Analisi del discorso e patologia del linguaggio

Book Description

Questo volume offre una sintesi dei più recenti risultati della ricerca neuropsicologica e linguistica sulle modalità di elaborazione del discorso e della conversazione. La trattazione degli argomenti viene integrata con tabelle riassuntive ed è arricchita da due appendici in cui sono rispettivamente forniti un modello operativo di analisi del discorso ed una serie di esempi tratti da soggetti normali e patologici. Rivolto a studenti dei corsi di Laurea in Logopedia e Psicologia e specializzandi in Neuropsicologia, il volume fornisce anche un contributo importante alla realizzazione del programma riabilitativo più adatto che permetta il massimo recupero funzionale del paziente.

Ambient Assisted Living

Book Description

This book documents the state of the art in the field of ambient assisted living (AAL), highlighting the impressive potential of novel methodologies and technologies to enhance well-being and promote active ageing. The coverage is wide ranging, with sections on assistive devices, elderly people monitoring, home rehabilitation, ICT solutions for AAL, living with chronic conditions, robotic assistance for the elderly, sensing technologies for AAL, and smart housing. The book comprises a selection of the best papers presented at the Fifth Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living, which was held in Catania, Italy, in September 2014 and brought together end users, technology teams, and policy makers to develop a consensus on how to improve provision for elderly and impaired people. Readers will find that the expert contributions offer clear insights into the ways in which the most recent exciting advances may be expected to assist in addressing the needs of the elderly and those with chronic conditions.

Arbitration Awards

Book Description

This volume focuses on arbitration awards as a discursive genre and draws on the results of research on the discourses of international commercial arbitration conducted within the framework of an international project (“International Commercial Arbitration Practices: A Discourse Analytical Study”) setting out to explore the hypothesis that, as suggested in recent times by various scholars, arbitration practice, procedures and discourses are being increasingly contaminated by litigation, thus compromising the integrity of arbitration principles. The genre investigated is especially interesting in this respect, as arbitration awards represent the final textual outcome of arbitration proceedings. The various chapters of the book, based on the analysis of different international corpora of arbitration awards in various languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese), attack the same theme, investigating different aspects of the discursive construction of awards, with a view to identifying any elements of interdiscursivity that may provide evidence for or against the main hypothesis. The discussion of these issues also has theoretical relevance, as it provides interesting insights into the mechanisms that preside over the contamination and hybridization among genres in professional practice.

Il disordine fonologico nel bambino con disturbi del linguaggio

Book Description

L'opera vuole tradurre in proposte operative i presupposti teorici ricavati dagli ultimi studi, condotti nell'ambito del modello di sviluppo della lingua, nei suoi aspetti fonetici e fonologici. In particolare, viene qui sottolineata l'importanza di rivedere e modificare le tecniche di valutazione, analisi e trattamento del disordine fonologico, presente nei casi di disturbo del linguaggio. Le esemplificazioni e le proposte di trattamento riabilitativo applicate all'analisi di casi clinici, sono il risultato del lavoro condotto con alcuni bambini seguiti in terapia; insieme a loro sono stati elaborati molti dei giochi e degli esercizi descritti nel presente volume. Il testo sarà un utile strumento per studenti di logopedia e un indispensabile riferimento per logopedisti già professionalmente attivi, che desiderino approfondire e aggiornare le loro conoscenze.

Discourse, Ideology and Specialized Communication

Book Description

This book approaches the issue of ideology in specialized communication in professional, institutional and disciplinary settings across domains as diverse as law, healthcare, corporate management, migration, NGOs, etc. What unites the contributors is their commitment to a discourse view of language use, i.e., the view that organisational and professional practices are rooted in social, ideological orders, although a variety of perspectives on the exact nature of the relationship between ideology and discourse can be discerned in individual chapters. The acts of interpretation - by participants and analysts alike - are invested in ideology, explicitly or implicitly. This manifest/hidden duality surrounding ideology-in-discourse constitutes the main focus. Challenging the traditional presumption of objectivity, impersonality and non-involvement that has often characterized research on Language for Specific Purposes, this book demonstrates how the specialized communication setting is a critical site where ideology is intrinsically embodied in discursive practices.

Linguaggio e cognizione

Book Description