ways unimaginable just a few years ago, open economy macroeconomics has experienced enormous growth over the past several decades. This rigorous and self-contained textbook brings graduate students, scholars, and policymakers to the research frontier and provides the tools and context necessary for new research and policy proposals. Martín Uribe and Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé factor in the discipline's latest developments, including major theoretical advances in incorporating financial and nominal frictions into microfounded dynamic models of the open economy, the availability of macro- and microdata for emerging and developed countries, and a revolution in the tools available to simulate and estimate dynamic stochastic models. The authors begin with a canonical general equilibrium model of an open economy and then build levels of complexity through the coverage of important topics such as international business-cycle analysis, financial frictions as drivers and transmitters of business cycles and global crises, sovereign default, pecuniary externalities, involuntary unemployment, optimal macroprudential policy, and the role of nominal rigidities in shaping optimal exchange-rate policy. Based on courses taught at several universities, Open Economy Macroeconomics is an essential resource for students, researchers, and practitioners. Detailed exploration of international business-cycle analysis Coverage of financial frictions as drivers and transmitters of business cycles and global crises Extensive investigation of nominal rigidities and their role in shaping optimal exchange-rate policy Other topics include fixed exchange-rate regimes, involuntary unemployment, optimal macroprudential policy, and sovereign default and debt sustainability Chapters include exercises and replication codes

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Book Description

Employment, the trade balance and relative prices; Money and payments adjustment; Assets markets, capital mobility, and stabilization policy; Portfolio balance and the current account.

Credit, Interest Rates and the Open Economy

Book Description

'This book should be on the reading list of every graduate course in monetary economics. The distinguished contributors not only examine and discuss the nature of money and the conduct of monetary policy in a modern credit economy, but also take an historical perspective through the writings of Cassel, Wicksell, Sraffa and Hicks, as well as Keynes and Kaldor, and extend the theory of money endogeneity (or "horizontalism") to the open economy and economic growth. Interested readers have a feast before them.' - A.P. Thirlwall, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK The horizontalist perspective is an extension of the post-Keynesian approach, that has hitherto focused on a theory of credit and money. This book extends horizontalism beyond its traditional boundaries and makes it consistent with the post-Keynesian theories of output and the open economy. The authors compare and contrast the horizontalist position with various orthodox and non-orthodox views on money. They argue that horizontalism is perfectly compatible with liquidity preference, credit constraints, and a flexible interest-rate mark-up, and address recent developments in banking that reinforce the validity of a horizontal schedule of credit-money. The overall intention is to place horizontalism within the current heterodox tradition as a general theory of the creation of money that is consistent with the post-Keynesian view on macroeconomic policy.

Macroeconomic Policy in an Open Economy

Book Description

Although it is the chief tool for international policy analysis in an international context, the Mundell-Fleming model has come under some scrutiny as being obsolete and weak in microeconomics. The model is used to study monetary and fiscal policy of various exchange rate systems. New Open Economy Macroeconomics attempts to insert market imperfections and microfoundations into its framework, as an alternative to Mundell-Fleming. However, this new structure has raised its own doubts about its viability as an alternative to Mundell-Fleming. The empirical tests of New Open Macroeconomic models do not result in predictions that fit with available evidence. This testing, though, is still in its early stages and the new models continue to hold some promise. This book assembles a series of papers that take differing points of view in theoretical analyses of macroeconomic policies in open economies. These observations provide a solid framework for study, examine applications in two-country models and try and unite Mundell-Fleming with New Open Macroeconomics. With economics a constant in the forefront of the news, the studies here offer a glimpse at the cutting edge of fiscal researc

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Book Description

Advanced textbook offering a broad survey of open economy macroeconomics within a unified framework. Rødseth reviews the theories used in government departments, central banks and financial institutions and that form the basis for most quantitative models of open economies. The resulting policy implications are also considered with reference to current European debate. In addition to the theoretical and policy analysis the book also contains a comprehensive survey of the current state of scholarship in this area.

Open Economy Macroeconomics in Developing Countries

Book Description

This rigorous and comprehensive textbook develops a basic small open economy model and shows how it can be extended to answer many important macroeconomic questions that arise in emerging markets and developing economies, particularly those regarding monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate issues. Eschewing the complex calibrated models on which the field of international finance increasingly relies, the book teaches the reader how to think in terms of simple models and grasp the fundamentals of open economy macroeconomics. After analyzing the standard intertemporal small open economy model, the book introduces frictions such as imperfect capital markets, intertemporal distortions, and nontradable goods, into the basic model in order to shed light on the economy's response to different shocks. The book then introduces money into the model to analyze the real effects of monetary and exchange rate policy. It then applies these theoretical tools to a variety of important macroeconomic issues relevant to developing countries (and, in a world of continuing financial crisis, to industrial countries as well), including the use of a nominal interest rate as a main policy instrument, the relative merits of flexible and predetermined exchange rate regimes, and the targeting of "real anchors." Finally, the book analyzes in detail specific topics such as inflation stabilization, "dollarization," balance of payments crises, and, inspired by recent events, financial crises. Each chapter includes boxes with relevant empirical evidence and ends with exercises. The book is suitable for use in graduate courses in development economics, international finance, and macroeconomics.